Manoe Konings Funeral (2025)

1. Manoe Konings Fanpage - Facebook

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  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

2. In Memoriam (4) 2019 -

  • On February 18, 2019 she passed away. She will be in our hearts forever. May she rest in peace. Nellie Seesink, one of the orchestra members, will take over her ...

  • Made with XARA Webdesigner

3. Manoe Konings - Andre Rieu orchestra - Digital Spy Forum

  • 13 okt 2020 · Looking on Google, there seems to be a suggestion that Manoe Konings, the excellent clarinetist in the orchestra, had died.

  • Looking on Google, there seems to be a suggestion that Manoe Konings, the excellent clarinetist in the orchestra, had died.

4. Amore - André Rieu

  • About 16 years ago our clarinettist Manoe Koning became very ill, she had breast cancer. But her will to survive and to continue making music together with ...

5. When did Manoe Konings die? - Answers

6. Manoe Konings -

  • Bevat niet: funeral | Resultaten tonen met:funeral

  • Made with XARA Webdesigner

7. Interview met Manoe Konings van André Rieu's Johann Strauss Orkest

  • Bevat niet: funeral | Resultaten tonen met:funeral

  • Op de site van de Academie voor Zelfherstel heeft Pascale een interview met Manoe Konings van het Johann Strauss Orkest van André Rieu geplaatst. Mathilda E

8. Manoe Konings - Andre Rieu Translations

  • Manoe Konings Andre Rieu, Johann Strauss Orchestra, JSO, information, biography, news, background and history.

  • Manoe Konings Andre Rieu, Johann Strauss Orchestra, JSO, information, biography, news, background and history.


  • 21 dec 2020 · I did not attend her funeral either." How are you doing? André ... Manoe Konings was already being "incorporated" by André Rieu during ...

  • An André Rieu Fansite For English Speaking Fans Around The World!

10. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings

  • 11 jan 2012 · Edward Powell Sandbach Cheshire U.K. Manoe is I feel, a real star in Andre's orchestra,I enjoy everything she does on stage, a real joy to watch ...

  • An André Rieu Fansite For English Speaking Fans Around The World!

11. Very Rare Antique Print of the Kings Celebrations in Pegu, Myanmar, 1682

  • Plate: 'Konings feesten tot Pegu.' (Kings celebrations in Pegu.) manoe konings funeral. manor konings. Request additional images or videos from the seller.

  • For Sale on 1stDibs - Plate: 'Konings feesten tot Pegu.' (Kings celebrations in Pegu.) On this plate: 1. The King. 2. And the Queen, sprinkling water on each other. 3. Their

12. Interview met Manoe Konings van André Rieu's Johann Strauss Orkest

  • Bevat niet: funeral | Resultaten tonen met:funeral

  • Leestijd: 7,5 minuten

13. Andre Rieu, page about the start of the violinist Andre Rieu

  • away in Dec 2000, at his funeral we played: Andre's Serenata with the ... captured from my tape. Signature of Suzan Erens, Manoe Konings, Arthur ...

  • How I 'discovered' Andre!In April 1995, I was in Holland on vacation and my Dad and I were watching the semi- final of the UEFA Cup soccer.  Dad has always been a sports fanatic and when I was young we always watched soccer and speed skating together, and we went to games and events.  The semi final was between the Ajax from Amsterdam; and the Bayern Munich from Munich. The first game of the semi-final was played in Munich and ended in 0-0  The second game was played in the Ajax stadium in Amsterdam and it was an extremely exciting game and before half time Holland was ahead 3 to 1.  So the fans were already going crazy.  Then half time started and on walked this man with long hair and a violin.   What in the world was that, during such an important and exciting game they had a violinist???    And then he started to play!   It did not take long of all those soccer fans were singing and swaying along.   Dutch and German alike.  I believe there were 65.000 soccer fans singing, swaying and waving flags to Andre's second waltz.  I was sold and Dad loved it too,at home we too were singing.    Ajax won the game with 5 to 2.  (Ajax won the final against AC Milan with 1 to 0). And  Andre scored a major hit with that performance.   Holland was Waltzing.  Andre became the Waltz King.    Of course I had to go back to the US,  but since that experience whenever I am in Holland I will hunt for CDs and videos.  When Andre was on TV, my Dad would be yelling: "Sonja, your friend is on TV", e...

14. Manoe Konings: albums, nummers, afspeellijsten | Luister op Deezer

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  • Alle topnummers, -albums en - afspeellijsten

15. jso_new_members -

  • Manoe Konings; Mirusia Louwerse. Mirusia Louwerse (1) · Mirusia Louwerse (2) · Mirusia Louwerse (3) · Mirusia Louwerse (4) · Mirusia Louwerse (5) · Mirusia ...

Manoe Konings Funeral (2025)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.