Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 82 [i.e. 86], no. 49 (1999 December 8) (2025)




Vol.~ No. 49
Gf Horse Fair 2000
Scheduled in Perry
The Georgia Horse Council (GHC) is moving ahead in its efforts to complete the final preparations for the GHC Horse Fair 2000 scheduled at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Ga. on Jan. 15 and 16.
Building upon the success of last year's fair, the GHC is adding more activities than ever. In addition to the appearance of Richard Shrake, who will demonstrate his "Resistance FreeTM" training methods, there will be demonstrations of various riding disciplines. Just a sampling of the riding demonstrations includes dressage performances by the Georgia Dressage and Combined Training Association; hunter-jumper and western horsemanship exhibitions by Wesleyan College; barrel racing demonstrations; drill team performances; driving exhibitions; and, breed demonstrations including Paso Finos, Morgans, Quarterhorses, Arabians, Appaloosas, Paints, Haflingers,
(Continued on Page 12)
Crop Disaster Program
Signup Announced
U.S. farmers who have suffered severe crop losses due to national disasters can begin to sign up for cash grants starting December 13, according to Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman. To be eligible, farmers must have lost at least 35 percent of their 1999 crops because of natural disasters. The deadline to file applications is February 25, 2000.
"While the economy in general is doing very well, American farmers are still feelihg the pressure of low prices, and, in many cases, the effects of natural disasters," said Glickman. "This assistance will help farmers hit by disaster survive until conditions improve."
The fiscal year 2000 agriculture appropriations act provided $ l.2 billion for the Crop Disaster Program. Eligible farmers will receive an advance payment equal to 35 percent of their projected total payment as soon as their application is approved. Participants will receive their final payment after all applications have been received and approved.
For additional information, farmers can contact their local U.S. Department ofAgriculture Service Center or the Farm Service Agency local office, usually listed in telephone directories under "U.S. Government, Department of Agriculture" or on the Internet at

Wednesday December 8, 1999

Copyright 1999

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Flea Markets, Fruit Stands Regulated By

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Georgia.Department of Agriculture
Georgia consumers who attend flea markets and roadside stands, the

markets or visit roadside stands are urged

Department has established that all food

by the Georgia Department of products and locations selling food

Agriculture to take note of food products

products are subject to inspection for

which may not comply with Georgia compliance with Consumer Protection

State Food Laws.

Food Division Regulations.

Canned goods are extremely

Before purchasing questionable food

dented, rusted, swollen, mislabeled, or products at "cheap" prices, consumers

. t:/ :\;rt:;;A:: ~.

have been offered for sale past the "sell by" date, are prohibited from sale. State

are urged to consider whether the money saved by buying the lower-priced items

Food Laws apply to flea markets and

are worth the risk of illness.

roadside stands as they do to grocery

Flea market and fruit stand operators

stores and supermarkets in Georgia.

are reminded that the food regulations are

Following an in-depth review of flea

in effect on Saturdays and Sundays, and

that the Department is taking an active

Risk Management Focus Of Upcoming Workshop

role in monitoring and inspecting these businesses on weekends.
For more information or to register a

USDA's Risk Management Agency and the National Farmers Organization are providing a risk management

complaint about a food product, call the Consumer Protection Division toll-free, 1-800-282-5852.

workshop for farmers Monday,

December 13, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., at the Rural Development Center in Tifton, Ga.

Winter Equine

According to the RMA, the workshop, "Facing the Market: Strategies for a New

Edition Set for Jan. 19

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Grain Marketing Era," will remove the mystery from risk management and give farmers sophisticated, yet easy-tounderstand ideas they can use immediately. The seminar is designed to provide down-to-earth advice on using marketing plans, calculating production costs, crop insurance, and limiting volatile cash market risk.
The workshop sessions and the respective speakers are as follows: 'Economics of Alternative Production Practices in Cotton Production" by Dr. Don Shurley, professor/economist for cotton and peanuts at the University of Georgia; "A New Crop of Insurance -
(Continued on Page 11)

The Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin special winter equine edition is scheduled for Jan. 19. This issue will include notices for horse shows and events in January, February, and March, as well as listings of horses at stud, boarding facilities and ads for miscellaneous equine equipment and supplies. A 30-word limit will be observed for these notices. Deadline for the edition is Jan. 5.
Notices included in the "Equine for Sale" category and "At Stud" column must be accompanied by a copy of a valid, negative Coggins test (made within the past 12 months); otherwise, they will not be published.

>.::< <>" ;~~~~~~umer line

In addition, the Georgia .Animal Protection Act requires boarding and

breeding facilities to be licensed.

I would like to know if it is legal for companies to add water to hams.

Current license number must be

Yes, it is. Water is added to .most hams during the curing process. The ingredients used to cure the meat (along with other additives_ such as fillers and binders) are mixed in water and injected into the meat. Some of the hams are returned to their original weight by the end of the curing process and some retain extra fluid. Hams may look similar, but check the labels to see which ones have added weight. For example, if it says "cooked ham" with no qualifying statements,

submitted with notices for "At Stud" and "Boarding Facilities." Notices submitted without this information will not be published. For licensing information and applications, call (404) 656-3713.

the product does not have added water. If the label says ''ham-water added,'' it will

have 10% or less of its total weight in water. Any product containing more than

10% water must state the percentage on the label. In the past, water was the only

ingredient measured when labeling ham, but in recent years, other additives, such as protein, have been measured, as well.
Ifyou have problems or questions about products or services regulated by the Georgia

Special Handicraft Edition

Department ofAgriculture, write: Consumer Services, Room 224, Agriculture Building, 19 ML. King Jr. Dr., Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4201, or call toll-free, 1-800-282-5852

See Pages 10-11

(statewide), or in metro Atla1Jta, 404-656-3645.

Page 2


Wednesday December 8, 1999

Farmers & Consumers Market Bulletin Advertising Guidelines

'S5 MF 1700 hrs., $6000; 931 horse drawn mowing machine, cutting harrow, $400. T. Kuykendall Ball Ground 770-735-3532
'S6 GMC spreader, 12' littler body, good

20' Gooseneck trailer, pressure treated floor, dual axles, elec. brks. w/ramps, good cond., $2300/obo. M. Thornbrough Adairsville 770-773-9090

Caroni 4' finishing mower, exc. cond, $550. G. Slaton Alpharetta 770-475-7749
Case 350 front-end loader, good condition. Frank Wilkes Eatonton 706-4S5-4S27

cond. ready to work, $S500. John Whitsel 20-T wood splitter, 5 hp., $700, used very Case loader, mid 60's mdl., new carb., new

All Advertisements published in the Market Bulletin must relate to the fanming/agricultural industry or be a part thereof; any and all item(s) submitted for sale through the BULLETIN must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) must be produced by the advertiser on his/her own fanming operation, 2) must be made by the advertiser from materials on his/her own fanming operation, 3) must be owned and used by the advertiser on his/her own fanming operation for a period of at least 90 days prior to offering for sale through the BULLETIN. Businesses, corporations, dealerships or other commercial enterprises are not allowed to advertise in the MARKET BULLETIN. Commercial is defined as intended for mass market; handling large quantities of product for distribu1ion (i.e., more than normal household or fanm quantities); supported by advertisement (i.e., advertisement in publications other than the BULLETIN; listed as "business" in telephone directories or "yellow pages", etc.). Other indicators include, but are not limited to, holding business licenses and holding regulatory licenses/penmits/registrations. The edfor has the au1hority to designate the length of ads and the number of ads that may be placed by a family unit in any issue of the BULLETIN. Currently, only one (1) notice may be placed by any family unit in any issue of the BULLETIN. Family unit refers to all individuals sharing the same residence, address or telephone number. Each notice submitted for publication must be in writing, legible, on a single sheet of paper separate from any other notice, and be accompanied by the name of the category and the name, mailing and street address(es) and telephone number of the person submitting the same. At the end and below the text of the notice, the following statement must be included and signed by the person submitting the notice: I hereby certify that the above notice meets all the necessary requirements for publication in the FARMERS AND CONSUMERS MARKET
.BULLETIN. Items for sale or services offered in any notice must confonm to all laws and regulations covering sale and movement of the same. Ads for some categories must meet certain requirements. Advertisers are advised to review requirements under ad categories before submitting their notices. Note: Due to space limitations, all ad guidelines cannot be listed in the BULLETIN each week. Advertisers who have questions concerning these guidelines may call 1-800-282-5852, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney at 404-651-9084.

Only farm work or farm help wanted

advertisements allowed. No commercial,

industrial or domestic employment


Athens H/H & Foxhunter barn looking for

exp., dependable part-time barn help-feed,

stalls, turnout, possible riding/showing, housing,

small salary. Jan Hoffman

Athens 706-20S-0527

Dependable & experienced seeking horse

care job in Canton area. Sandy Smith Canton

Friday, or write: Market Bulletin, Georgia Department of Agriculture, 19 MLK Jr. Drive, Atlanta,

Comer 706-7S3-3055 706-7S3-5S42

little, vertical, horizontal, call after 5:30 p.m. battery,, need tires, Wisc. engine, $2800. J.

'S9 Case 5SO K rebuilt, shuttle, tires, 75%, Eddie Ray Monticello 706-46S-24S1

Colvard Elberton 706-2S3-7533

GA 30334-4250

SO%, 36" bucket, good condition, $16,000. 25 KW PTO driven generator, 240 single Champion pecan cracker, mounted on two

Ads will be published only once each time Tony Crowley Reynolds 912-S47-4397

phase output, mounted to hvy. duty 3-pt hitch, wheel trailer, w/digital scales, $3500, good

submitted unless the advertiser specifies in writing on the notice that the ad is to be published more than one week. Ads may be published consecutively up to a maximum of four (4) weeks. A new notice must be submitted after each maximum 4-week period tt the advertiser wants the advertisement to continue. Ads cannot be
.taken via telephone. Ads are computer referenced by telephone number, so it is essential that the advertiser's telephone number be submitted with each ad. Advertisers who do not want a telephone number printed in their ads should note this fact on the face of the advertisement furnished to the BULLETIN. There is a 20-word limit for advertisements; name, town, phone number. or name and complete address must be included in the 20-word limit. The MARKET BULLETIN reserves the right to edit
.notices. Georgia residents only may advertise in the MARKET BULLETIN with the following exception: out-of-state residents may advertise only in the Out-of-State Wanted category. Ads must be received no later than Wednesday noon in order to appear in the following week's paper. Send ads to:
MARKET BULLETIN Ga. Dept. of Agriculture 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Atlanta, GA 30334-4250
Advertisers who have ads running for more than one week may call to cancel their ads if the items sell before the ad expires. To cancel or correct an ad, simply call the department's toll free number, 1-800282-5852, 8 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.

'S9 mdl. Cub Cadet, 17 hp. hyd. static 46" mower deck, hyd. lift, !ripple bagger, exc. cond. George Nelms Lawrenceville 770963-6S50
'91 Ford 1520 4 WD, dsl., low hrs., turf tires, pis, 60" belly mower, exc. cond, $7000. Eric McGrite Kennesaw 770-975-3339 770514-1721
'94 Model, front-end loader, used on a Belarus 310, tractor, exc. cond, $2SOO. J. Crum Valdosta 912-247-7425
'96 Case, IH mdl. 4210, 4DW, canopy, front loader, 72 hp., like new, SO hrs., $25,000. Bill Balenger Cornelia 706-77S-9542
'97 Hooper flatbed 3 axle, 24' gooseneck trailer, w/dovetail & ramps., $3000. Marvin Johnson Tennille 912-552-1043
'97 JD 5200, 4S5 hrs., $14,000; '7S JD 2040 1590 hrs., $10,500; '90 Ford 6610, $1700. Dale Wiley Covington 770-464-3S15
'97 JD GT 275 lawn tractor, $2000; 16' trailer, $900; '92 Ford F-150, $4500. Henry Martin Waynesboro 706-554-5445
'97 Woodmizer Super hyd., portable sawmill, 40 hp., dsl., elec. brks., 1000 hrs., blades totally hyd., $2450. R. Steele Buchanan 770-646-1476
'9S Case S5XT, skid steer loader, 115 hrs., 77 hp., extra wide tires, 120 hrs., exc. cond., $26,000. Doug Collins Blairsville 706-745c 2942
'9S Ford 4630 turbo dsl., hyd. shift, 17S hrs., canopy super clean, $16,S50. N. Joyner Gray 912-471-7503 912-7SS-0304
'9S Kubota L3600 tractor, 4WD, p/s, 39 hp., S/Ssp., shuttle shift, front-loader, 6' bucket, $1S,500. C. Chandler Carrollton 770-S322364

frame or free standing, $3000. George Coggin Franklin 770-251-19S5
2950 JD, $10,750; 3255 JD cab-air, $30,000; Rhino 12' rotary mower, $2000; MF 12' harrow, $1500, also others. J. R. Traylor Moultrie 912-9S5-S762
3-pt. hitch boom, never used, $50 Terry Cain Ringgold 706-937-7006
3020 JD 3-pt. hitch, wide front, good paint, good tires, exc. cond., field ready, $7000. Sonny Goode Lexington 706-743-3SOS
3S4 lnt'I tractor dsl., p/s, remote hyd., $4500. John Brawley Suches 706-S3S-4222
4' bushhog, $400; spreader, $200; post driver, $S70; hay elevator, $300. C. Berdanier Watkinsville 706-769-6923
40' drop deck flatbed trailer, tandem axle, hvy: duty, $1500. C. Greeson Ringgold 706673-3619
40' portable grain auger, $475; Eurospand fert. spreader mdl. 533 R, $700; 6' Land Prid pulverizer $700. Stephen Feitshans Perry 912-9S7-4176
4240 JD tractor, quad range, new clutch, and in excellent condition, $17,000. Scott Eugene Knight Dudley 912-676-4149
450 JD crawler; dsl., 6 way-blade & root rake, $12,500; G JD, $3975; 6000 Ford dsl., $2975. J. Sullivan Vidalia 912-537-4944
49-B JD tractor, very good cond., orig. paint, $4000/nego. G. Williamson Lyons 912526-S965
5 900 x 20 tires wheels, air brake, dolly springs, $200 firm in Hancock Co. runs good, 3 new tires, Kraemer Smyrna 770-432-3139
5 Tower Jockwood & rainbow pivot, 3 tower valley & rainbow pivot. Wayne Fussell Ambrose 912-393-3102

condition. Clyde Collins Gray 912-9S6-6527
Chipper/shredder, Troy-Bill, S hp., super Tomahawk, elec. start, extra accessories, always sheltered, $900. Paul Haynes Blairsville 706-745-7216
Chipper/shredder, used very little,
Craftsman, 5 hp., $450. F. J. Prices
McDonough 770-957-11S7
Coleman Powermate generator, 5000 watt., elec. start, 120/240, 41/21 amps, 10 hp., $600. Phil Reid Meansville 770-567-339S
Complete 2-way farm radio system, tower, base station, 12 mobile units, good cond. G. C. Dean Lea!}'. 912-792-6637
Craftsman blower chipper grinder, 5 hp., w/vacuum hose kit, used little, $250. V. R. Stanley Rome 706-291-9279
Craftsman task handler, rear end tiller, S hp., $400. L. Vaeth Norcross 770-466-2732
Cub Cadet 104, good for restoring, $400; old Troy-Bill Horse, $350. Lee Eubanks Smyrna 770-435-3519
Holiday Closing Notice
The offices of the Market Bulletin will be closed Friday and Monday, Dec. 24 and 27 in observance of the Christmas holidays. Because of the holiday schedule, advertisements will need to be received by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17 in order to be published in the Dec. 29 paper.
Access the Market Bulletin via the Georgia Department of Agriculture Home Page at:

Please ask for the person who is responsible for the ad you want to cancel or correct. The person's name and telephone extension can be found under the ad category heading. Cancellations or corrections called in by Friday noon will be reflected in the next issue the following Wednesday. Cancellations or corrections called in after Friday noon are not effective until one week after the following Wednesday. Advertisers are reminded that new ads or changes to existing ads must be mailed to the BULLETIN office; these cannot be taken over the phone.

'9S NH 1320 tractor, & XT 14S Woods mower. Roger Brinkley Cairo 912-377-501S
1 2-row cultivator frames w/planters & fertilizer dist., 1 2-row culti. frame w/G-Whiz, new paint on both. Brandon Osborne Vidalia 912-537-S157
1 Cub Cadet.12 hp., w/36" rote tiller; t Cub Cadet 1O hp., w/42" deck, also other. Harlen Langford West Point 706-645-2S62
1 Ford backhoe attachment, complete, strong, tight, no leaks, 36" bucket, $2500. G.C. Brown Per!}'. 912-9SS-4360

5 hp. rear tine tiller, yard machine, used
about, 5 hr., $300. J. c. Simmons
Gainesville 770-532-S2S6
5' Covington bushhog, $400; S disc Athens harrow, $400. J. Worley Canton 770-479343S
5' Pittsburg harrows, $375; 5' box blade, $150; 5' tilting rotating , ditching, scrape blade, $200, also others. Ricky McCkeskey Macon 912-9S6-4146
5' Woods finishing mower, 3-pt. hitch mdl., good cond., $450; 6' Marvel 600 tree cutter/bushhog, cuts up to 6" trees, good Click on "What's New," look under Agency Directory and select Current Issue under the Market Bulletin heading. Note: advertisements for the Market Bulletin cannot be accepted via e-mail.
No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system without the written consent of the Georgia Department of Agriculture.
The Market Bulletin is printed on recycled paper .

1 Frick saw mandrel, 3" dia. by 13' long w/2 cond., $900. Mike Housworth Commerce

Weekend position feeding, mucking,

turnout 16 horses, horse care experience





salary/lessons/board. Cindy Farmer

Hoschton 770-967-2007


roller bearings, S" saw collar, exc. cond. C. W.

Jones Dixie 9t2-263-556S

1 JD 4620 w/cab, 4430 w/cab, 2630, 2020,

good condition. Paul Newton Sylvania 912-


1 farm trailer axle, w/rims & tires, 72", $125/obo. Wendell Bailey Lithia Springs



5000 Ford dsl. tractor, S speed, live shaft, pis, looks good, runs strong, w/6' rotary mower, $S500. Ray Coniff Atlanta 770-S9S0026
5100 IH grain drill, 13' 32 bu. hopper, good cond., $1500. Jerry Quick Pavo 912-S592692

(ISSN 0889-5619)
is published weekly
by the

10' JD grain drill, mdl. 615, lnt'I combine, 4 52 Ford SN, exc. cond., many new parts,

Department of Agriculture

If you have questions regarding this category, call Brenda Donnell at 404-651-9082.

row JD planter, S' harrow, sickle mower, 4 row culti., 3 & 4 gang btm. plow, other. R. Laircey Statesboro 912-764-3303

$3200. John Gibson Per!}'. 912-937-3663 6' Howse rotary cutter, $650. Bill Scully
Toccoa 706-2S2-1 S45

19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4250

Only farm machinery and equipment 1010 JD tractor, gas, w/6' harrow, good owned by the advertiser and used in cond., $3SOO. Reed S. Brooks Mcintyre 912his/her own farming operation can be 946-S932 advertised; those persons advertising for 135 MF dsl tractor, $3000. GreeneG. Thrift

6' box blade $325, 6' harrow $575, 6 finishing mower $675, 4' scrape blade $225, H. fork $175, subsoiler $135. Ed Pastizzo Plains 912-S24-3269

Office hours 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Tommy Irvin, Commissioner
Carlton Moore, Editor

machinery and equipment wanted must Collins 912-6S4-3970

6' bushhog Taylor-Way, HD, new gearbox,

Randy Cox, Managing Editor


be seeking those items for their own 135 MF tractor, converted to LP gas, new seals & drive, shaft good cond., $475. D.

Pat Glenn, Cir. Mgr.

Dependable and experienced horse person will provide care while you are away, feeding, turn-out, stalls, ref. available, Loganville and surrounding areas. Dianne Cassara Loganville 770-554-S574
Family seeking farm employment and housing at reduced rent, 20 yrs. mechanical and horse experience including showing, training and breeding. M. Folds Douglasville 770-947-S005

farming o~eration.
'52 Massey Harris pony, w/culti., turning plow, cutting harrow, $42QO, call aft. 4 pm. James Kittle LaFayette 706-764-239S
'44 JD A all fuel, complete motor stuck, no starter, hand crank, $1200; Cub Farmall complete tractor, hand lift, $1200. Billy Guthrie Douglas 912-3S4-7430 912-3592411
'47 JD B gas burner, looks good, runs

back tires, runs & works good, $4000. Jim Harp Eastman 912-374-2366
16 & 20 disc harrow, $525-$575; post digger 9" auger, $400; 6' scrape blade, $250 dirt scoop, $225, other- cash. M. Crosby Blackshear 912-449-6573
16' Gooseneck trailer, steel floor, 3 axles, $1400. Franklin Hyman Rt 3 Box 4. Sparta 310S7 706-444-7241 -
165 MF good cond., $4500; one S' harrow,

Mullis Good Ho~e 770-207-9174 6' bushhog, $475, Ford mdl. 600, like new
cond. B. Thompson Fayetteville 770-231S714
6', S disk, King harrow, slightly used, $750. E. Hodge Cleveland 706-S65-2593
6KVA dsl generator set, $2000, 45KW dsl. generator, 5K, good cond., other. David Dickson Gray 706-557-2504
77 AC gleaner F2 combine w/corn head &

In order to subscribe to the MARKET BULLETIN, you may call 404-656-3722 (8 a.m.4:30 p.m.) or send request to the above address. There is no charge for Georgia residents to receive this publication: out-ofstate residents are charged $10.00 annually.
Address all requests to be added to or removed from the mailing list, change of address and Form 3579 to the MARKET BULLETIN office at the above address. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:

Female wants job on farm helping couple or great, .045 over size pistons, rebuilt carb., $400. B. Eason Claxton 912-739-2566

15' grain head, $4500/obo. Shane Brown


elderly gentleman. Norma Johnson Hahira lgts. & elect. start, $2000. F. Thomas 1S' 3 112 ton utility trailer, dual axle, White 770-3S6-65SO


Barnesville 770-35S-0759

w/ramps, all new paint, lgts., floor & tires, S disc, 24" new disc. hyd., pull type, cyl.

Gentle, quiet lady or couple, sober, wanted to '52 AC mdl. B, restored, must see, many w/brks., bumper pull, $1795.. James missing, Taylor-Way harrow, $350, also

MARKET BULLETIN 1g Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Atlanta, GA 30334-4250

live on 10 A. property in NW Ga. in exchange for part-time help. J. Haulk Rome 706-234-2S62
Mature, .healthy, sgl. female needed in bird farm, small chores, non-smoker, ref., in

extras, $2200 firm. J. Reeves Tucker 770934-175S 770-621-3901
'52 Ford SN, major engine overhaul, good tires, lift, body, paint, 12V system, $3200.

Kennemur Canton 770-479-9096 1945 JD A, 1953 JD 50 and JD LA, no tag,
$2500 each. Terry Dean Waycross 912-2S59995

others. G. Chamber Ellenwood 770-4747600
977 L loader, strong running machine, good condition, $20,000, call aft. 7 pm. Hewitt Smith

To advertise, you must be a resident of Georgia, out-of-state wanted column is the only exception to this rule. Notices must not exceed 20 words and
must adhere to rules and regulations preceding each category. All advertisements must be

exchange for room, small salary, EXT. 161. Bob Healy Jefferson 404-202-9321

1957 Dexia dsl. tractor, needs some repair Comer 706-7S3-5666

Susan Tasova Atlanta 404-527-7394

'59 Farmall Cub tractor, rebuilt motor, good tires, w/mower deck, in working cond.

AC 5040 dsl., 45 hp., p/s, dual hyd., 3-pt.

received i.n writing. Deadline is Wednesday at noon. Send all notices to the above address.

Part-time weekdays on weekend help wanted, 5 stall barn, total 18 horses. Pam Spencer Cumming 770-SS7-7726
Sober, mature couple will maintain and secure your property for partial rent. Alan Oren! Tem~le 770-459-S975
Want full & part-time help, Cherokee Co., job includes stall care, ground &pasture care, call S a.m.- 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Jerry Modlin Alpharetta 770-475-2227
Want male/couple to operate hen farm, trailer

w/culti., scratchers,. planter, fertilizer distributor, good cond., $2000. Gerald Tyler Lilburn 770-923-4307
'59 Koehring crane, mdl. C 11130, used as a drag line, good running engine, needs minor work, $3000/obo. Bernard Bunn Union City 770-964-5430 770-461-7133
'61 lnt'I Farmall 340 dsl. tractor, new engine, clutch, rear tires, dual remotes, hyd., exc. mech. condition, $4000. Olin Beasley Lavonia 706-356-532S

$2500/obo. Roy Mayers Jesup 912-4274914
2 Covington planter w/fertilizer dist., $225; PTO belt pulley, $100; 493 A JD planter, $250; Dearborn corn snapper, $300. Larry Cox Cairo 912-377-S446
2 Gravely tractors, 1 runs, 1 for parts w/culti., 2 mowers, also other parts, $350. M Wilson Millwood .912-2S3-9266
2 One-row JD corn pickers, 1 wagon, 1 elevator, $1700. Randy Wilkes Watkinsville

hitch, w/5'bushhog, both exc. cond., $5500. Bill Gilbreath Lafayette 706-63S-2115
AC C good cond., new paint, w/mowing machine, field ready, good tires, $2100. G. W. Townsend Layayette 706-63S-2265
AC D-12 farm & garden tractor, 3 pt. hitch, gas, good rubber & runs, $2300, call aft. 4 pm. Ernest Yarber Cornelia 706-778-2750
AC D12 tractor, w/2 disk turning plow & 5' bushhog, good condition, $3200. Larry Holsomback Calhoun 706-625-2549

The Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin assumes no responsibility for any notice appearing in the Bulletin nor for any transaction resulting from published notices. Advertisers are cautioned that it is against the law to misrepresent any product offered for sale in a public notice or advertisement c11rried in any publication that is delivered through the United States mail.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture does not
discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age or disability in the admission or access to, or treatment in, its employment policy or its programs or activities. The Department's

& salary. A.G. Williams 275 Arlin Williams Rd. Toccoa 30577 706-SS6-9530
Want reliable person/family to work on lge. ranch, part-time, cattle, horses, and wildlife preserve, 3 bdrm. house, furnished, Meriwether Coun!}f. J. Overby Greenville 706-672-4S49
Want sober mature couple to caretake farm in exchange for. partial rent. Otis Smith Winder 770-S67-2994

'72 135 MF dsl. tractor, bushhog, boom, new seat, $7000/obo. Jerry Farmer Villa Rica 770-459-1766
'72 JD 4020, 95 hp., 4000 orig. hrs., DW, new paint/pert. cond., w/blade, 4 1/2 yd. dirt pan, 6' offset harrow, $17,900, sell sep. Jerald Anderson Alma 912-632-S169
'72 JD 4320, good cond., $SOOO. Todd Powell Brinson 912-24S-S123

2 bottom plow, $350; 6' harrow, $250; 1 row culti. w/Covington planter, $150; all 3:PI hitch, good cond. James Barton Loganville 770-554-2335
2 horse covered wagons, rubber tires brks., on all wheels, $700; '52 C FarmalI w/planters & culti., runs good, $1500. Robert Rhinehart Lafayette 706-63S-99SO

All purpose plow, great shape, used once, size 5' asking $400/obo. Andy Rambo Newborn 706-46S-0546
BCS power unit w/chipper-shredder & sickle bar mower, $1,650. J. Burnette Gainesville 770-9S3-9357
Bolens chipper shredder, S. hp., never used, $550. Patrick Yancey Newnan 770-251-4375
Bushhog mdl. 305, 5' rotary cutter, exc.

Administration Division at 19 Martin Luther King Jr. _Drive, Atlanta, GA 30334-4250 has been
designated to coordinate compliance with the non-
discrimination requirements contained in Section
35.107 of the Department of Justice Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the Administration Division. If you require special
assistance in utilizing our services, please contact our agency.

Want versatile farm manager w/mechanical abili!}f. Bill Newman Albany 912-432-9316
Want weekend help on 16 stall horse farm, stalls, feeding, turnout, exp. required, salary plus possible riding. Kat Demas Athens 706-

'7S 3600 Ford tractor, 3S5 hrs., 10 pieces of equip. Leroy Durden Oxford 770-7S6-. 3579
'SO 977 L track loader, very good cond, 90% undercarriage, $19,500, call aft. 7 pm.

2 horse wagon, exc. cond., also #7 Int'I mower & Oliver riding turner. Dwayne Fortner Dahlonega 706-S64-3265
2-11. 2x2S, 2-169x2S, 1-14. 9x24, 412 x 16. 5, Bobcat tires. Tom Strickland

cond., $500; lnt'l 340 gas tractor for parts. John Wofford Ball Ground 770-735-4514
CA AC tractor, runs good., sheet metal, looks good, rebuilt motor, pull type, 6' bushhog, $3500. Johnny Keasler Woodbury

Published weekly at Capitol Square, Atlanta 30334. Periodicals Postage paid at Atlanta, Ga. and additional offices.


Clay Lewis Toomsboro 912-933-5396

LaGrange 706-SS2-1549


Wednesday December 8, 1999


Page 3

Cub Cadet series, 106 lawn tractor lnt'I harvester mdl. 656, dsl. hyd. tran., MF 230 tractor, dsl., pis, 3-pt. hitch, very Woodsplitter, 24-ton, made by Northern, Want Mitsubishi repair/operator manual for

- w/aerator attachment, $400. Scott w/front loader, runs good, $2500. Talmadge clean, garage kept, $7900; 6' pulverizer, $600. hyd., 10 hp., motor exc. cond., on wheels, 1500 series diesel tractor. Gene Bussell

Vandenberg Powder Springs 770-439-3371 Westbrook Good Hope 770-267-4370

Jim Goldsby Monroe 770-266-6667

$700. Marion Spence Canton 770-479-3531 Appling 706-541-1181

Cultivator plow, $300; Troy-Bilt plow, $600; JD 2155 w/520 loader, canopy, 900 hrs., MF 230, 1978 low hrs., exc. cond., Yanmar 1700 tractor, 2 cyl. dsl., 20 hp., low Want PTO irrigation pump, 6" inlet, 4 or 6

buck stove insert, $300; log spliter, $400. V. $15,000; JD 275 lawn & garden tractor, bushhog, all purpose plow, 250 lb. spreader, hrs., well maintained, $4200. John Bennett inch outlet. R. English Milner 770-227-8801

L. Miller Pine Mountain 706-663-8125

$4025. Fn:ier Moreman Lagrange 706-884- trailer, $10,000. Jerry Gabbert Marietta 770- Adairsvme 770-773-2626

D-31A, 6-way blade, clearing cage 1100


remotes, 85% u/c power shift, exc. engine. JD 2550 tractor, 65 hp., 2700 hrs., exc. MF 282, dsl., 67 hp., pis, 8 spd. diff lock,

Farm Machinery Wanted

Want Tuff-Bill tractor, good cond., reas. price, call 9 am to 2 pm. weekdays, anytime weekends. Jerry Burruss Cumming 770-887-

Ben Harrell Dexter 912-875-4230 912-875- cond, $13,500. Stan Henley Locust Grove remote hyd., good cond., $6950. Lloyd Leach --Bolens-Moifern"C>0,!0rspares- or worl<mg 3713



Lavonia 706-356-2236

cond. Robert S. Clark 875 Heards Ferry Rd. Want backhoe w/extended boom, older

David Bradley walk-behind tractor, 3 JD 2950 cab., 4500 hrs., $20,000. Charles MF 35 tractor dsl., rebuilt motor, new Atlanta 30328 404-843-0801

model okay, must be in good cond.,

attachs., $450; gr!. for gardens. H. Manny Cairo 912-377-4344

trans./hyd. pump, runs great, needs tires, Farman 300 tractor for parts, also will buy reasonable. Charles Winstead Griffin 770-

Brumbelow Mableton 770-948-1756

JD 328 sq. hay baler, very good cond., $5300. L. Martin 1805 Redwine Rd PTO gear, part no. 362620R1 w/56 teeth. 228-6730

Davis task force 200 trencher, need some $4200. Brad Russell Dalton 706-277-2610 Fayetteville 770-719-1307

Jesse Fogg Hampton 770-946-4366

Want bottom pjow 2 disc lb. in. Harold

fixing, trailer for it, $2000, as is cash. C. JD 330 hay baler, 4x4, exc. cond., $6900. MF square baler, wheel rake, 20 disk Finn tow behind strawblower, $7800; front- Atkinson Toccoa 706-886-8730

Ragsdale Dallas 770-445-3835 Dearborn 2 bottom plow, good cond., $300.

Timothy Goodwin Augusta 706-651-1579 JD 350 B track loader w/ROPS, canopy,

smoothing harrow. I. B. Turner 445-8921

Dallas 770-

end loader fits, 30 series Ford, $2400; 907 & 917 flails, $500 & $750. David McNeal

Want brand name 20" 20 disc harrow; post hole digger; single turning plow; 2-row planter.

Luke Silvio Grayson 770-962-6027

good cond., $9,000. Jeff Bell Irwinton 912- Melroe Bobcat Valley Craft barrel lift, hydr. Macon 912-741-3813

R. Brown Blairsville 706-745-6646

Deep rock well drilling rig, drill, bits, pump, 946-3548

versa grip, mdl. 6144, make offer. J. Mullins Front-end bucket, that will fit 165 MF. Joe Want conveyor for sq. hay bales. Jeff

water tank, drill pipe, complete, $450/obo. JD 38 B brush cutter blade & string carrying Canton 770-345-5660

Powers Guy:!on 912-772-5052

Hosford Snellville 770-985-0097

Wayne Hall Oglethorpe 912-472-8586

harness, $250. Gary Munn Augusta 706- Murray garden tractor, 40" cut, 12.5 hp., B & Need 00 Frick sawmill, working for for parts; Want conveyor for square hay bales. Terrell

Enclosed box utility trailer, 6' x 8' down 733-6866

S, kept in shed, no rust, $450, firm, call aft. 7 also .edgers, power units, planers. W. H. Lovell Wiley 706-782-4989

loading ramp, $475. Wiley Farquhar Decatur JD 4240 '83 C/H/A, quad-range, 4300 hrs., pin. Dan Montroy Cumming 770-844-9175 Dunaway Dillard 706-746-6989

Want duals fit, JD 4440 nine lug hub, 18.4 x



$19,500, tanker trailer, holds 5000 gal., good NH 275 baler, $1100; seven shank chisel Want 1 end loader w/pump & controls for 38. Harper Brower Bloomingdale 912-748-

Enclosed cargo trlr, 7 x 16 dbl. axles, side cond., $3000. Carter Swaney Ranger 706- plow, $400; corn picker, hyd. head, $1350; NH 1250 JD. Randy Gagle Adairsville 706-295- 7688

door, dbl. rear doors, good cond; $2800. 334-2402

850 baler, $2000. D. Brown Ranger 706-334- 3008

Want dump trailer tandem axle, size 6'x1 O'

Grant Richardson Bluffton 912-835-2715

JD 430 W, '59, 2 cyl., 3-pt. hitch, good 2595

Want 1000' of 5" or 6" pipe to carry water w/hyd. cylinder in good cond. B. B. Brookshire

Farniall Cub w/belly mower, cultivator, cond., 90% tires, w/5' mower, $4000, call aft. NH hay baler 565; rake Kuhn flutter 440, 5 down the mountain to a hydro. generator. Hoschton 770-932-1348

harrow, other equip. W. D. Baker Moultrie 8 pm. P. I. Herrin Cobbtown 912-685-5088 disk mowing machine, 1600 #cattle scales. Franz Menge Lakemont 706-782-4481

Want eng. enclosure for Dresser TD-15C,


JD 4400 combine dsl., AC 13' grain head; Cecil Gober Buford 770-945-9429

Want 10x24" wheel for JD 40's. John also; street pads, grill & sheet metal for case

Farmall Cub w/front & back culti. draw bar, JD 335 rnd baler; JD 300 pull spreader. Mark NH mower, 451, extra blade, barn kept, Baggett Winst.on 770-942-6620 888-206' 580-B backhoe. Herbert Arrowood Blairsville

disc plow planter, rebuilt engine. E. Bailey ,Hobbs Stapleton 706-595-7050

$1000. Darrell L Walka Chickamauga 30707 1612


Ball Ground 770-735-3733

JD 4400 combine w/corn head & grain 706-539-2534

Want 3-pt. hitch backhoe, for Ford 3930 in Want front end loader & backhoe for Power

Farmall Super A 12V, 3-pt. 60 pressue head, $2800; JD 4 row culti., $400; tine 4 row Oliver 88, 50's mdl., runs, dual wheels, good shape. T. A. Floyd Blairsville 706-745- King tractor, possible whole tractor, reas.

eng., nearly, new Howze mower, culti., culti., $400. John Sumner Wrightsville 912- front-end loader, no hud & grill, $1200. Daniel 7333

price. Gary Fuller Dallas 770-445-3539

planter plow & other, $2200. Naylor 912-482-3171

Charles O'Brien

864-3290 912-274-1188 JD 4420 w/both heads; 3300 w/both heads;

Woody Suches 706-747-1040

Want 4-bottom plow semi-mount, Ive.

Onan 100 hp. turbo dsl. power unit w/1 O message. Jimmy Morris Hartwell 706-376-

Want front rnd. spoke wheel for 1934 F-12 Farmall tractor, must be in good cond. D.

Fleco V-blade fits 0-8, $2500 trade for '80 MF 285 w/dual remotes, MF 1100, K.W., 3 ph. generator, irrigate & power center 5884

Christensen LeBanon 770-928-6313

equip trailer. Frank Griff Americus 912-9246185

Rainbow traveler; 2-ton truck w/grain bodies; all $21,500/firm. Derrol Johnson Bainbridge

pivots at same time. 526-6862

J. Kemp

Lyons 912-

Want 6' JD. bushhog, 2 13.6x12x36 rear tires, JD canopy for 1020 Fairmount. John

Want old Cushman; complete or parts, running or not, husky motor, frame, etc. J.

Flory 7640 sweeper, ready to go, $3900. J. _912-246-5928 912-221-5650

One 3930 Ford tractor, '95 mdl., 289 hrs., Addy Fairmount 706-629-8527

Mallette Waverly 912-267-0394

T. Flournoy 825-5384

Fort Valley 912-957-1871 912-

JD 450 C crawler, 6-way blade, exc. cond., $19,500. Randall Poole Gainesville 770-

real nice, will take, $12,800, cash. J. Aaron Athens 706-549-8379

Want 630 JD gas tractor w/3-pt. hitch, & pr. of 16.9x38 tires. Larry Sturdevant Cumming

Want old JD tractor. B. Guest P.O. Box 492 Meansville 30256 770-567-0218

Ford 2000 dsl., p/s, new rebuilt motor, 4 ,536-3779

One Hesston single axle trailer, 8' x 18', 770-887-7931

Want one row Cole planter, also 12 x 4 x 38

spd. transmission, new tires on rear, $5700/obo. Steve Brannon Alpharetta 770475-4915

JD 51 " A", exc. cond., restored, $3600. ,Larry Evans Comer 706-783-3068
JD 850 dsl., 28 hp. 790 hrs., exc. cond, 5'

high floatation tires, heavy hitch, new jack. Duncan Cumming Madison 706-342-0304
Pecan hyd. dump cart, Herbst, ready to

Want AC HD-6 6000 eng. on salvaged mach. w/good cond. John Lott Blakely 912723-3917

tractor tire. Jack Ledford Talmo 706-6934262
Want operators/shop manual for John

Ford 2810 dsl., 8 spd., differential lock, 424 hrs., sheltered like new, 5' bushhog, hvy. duty, $10,400. Buford Young Newnan 770-2532213
Ford 3000 dsl., good tires, exc. sheet metal, must see to appreciate, $5000. Gary

bushhog, boom draw bar, 14' tandem trailer, $8800. Jimmy Prater Winder 770-867-61'13
JD 9950 cotton picker w/basket, extension & chain unload, 500 A. on rebuilt heads & hydrostat, $28,000; 16 disk Taylorway offset harrow, $2200. Zeke Lambert Madison 706-

work, machine in Boston Ga., $4000. Charles Kelso Atlanta 404-240-4275
ST 325 Steiger dsl., 3406, cab/h&a., duals, low hrs., $41,000, 7000 lb., all terrain, low
profile, forklift, dsl., . $8000. s. Samford
Marietta 800-868-5077

Want Cub Cadet rear wheel weights; also want Cub Cadet parts & accessories. Scott Magyar Grantville 770-251-8460
Want DR field trimmer/mower, elec. start, for use w/Beaver blade, call before 8 am or aft. 11 pm. S. Lincoln P.O. Box 48121 Athens

Deere 24T square baler. Russell Smith Hiram 770-222-8707
Want post hole digger w/x16 bit, 18"-24" dia. L. Fahn Adairsville 770-493-9035
Want ram pump in working cond. Sonny Cannon Clay:!on 706-782-3316

Thompson LaGrange 706-884-3332


Sawmill for sale & also others. Buffy Stiles 30604 706-548-0378

Want rear rim(s) for MF 135 (1964 model) in

Ford 3600 farm tractor, 40 hp., ind. PTO, very good cond., $6500. David Brown

JD Yanmar 1500, 3-pt. hitch, PTO, dsl., low hrs., very good shape, $3600. M. Richardson

Adairsville 770-877-9442 Six 67 lb. wgts, w/bolt on frame, for David

Want Ford tractor, 2310, 261 Oor 361 O; also Kuhn GMD 500 disc mower. J.R. Wimpey

good cond. Eric Smith Buford 770-945-3750 Want small dirt pan 1- or 2-yard capacity,

Baxley 912-367-6035

_Edison 912-835-2038

Brown case, 990, 995, 1210, 1212. L. Jonesboro 770-471-4221

hyd. operated on wheels, working cond. S. S.

Ford 4500 backhoe partir)g out. A. Smith Williamson 770-233-0577

JD grain drill, 6', 3-pt. hitch, good cond, $750. James Lastinger Tifton 912-388-0282

Tankersley Appling 706-541-0760 Stoll 28' flat bed trailer, 10,000 lbs. dually

Want Intl. B 275 w/good eng. for parts or need cyl. head, no. 703873 R3. H.

Carlton Albany 912-432-5750 912-432-6505 Want sml. Hit & Miss gas engine. H.

Ford 4600 $7650; Ford 3000 w/loader & JD skid steer loader, 575, dsl., $7000; JD wheel, 2 axle, new floor, new brks, $4200. Westmoreland Austell 770-948-9243

Chastain Marietta 770-428-3151

equip, $8500 obo; Ford 600 $3250. J. Lewis ". White 770-382-6264

310Abackhoe, extend hoe, pis, $13,000, also other. Jack Cowan Lincolnton 706-373-0129

Alva Aycock Lincolnton 706-359-7254 706359-3512

Want JD 1-row corn planter, mule-drawn, in good cond., need parts for same, call before 9

Want to buy 25-35 HP JD. tractor, 1500 or less hrs., must be in exc. cond. Sage Ralston

Ford 600 tractor_, _38 hp., $4000, 5' Bushhog, $525, scrape blade 6', $350; post
hole digger, $500, boom pole, $1 oo. L.
Blankenbaker Dallas 770-443-2434
Ford 640 tractor w/6' boxblade, 12V system, runs good needs paint. Charles David Grice Woodbine 31569 912-576-3354 912-576-5744
Ford 9700 tractor, 115 hp., cab/air, field ready, $8000. Michael Walker Tifton 912387-7232
Ford 9N, good tires, 12 Volt, $1650 cash; harrow, $350. David Brown Union City 770964-1123

JD tractor, 450, four in one bucket, $8500 9N Ford tractor, $2300. H. Fulcher Hephzibati 706-592-2228
Kobota 3710 34 hp., 4WD, loader, 15 hr. ten pieces of equip, also other. James Lester Gainesville 770-532-8850
Kubota 18 hp., dsl. tractor, 4' box scraper low hrs., $3600. Paul Watkins Auburn 770963-4930
Kubota 3750, 4 WO loader, 45 hp., p/s good cond., $9500. Rayman Bullock Buford 770-945-5040
Kubota 87200, 700 hrs., 17.5 dsl., perf

Sure pull 32' gooseneck trailer, 1200 lbs. Dexter axles, radial tires, '98 mdl., $5000. Carey Waldron Waycross 912-283-8061
Taylor-Way chisel plow, 11 shanks, $500. Jimmie Mill Silver Creek 706-232-1653
Taylor-Way finish mower, $100; 6' light duty cutter,.$600. George Dew Bishop 706-7698005 .
Tractor tire 10 x 28, free, need a boot & tube for service. W. Partridge Alpharetta 770-4765006
Trailer 18' Superior (built in Ga. 1995), 7700 lbs. GVW 4 wheel brks., ramps, wood deck, 6500 lbs. cap., $2000. Jeffrey Gresch

pm. James Crook Carrollton 770-832-3080 Dalton 706-259-4205

Want JD 530 or 330 tractor, these tractors Want to buy eng. powered sq. bale, mulch

were built in the late 1950's and 1960, any blower for grassing purposes. Ed Simmons

cond. John Meyer Winterville 706-742-2286 Preston 800-649-4801

Want JD 567 hay rake, any cond. S. Hall Want towable air compressor, hoses,

Pavo 912-859-2104

hammers, and other accessories, also

Want LT40 HD Woodmizer, sawmill, gas backhoe buckets for Ford 5558. Richard

engine, would like on trailer. Danny W. Cottrell Rowan Forsy:!h 912-994-0300

56 Blackstone Path Dallas 30132 770-974- Want well drilling machine, good cond., Ive.

r--M;~~B~~ti=nAdf~~--1 4074

messa e L. Barrs Albany 912-438-7873

Gehl 100 Mable Hammer Mill, used only 2 yrs., exc. cond. Bernard Moody Hiawassee 706-896-2055

cond., new loader, new finish mower tractor/mower, $9900, mower, $1100. Jeff Wilhelm Conyers 770-483-9728

Marietta 770-971-2695 Trailer 35' long factory built, gooseneck built
in spring of '99, 3 axles brks., on all three

You may use this form to submit your ad. There is a 20-word limit for advertisements unless otherwise noted under category headings. The 20~word limit
includes name, city and phone number or name and complete address. The Market

Gehl 7335 mixer/feeder truck, headlocks, stalls, dump water troughs, for freestall barn, zero bulk milk tank, 3000 gal. Jimmy Haga Fort Valley 912-825-5252
Gehl 800 forage harvester w/corn & pickup

Kubota 88200, 4 WO, dsl., 20 hp., 8 sp front-loader, $9350; MF 210, 12 spd., dsl., 22 hp., 4' bushhog, $5800/obo. G. Garnet Riverdale 770-923-2274
Kubota L2650, front-end loader, '93 w/220

axles, $5900. Nathan serritt Calhoun 706629-2615
Trailer 7' x 24', three. 5200# axles, newly canst., dove tail, $3200. Ron Hulett Milan 912-362-4695

Bulletin reserves the right to edit notices exceeding the 20-word limit. Only one (1) notice allowed per issue. Advertisers are encouraged to review the advertising guidelines on page two and under individual category headings before submitting notices for publication.

- heads, $5000, KMC chisel plow, 1-shank,
$1500, also others. Juanita Martyny Perry

hrs., good cond. D. Henderson Carnesville 706-384-7336

Trailer single axle, 3" channel iron construction 3/8." steel floor, inside bed,


Lannen RT-2 cell type transplanter, 3000 measurements 5'W -12' L, $450. Hayes

Please place .the following ad under the indicated category:

Generator 12-5 KW, runs on butane, air 5000 plants per hr. row, includes tool bar Edwards Athens 706-548-0519 cooled, $3000; Hobard Wilder 2 cyl. gas, used one season, $1500. Bruce Arnett Troy-Bill 10 hp., chipper/shredder, elec.

Category: _______________

$500. H. D. Rich Orchard Hill 770-229-1311_ Monticello 706-468-1001

start., can pull behind mower, $600. A. C.

Generators PTO, 15 KW & 35 KW, low hrs., Lely Lotus 300 tedder/rake, 10 Ramsey Marietta 770-427-8114

both 3-pt. frame: 16-ft. livestock trlr., hvy. hrs.$2000/obo. Joe Damour Dawsonville Troy-Bill 8 hp., tiller Briggs, 1/C, very good

duty. Jim Stout Ellijay 706-276-3714


condition, $850. Steve Pope Yorkville 770-

Generators PTO, 20 KW & 25 KW, 3:p1. Lincoln welder mdl. S.A. 200 F-162, 4 cyl. 443-0048

frame, low hrs., also, other equip. avail. Betty water cooled, $800. Cliff Bellamy Ellenwood Troy-BiIt Super Tomahawk 8 hp.,

Reed Ellijay 706-276-2848


chipper/shredder, IC eng., deluxe elec. start,

Hay spear, rear 3-pt. hitch; homemade 3 Log Splitter, $600. Frank Echols Lithia tow bar, exc. cond, $900. Stanley Barnes

fork, exc. cond., $150. Dan Chambers Springs 770-948-8922

Jackson 770-775-4065

Fayetteville 770-461-4471

Long V445 dsl tractor, w/wide front axle

Troy-Bill chipper vac, 3 yrs. old, very good

Heavy dbl. disc plow, $260; adjustable scraper blade, $260. S.V. Stater Macon 912471-8185
Heavy duty utility trailer, 16' long, by 6 1/2 ', 2 axle, w/rainps & GI hitch, $950; also other. James McClain Dahlonega 706-864-5977
Hit and Miss gas engines for sale. W.

includes scrape blade, bushhog, harrow & lift Steve Gable Kennesaw 770-928-7773
Long backhoe, 20' flatbed trlr. Hugh Haley Colbert 706-788-2978
LowBoy trailer, 5th. wheeler, dbl. axles/w slide out ramps. Carolyn Curlee Buena Vista 912-649-7507

shape, $600. Lawn Care Coleman Twin City 912-763-2126
Two 27 x 8.50, 125 turf tires, & rims; two 41 x 14.00-20 turf tires, fits small tractor, $700. Bobby Reed Vienna 912-268-8731
Two flat bed trailers, 8 x 20', single axle, $1000 ea., 4 x 8 'single axle trailer, w/side

I I I Please provide your telephone number for office reference. The phone number will I I not be published unless it is included in the above advertisement.

Quarles Dawsonville 706-265-3732

Howse bushhog 4' mower, used very little, $350. L. Bell Mauk 912-649-5899

IH Cub Lo-Boy 154, w/5' belly mower,

$1800. Jerry Grubbs Palmetto 770-463-


lnt'I 6. U engine, hand clutch & pulley, used

on sawmill, $500. Steve


Willacoochee 912-534-5599

lnt'I 966 tractor, wgts. good tires; Hesston

100-900, very good cond., w/cab, ale, 90 hp. C. Roland Americus 912-924-5719 '

Int'! cab tractor, '68 yel)ow & white, w/belly mower, in good shape, $2000, firm. Horace

Nobles Tennille 912-552-7291

Int'! harrow "Mahindra" '99, 40 hp., dual

remote, 180 hrs., 18 months, warranty remaining, $10,000, or take payments.

MF 1030 good cond., 26 hp., dsl., 500 hrs Bushog, $7500. Greg Rahn 1729 StillwelIClyo Rd. Springfield 31329 912-754-3194

MF 135 (D), no p/s, w/6' bushhog, $4900

cash; 7 x 16 equip trailer, $950, call aft. 7-1 0 pm. A. Collie Roopville 770-854-.8721

MF 135 4 cyl., no pis, lift, good motor

recently overhaul, $4500; Ive message
- Marshall Knowels McDonough 770-957



MF 135 dsl. tractor, 1100 hrs. A-1, $7250; MF T035, gas tractor, ideal to restore, $3750 Ray Fallin Thomaston 706-648-291-3

MF 135 dsl., new tires, new paint & seats new hood & fender, also other. L. L. Rouse Stone Mountain 770-879-5722

MF 165 dsl. pis, 54 hp. 6' R. mower, $7650 ; MF, dsl. 54 hp.pis, 6' R. mower, $6250/obo. L

boards, $500. Ann Baucom Oxford 770-3851632
Two hyd. cyl., exc. $50 ea., 10' pusher blade, $100. William Dabbs Eatonton 706485-6249
Utility bed w/18,000 lb., Tulsa winch, good cond., off 60 series. T. Holland Gillsville 706677-3107
Vermeer 630 A stump grinder, exc. cond., $3250; Tulsa PTO winch hvy: duty, $250. Charles Crews Folkston 912-496-4716
Windmill 40' tall, Oliver 70 standard, hit & miss motor. Sam Lowrey Rome 706-2347729
Woodsplitter 22 ton hyd., 5 hp., BIS 2 stage pump, like new, $800. M. Stapp Monroe 770267-5142
Woodsplitter needs repair, $125. Charles

I II Please include your name and complete address on all correspondence sent to the I Bulletin office.

I m~st J The following statement I I publication:

be signed by the advertiser submitting this notice for

I I I hereby certify that the above notice meets all the necessary requirements for

I publication in the Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin.

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II.._ _______________ _ I This form will appear periodically in the Market Bulletin as space permits.

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Sharon McTyre Cartersville 706-292-9382 Garrett Ellenwood 770-921-1636

Weathers Conyers 770-929-0220

Page 4


Wednesday December 8, 1999

Want wbeel weights for JD 112 plus other Bell drinkers, Big Dutchmen feeder corners, Poultry house, 36x500 on metal truss,

equip. Wesley Cash Winston 770-949-4582 mini~hoppers, 200 amp .switch boxes, Spinks metal roof, exc. cond., can be taken down in

Want a 17 A- D7, any condition. Vance scales & mini-drinkers. Anthony Thomason 12' sections, good for barns, shops/equip.

Ross Fitzgerald 912-424-9071

Toccoa 706-779-2073

shelters. K. Beasley Dahlonega 706-864-

Wanted for JD mdl. 51, R.S. fender, grill Bridge 8x50' steel arch truss, 5 ton capacity, 6261

radiator, battery box, in good condition. H $8000, dely. and installation available. Ron Qlty. Bevel redwood siding, 50 sq. ft., 8"

Carroll Buchanan 770-646-5500

Salzer Lakemont 706-754-6543

wide by quarter inch thickness, $85. Rick

Wanted for parts: front end support for Butcher boy meat saw, like new, seldom Worrell Kennesaw 770-592-5323

430W JD tractor. A. Kelley Athens 706-353- used. Ronala Locke Box 20024 Brunswick Rabbit houses & cages, all sizes w/water


31522 912-638-1050 912-222-1355

bottles & feed troughs, above ground

Wheel or bumper weights for, 18 hp. Bolens Ceiling poultry house fans, .29", 3 blade, w/nesting, lge., small, wire, $75-$20. Doug tractor, (G152-iseki). Wyatt Holcomb Agrifan, 6 w/spd. reostat, $325. Eddy Thaxton Stroup McDonough 770-898-1076

BallGround 770-735-4579

Watkinsville 706-769-7866

Rough cut siding, 'beams, floorings, other

Chain saw, post vise, 6 ton come-a-long, materials in very old barn, shelter, and various


bell saw, outboard. L. Brown Decatur 770- outbldgs. Sara Edwards Atlanta 404-256-



Chainsaw, 272 Husqvarna, used very little, Select old-growth tongue & groove pine

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney at 404-651-9084.
(2) above ground 250 gal. propane gas tanks w/regulators. E. Sellers Lithia Springs 770-439-8081

sells new for $589, sell for $250. Clinton Wilson Lula 770-869-3276
Chainsaws Husqvarna 266, $190; Husqvarna 50 $100, exc. cond. Hubert Huff Cumming 7'70-887-6472

flooring, 5, 8 & 1O" widths; also, all heart black walnut boards. Bennett Daniel Milledgeville 912-452-3039
Set of 18.38 snap on duals $300. Robert Conner Pitts 912-648-6565 912-648-6561'

1 hp. deep well pump, used 48 hrs., $200; 1 Choretime feeders, w/plastic pans, Sev. windows, doors, 4 steel beams,(from

1/4" plastic pipe, 200' 160PSI, 100' 100PSI Ziggities, w/2 stage, ss drinkers, 14. 7 ton farmhouse), wagon wheel parts, other. E.C.

$80. James Buckner Union City 770-964- feed bins, fans, also others. Charlie Wellham Jowers Roswell 770-998-1604


Statham 770-725-7378

Small 4-cyl. dsl. eng, runs well. Art Ammons

1/2" plywood, painted, marine glue, 5 ply, Choretime flex auger feed system, nursery Calva!:Y 912-872-8005

4'x6'-$11, 4'x5'-$9, 2'x8'-$8, 4'x4'-$8, 4'x8'- feeders, 2 ton feed tank, 12 ton feed tank, Stainless steel water trough,

$15, for farm structures, deer stands, etc booster pump, incinerator. Bryant Harvard 24Wx44Lx23H, $40 each; plastic feed barrels,

Walter Godsmark Atlanta 404-815-1785

Thomasville 912-226-1357

screw on lids, holds 4-50 lb. sacks, $12. W.R.

10 kW generator, Hercules, 4 cyl., gas Coo,king grade cast iron wash pot. L. Ray Griffin 770-228-4883

engine, $1000. R.C. Caudelle Royston 706- Standard 1290 Lynford Dr. Marietta 30360 Tandem axle $550/obo. Lee Barker 879



King Rd. Harrison 31035 912-552-0138

1000 bushel cone grain bin, good cond., Covington planter parts, like new. Gerald Trace inverter/cliarger DR1512 power

$250. K. Childers Dudley 912-272-5991

Locke Rte. 2, Butler 31006 912-862-5240 panel, 1500 watt, 12 volt, 120VAC, has

130 2x6x10 boards, 100 4x4x8 post $250, Cut-off saw, 30" blade, good condition, disconnect, batteries, cables & battery box, 12' panel gates $30, galv. hay ring $30. John $115. Donald Freeman Macon 912-477-3978 $900. Doug Smith Haml!ton 770-946-9876

R. Strickland Lizella


Cypress lumber, 3/4 Beveled, 8" wide, 16" Used wire chicken cages, 8' long, from

1800 gal. poly water tank $300; also, 8 hp. long, like new, 38 boards, best offer. Cecil auto. hen farm, 1' tall, 1' wide, $4 ea. B.J.

Troy-Bil! wood chipper $470. Ben Key Futch .Calhoun 706-625-8259

Burnett Dahlonega 706-864-2709

Manchester 706-846-3436

Drums.)ood grade, metal & plastic, open & Utility poles, creosoted 35' long, $50 each,

2 surplus generators, 3 phase, 11--220 volt, closed tops. Gene Walden Covington 770- crossties $6.50 each. E.G. Whatley 1417

400 cycle, one turns over, other locked, 786-7233

Panola Rd. Stone Mountian 30088 770-498-

neither running. Burt Williams Dahlonega Duerr chipper shredder, commercial duty 2061


rated, 8 hp., $550. L. Waites 300 Milam Rd Water pressure tanks, 1000 gal. $750, 2000

20' hay elevator $100, lge., otller. Bill Holton Fairburn 770-964-6414

gal. $1250, these are hvy. steel tanks. Gary

Commerce 706-336-6599

Equip. for 2-400 ft. poultry houses, Klusman Cordele 912-273-0520

200 amp power pole, 191 1O" pole, cost Choretime & Cumberland feeders; Plasson Well pump, 1 HP Meyers, 85 gal. tank,

$495, will take $350. Gene Brown Byron nipple drinkers, 36" fans; 3-18T feed bins. M. pressure regulator, wiring & pipe for deep well


Folendore Milledgeville 912-452-9338

installation,.$800. Clint Ford Jackson 770-

200 sheets painted metal roofing, 3 ' Farm bell, wide crosscut saw, corn sheller, 775-2832

coverage, excellent condition, $1.15 per bee smoker, other. P. Jewell Waycross 912- Well pump, 7.5 hp., 3 phase, 120 gal. per

running foot. Shayne Abney Cochran 912- 283-8871

minute for 6" well, 6 joints of 3'', 20' gal. pipe,


Farm gate, 16', $50. Joseph D. Hill Rupert control panels included. Lee Joiner Bonaire

250 gal. LP gas tank. Gene Ford Kathleen 31081 912-862-9666



Fencing 6', 11 GA. chain link, post, etc., Dek Wide heart pine boards, 1x12's, 1x14, 1x16,

250 gal. propane gas tank w//regulator blocks, rubber buckets, tubs, twister feeder. 1x18's,. cut w/Woodmizer band saw. Lonnie

$300. Henry Adkison Albany 912-436-6779 Richard Parker Dawsonville 706-265-2731 Warren Carrollton 770-834-6477

28'x48' greenhouse frame, you remove, $1000, equip. & tables avail. if needed, priced separately, call for prices. Cathy Ash Pendergrass 706-693-2752
28x96 Atlas greenhouse, includes modine gas heater, 2-48" box fans, shutters, 4 HAF fans, Dosamatic fertilizer injector, 2 yrs.,

Fiberglass elec. fence post, 6' long, 4" wide, $1/pc., call after 6 p.m. Gerald Scott Twin Ci!)'. 912-763-2880
Field stones suitable for building, $19 1/2ton pick-up load, you load/you haul. Leland Scoggins Summerville 706-857-2342
Florescent tubes, 8', cool white, $1; warm

Wide pine flooring & paneling, tongue & groove, planed two sides, kiln dried, 6,8, 10,12" widths; heart pine. Kerry Hix Chatsworth 706-695-6431.
.Wood-Mizer sawn lumber $0.35-$0.45/bd. ft., or saw your logs at your house $.0.18/bd. ft. Randy Metzger Newnan 770-304-0762

$8000. S. Trepagnier Winder 770-867-8537 white deluxe $2. Bruce Thaxton Watkinsville

3 electric motors: 1/4 hp., 1/2. hp., 3/4 hp. 706-769-6890 blower motor, all for $150; also freezer Freeze branding irons, letters & numbers,


cartons, other. L. Smee Flowery Branch never used. Travis Owens 136 Tamarack Trail


Canton 30115 770-664-0237

If you have questions regarding ads in this

36" & 24" chicken house fans, 14 ton feed Generator, like new, commercial, sacrifice, category, call Ora Gare/ at 404-651-9081.

bins & other chicken house equipment. Ned Harman 18845 Hwy. 27 Roopville 770-8549107
4 head gates for milking and getting cows gentle. W.L. Carter Ochlocknee 912-2266275
4"x10" I beam, 6' to 15',-$2.75 a ft.; also

$500. Vance Nichols 779 Thurman Dr. Hiawassee 30546 706-896-6128
Generator, on wheels, Mega Force 6500, 8125 max. watts, 13 hp eng., Y2K ready. Buck Brinson Millen 912-982-4041
Good used tin & lumber for sale, different sizes; chicken house equipment. Hoke

All livestock (i.e., those animals such as, but not limited to, cattle, equine, goats, sheep, swine, and poultry) must have been in possession of the advertiser for a minimum of 90 days before they can be advertised.

angle iron. Billy Greer Hampton 770-946- Caudell, Jr. Homer 706-677-4682



Hand pump for wells up to 25' deep $50.


400 gal. Delaval milk tank $500, wash up Linda Stauffer Winston 770-942-9522

Cattle moving from farm to farm must

vat $150. David Cannon Elberton 706-2833553
50 florescent bulbs, 8' long, $1 each, good for barn or chicken houses. S. Weaver 111 West Franklin Milledgeville 31061 912-4525415 912-453-3303
500 gal. oil drum $50, 8 hp. Sears rotor tiller $25. Calvin Dubose Jasl!er 770-893-2348
55 gal. plastic drums $10, 5 hp. commercial compressor $600, 20 hp. commercial compressor $1600, solid oak doors $30 each, other. Samuel Palaio Cumming 770-7815999 404-261-8473
55 gal. stainless steel barrels, 55 gal. plastic barrel, screw off tops, 55 gal. full open top w/lids, other. C.H. Johnson Lawrenceville 770-963-7257
55, 30 and 15 gal. closed top plastic drums, 55 gal. metal open and closed-top drums, all food-grade. Eugene Needham Loganville 770-466-4284

Hand water pump, old timey pitcher type, still in box, $55, can ship. C.E. French 611 Lakemont Dr. Dalton 706-226-1058

have a negative brucellosis test within the past 30 days before they are moved whenever there is a change of ownership. Exceptions are cattle from certified herds,

Hardwood lumber: walnut, maple, birch, or those consigned directly for slaughter.

hickory, oak, other hardwoods, $0.75 to $4/bd. Buyers are urged to request proof of a

ft. David Green Snellville 770-979-1372

negative brucellosis test l!rior to l!urchase.

Hay lift, 3 pt. hitch, 2 prong, $125 cash. 1 Holstein bull, 22 mos., approx. 1100 lbs.,

Morgan Manuel Appling 706-541-1743 706- very gentle, $900. James Holt Jenkins


Covington 770-786-3909

Heart pine, 3065 linear ft., 5 inch tongue & 1 Jersey heifer bred on Oct. 28, very gentle,

groove paneling; also, lumber and doors, halter broke, loves people, $800. S. Anderson

$5000, EXT. 11. Joel Ostuw Calhoun 706- Hiawassee 706-896-1406


1 Limousin bull, 5 cows, 2 calves, good

Irrigation pipe, 115/3in., 54/4 inc., 20/5 in., 2 guaH!Y. K. Porter Buford 770-271-3554

6x4 Berkley pumps; 1 stationary gun, and fittings, asking $4800. Dale Sharpe Butler 912-862-9755

1 Purebred .polled Hereford bull with or without papers, born 12114/97, all shots, exc. bloodline. Ricky Hix Comer 706-795-2934

Lard press, wash pot, 50 gal. syrup kettle, 706-783-3798

lge. farm bell, lge. corn sheller w/flywheel. 1 Regd. Santa Gertrudis bull, 2 1/2 yrs. old,

J.W. Yawn McRae 912-362-4733

very gentle, $900, selling to prevent

550 gal. above ground fuel tank $550. E.L. Kelly Lithonia 770-482-6122

Lge. logging tongs, can hook, & lge. anvil. A. Hendricks Austell 770-948-9842

inbreeding. Frank L. Bates



Yatesville 706-

8 chicken house heaters, LB white, good condition, $225 each. Larry Rice 1581 Sunlight Rd. Ellijay 30540 706-635-4006

Locust 8' split rails, possible dely./installation. Terry York Rabun Gap 706746-5519

1 Regd. blk. Angus bull, 3 1/2 yrs. old, 1300 lbs., $800. John B. Adcock Woodbury 706553-5381

8 hp. rear tine tiller, Wizard, used only 1O hrs., $400. M. Lunsford Stephens 706-7795013
Approx. 300' chain link fence $0.50/per foot. K. Sowell McDonough 770-898-9177
Atlas greenhouse, 30x100, to be disassembled and moved, irrigation, heaters, fans, work tables, etc., $3500/obo. Donna Metts Glennville 912-654-9399

Locust split farm fence rails & post, del. & installed anywhere. C. Mitchell Cleveland 706-865-9828
Oaks logs, 7 1/2" diameter, from old farm house, 7'-18'. Mrs. Dan King Fairburn 770964-8294
Old timey plows, and meat grinder, good conditon, not electric. Betty Craig Forest Park 404-363-0761

1 Regd. blk. Limousin bull, gentle, 2 1/2 yrs., $800. Hal Keller McDonough 770-9579125
1 red regd. Limousin bull, papers avail., exc. bloodlines, tall/long, DOB 12131/94, will make exc. herd bull, reas. priced. John Hobbs Edison 912-835-2888
15 Holstein heifers, 15 mos., being A-I now, sell all or part. Winton Pierce Millen 912-

Band sawn lumber pine 1''x12'', 1"x6'.'., diff. lengths, sale or trade, $0.70 per board ft. Billy Skinner Bowdon 770-258-7451

One lge. bathtub for watering livestock,-$50 or best offer. Olen Wells Newborn 706-3421924

16 Regd. blk. Angus cows, 2 yrs. old, regd. blk. Angus bull. Everett Panter Blue Ridge

Band sawn pine & hdwd. lumber, various widths & lengths, or will cut to your specifications, $0.35-$0.65/per bd. ft. Rich Odom McDonough 770-954-9218

Poultry house equip., choretime furnace, Ziggity bins, tin, cool-air, curtain machines, fans, make offer on all. Weldon Tallant Cumming 770-887-8801

2 Regd. blk. Angus bulls, 1 EXT son, 5 yrs, 20qo lb., 2 Travelers heifers, 4 yrs. ready for service. Mark Bullock Alpharetta 770-664-

Barrels, 55 gal., for trash & feed, $1 O& $12. T.W. Allums Austell 770-948-3273

. cPaletaagsoenreesvibeewforerequsuirbemm1etnt.mtsguynoduerr

ad ad .

77'08 Please observe our 20 word limit.

2 Regd. polled Hereford bulls, 11 mos. old, halter broken, papers available. Angie McGinnis Danielsville 706-795-2747

2 Regd. polled, Hereford heifers, 6-10 mos. old., call aft. 6 pm. D. L. Jaillette Covington 770-786-5143

2 breeding age Longhorn bulls, both solid red, approx. 600 lbs., $250 ea. Hiram Henderson Lovejoy 770-946-3659

20 Regd. black Angus bred cows, 9 cow calf pairs, also bulls, ready for service. Fred G. Blitch, Jr. Statesboro 912-865-5454

23 quality commercial cows, some

w/calves, all bred to Angus bull. L. Payne

Covington 770-786-1826


25 Charolais X Angus to calve Feb., bred to Angus bull, also 50 com.mercial brood cows, $474 ea. Robby Montgomery Manchester 706-846-8391

3 Angus replacement heifers, purebred,

open, ready for breeding.. H. D. Cooper

Chickamauga 706-375-6715

30 Top quality, Al sired Holstein heifers, bred to 1H925, due Dec., 2,2000, RHA, $1600, per head. Mark Rodgers Dearing 706-556-6316

4 black heifers, bred, due Jan-Feb., $650 ea., take all. Robert Wright Woodbury 706553-5004

4 red Brangus, 7 red Brahman & 2 red Brahman bulls, 20 red Brahman heifers. Jimmy Daniel LaGrange 706-882-1252

5 718 Piedmontese springers due to calve in Feb-Mar., bred back to fullblood Piedmontese bull, also others, call aft. 6 pm. Joe Compton Fitzgerald 912-424-9494

5 Regd. Charolais bulls, 5 yrs. old, also 4 regd. Limousin bulls, 6 yrs. old, $1000 ea. Stephen Taylor Metter 912-685-3100 912685-5847
9 regd. polled Charolais bulls, 14 mos. old, cert. herd. A. D. Hayes Hoschton 706-6543896 706-654-3024

American Bison 6 mos. old bull calf, $800

ea; 3 yr. old bull & cow, $2500 pair. Steve Reed Oakwood 770-536-5299

Angus Gelbvich cross 1O mos. old, ready to
breed after Jan. 1, 2000, call aft. 7 pm. Q. L. Burton Cartersville 770~382-2869

Angus/Holstein newborn heifer calves, receive colostrum, shots, exc. care, born here on our dairy, $125. Suzy Wright Ellijay 706276-3291

BBU Beefmaster bulls (4) & heifers (10), $400 up, quality Beefmaster since '62. Jon Dial Walnut Grove 770-466-6715

BBU bulls, cert. herd, good bloodlines, diff. ages. Lamar Barber franklin 706-675-3732.

BBU regd. bulls & heifers, good bloodlines,

all shots, classified by BBU, polled &

dehorned. Cary Bittick Forsyth 912-9~4-



Blk. Angus cows, 15; black Angus calves, 12; blk. Angt1s bull, 1, all in one lot. James Martin Waynesboro 706-554-2480

Blk. Simmental bulls, A I sired, cert./accred., pasture raised, 600 to 2200 + lbs., 5 mos. to 44 mos. old, $600 to $1500. Rufus Davis Tennille 912-552-1715

Bradford regd. 100 cows, 56 calves, $1000; pair bred heifers, $750; breeding age heifers, $600. George Queener Chickamauga 706539-2537

Brahman Regd., red & speckled gentle bulls & heifers, few cows. Dennis Miles Carrollton 770-830-8417 770-834-6135

Brahman bulls, 1-4 yrs. old, gentle, blk. spotted grey, $600; 1-2 yrs. old extra gentle, white & grey, $500, call aft. 7 pm. Mitchel Beard Danielsville 706-795-2888

Brahmans, regd. red, red speckled, blk. & white, breeding age, bulls & younger, also quality females. C. Parks Cleveland 706864-6966

Brangus bulls & heifers, regd., gentle, good bloodline, low birth wgt., $500/up, service age, $750/up. Barry McManus Roopville 770-854-5570

Brangus bulls, breeding age, good disp., sire-"Mainline'', approx. 1600 lbs., Old Home Place Farm. R. S. Waits Rockmart 770684-3358

Braunvieh bulls, 1-5 yrs old, thick, meaty, ready for service, low birth wgts., $1500 & up. Tom Findley Box S!!rings 706-269-3185

Breeding age Santa Gertrudis bulls, bred cows & bred heifers, priced to sell. Clifton A. Ward Bogart 706-769-7223

Bulls, breeding age, polled Herefords & Beefmaster, 1 complete cow herd. Steve Roberts Alal!aha 912-532-7963

Bulls, regd. red Brahman, Simmental, and Simbrah, weaning and breeding age; also, few heifers & cows. Cliff Adams Bowdon 770-258-2069

Calving ease, milking ability, gentleness, choice grade, serv. age, polled Irish Shorthorn bulls, selec. Oklahoma cows, can del.. Ken Bridges Nicholson 706-757-3908

ET bull, blk. Angus, 2 yrs. old, very gentle, also small herd of mixed cows. Tommy Copelan Eatonton 706-485-8795

Fullblood Piedmontese buils, ready to breed, selected for calving ease, all eligible for up to 15%.. Bob Kalkreuter Dewy Rose 706-213-1197

Fullblood Piedmontese, 1 pair, 3 bred cows, 2 heifers. Eddie Lee Waycro$S 912283-5155

Fullblood Senepol bulls, $850/up, bred heifers or open. Douglas McKinnon PeaJson 912-422-3793

Ga test bulls, 1 Gelbvieh, 1 Angus, would trade, also 2 Gelbvieh cows bred Angus, fairly priced. Tom Richardson Ellijay 706-635-2729

Gelbvieh Purebred heifers, bulls & Angus

Purebred heifers, bulls, call aft. 5:30 p.m.

Anthony Lawrence Clarkesville 706-754-


Gelbvieh bulls, 2-3 yrs. old, many to

choose, BSE tested, regd. A. I. sired, polled,

ready to breed. E. Powell Montrose 912-


Gelbvieh bulls, most Al sired, red & blk., 1O

mos.-2 1/2 yrs. old, also open heifers &'bred

cows, all regd. John Kiss Gainesville 770-


Gelbvieh bulls, red or blk., polled,

Simmental bulls, H:T. Gigdon. H. T Higdon

Greensboro 706-453-2117

Gelbvieh bulls, regd., 9 mos.-6 yrs.,

several to choose, reasonably priced, exc.

animals. Dick Haines Cleveland 706-865-


Gelbvieh bulls, regd., proven bloodlines,

reasonably priced. Dick Haines Cleveland



Gelbvieh purebreds, bred cows, pairs, open heifers & bulls, red & blk., good bloodlines, $650 up. M. Gilmer Gibson 706598-2051 -
Jersey bull 18 mos. old, good disposition, $300, or make offer. Jim Brown Alto 770708-8675
Jersey cow w/bull calf, will hand milk, $650. Allen Conner Clermont 770-983-7645

Limousin bull, blk. double polled, 26 mos., very gentle, call before. 9 pm. H. Dawson Ila 706-789-2922
Limousin regd. breeding age bulls, good bloodlines, reas. priced. Bobby Doster Colbert 706-788-2427
Limousin regd. bulls, 2 breeding age, 5-2 yrs. old. Jerry Jennings Garfield 912-9821304

Limousin regd. purebred, polled, red, 18 mos. old, exc. EPD's, real good calves, $1200. J. Shockley Madison 706-342-0695
:...70"'6"-.::::34..::2=...::::3.:.:12:::6::.,.....,_ _ _ _ ____,_ _ __
Purebred Holstein bulls, service age, Al sires, 1000 lbs., $950 ea. Noah Yoder Montezuma 912-472-7944

Purebred Sant.a Gertrudis bulls, 9-36 mos., all shots, call aft. 6 pm. Benny F. Smith Warner Robins 912-922-5713 912-952-1765
Purebred Santa Gertrudis polled bulls, dark red, gentle, top quality, 20-21 mos. R. Cook Woodville 706-486-4535
Purebred Simmental bull, 4 1/2 yrs. old, red w/white face. Scott Price Wrightsville 912864-2272

Purebred polled Herefords, 1 heifer, 1 bull, weaned, 6-7 mos. Victor bloodline, parents on premises, $350 ea., or $650 botH. Robert Murray Elberton 706-283-7596

Purebred polled Herefords, 2 heifers, 8

bulls, parentson premises, $425 ea:, all shots

& wormed. A. Weaver Chatsworth 7.06-695-



Purebred polled breeding age Limousin

bulls for sale, black or red. Alton Tankersley

Lincolnton 706-359-4495 706-359-1697

Purebred red & blk. Simmental bulls, A.I.

bred for calving ease, w/muscle, Fleckvieh

influence. B. Boatright Midville 912-589-


Purebred regd. Black Angus bulls, 14 mos.

old, approx. wgt. 1000 lbs. Durell Lynn

Claxton 912-739-2716 912-739-0652

Reg. Black Angus bulls, 16-17 mos.,

Traveler 71 bloodlines, $700. Don Helm

Covington 770-786-6503

Regd. Angus & Limousin bulls, heifers &

cows, ET &Al bred, range ready, exc. disp. Al

Manning Uvalda 912-594-8212

Regd. Angus bull, 4 yrs. old, EPD's

available, $1200. Frank Eaves Elberton 706-


Regd. Angus bulls, 24 mos., stout, ready for

service, Al sired, semen tested, will deliver,

cert., acct. Brent Chitty Moultrie 912-985-

3611 912-985-3511

Regd. Angus bulls, cert., Stockman-Sando

bloodline, 13 mos. old, $800 ea. Roy Millsap

Summerville 706-397-8122

Regd. Angus bulls, good bloodlines, 2 yrs. old, $1200 up. John Brunson Sylvania 912857-3528
Regd. Angus bulls-heifers, 7-8 mos. old, good replacement stock, top bloodline healthy. Carolyn Cowart Clarksville 706.754-4694
Regd. Angus, Graham blood, 2 yearling bulls, low BW, $650 & up; 6 yearling heifers, $550 & up, near Columbus. Bill Cliatt .Midland 706.-563-2256 706-561-1742
Regd. Brahman bull, 2 yrs. old, blk. & sliver, gentle, $750; regd. Charolais bulls, reasonably priced. M. Foster Canon 706376-6802
Regd. Charolais bulls & heifers, $500$1550; Crossbred bulls & heifers, $500-$650, all are smooth polled. Eddie Caudell _Carnesville 706-677-3636
Regd. Charolais cows & heifers, good bloodline & dispositions, certified herd. Mark .Floyd Adairsville 770-773-7668
Regd. Limousin breeding age & yrlng. bulls, red or black, polled, exc. bloodlines & EPD's. .R. Roberts Winder 770-867-5053
Regd. Limousin cow/calf pairs, bred cows, bred & open heifers, yrling. bulls, A 1 sired, exc. EPD's, cert. herd, low prices. C. Wellham _Statham 770-725-2327
Regd. Limousin cow/calf prs., yrlng. & bred heifers, fullblood/polled, red/blk., A.I. Sires, exc. EPD's, also, yrlng. polled bull. D. Perry _Athens 706:549-5663

Visit the Market Bulletin on the Web at:

Wednesday December 8, 1999


Page 5

Regd. Polled Hereford bulls, 12-24 mos., w/good EPD's & low birth wgt., large no. to choose from, cert. & accred. Sherman Leonard Chatsworth 706-695-8351 706695-2008
Regd. Santa Gertrudis bulls, heifers, pairs, $600 & up, polled & horned. John McGarity Royston 706-245-6584
Regd. blk. Angus 2 yrs. old bulls, exc. EPD's. Ben Mcleod Cordele 912-273-2063

1/2 Boer, 1/2 Kiko regd. Genemaster herd bucks, very hardy, red, start $300, Kiko & red Boer does start $600. Lamar Brown Hull 706353-7421
1/2 Boer, 1/2 Nubian, billy, 130 lbs., white, red head, $50. Roger Legg Gray 912-9863689
2 Nubian young bucks $30 ea. or both for $50. Ben Sa~ers Waleska 770-720-7511
2 full blood Boer billies, 8 mos. old, $300 ea.,

-GeonJia Katahdin ewes bred to Dorper ram. Tommy
Connell Statesboro 912-764-7693 912-7645128
Nubian cross kids, pretty; brown w/white &

Cooking -

black markings, 2 does born 9/3; 2 bucks born

9/5, $45 ea. H. Gonzalez McDonough 770914-7451
Purebred Nubian goats, wormed,

For this year's holiday season, Mrs. Claus has shared "Santa's Snack" recipes with the Georgia Egg Commission, and, in the spirit of giving, they are

dehorned, bucks, wethers $50/up. Ken being offered to everyone free of charge. All you need to do is send a self-

McMichael Monticello 706-468-2442

addressed, stamped envelope (business-size) to: Santa's Snacks, c/o Georgia

Regd. blk. Angus bulls, 11-13 mos., EPD's, all A.I. sired, older bulls approx. 1100-1200. Dennis Scott Sylvania 912-863-4754
Regd. blk. Angus bulls, 15-18 mos., A. I. sired, EXT & Traveler, easy calving, good growth, EPD's, $600-$800. Dale Stover Cartersville 770-382-5080
Regd. blk. Angus bulls, 2 yrs. old & yearlings, all A.I. or ET bulls, complete performance records. Karl Holcombe Cumming 770-889-9486
Regd. blk. Angus bulls, all vacc., semen tested, 2 yrs. old, 1800-2000 lbs., 12 mos.- 16 mos, 1000-1200 lbs., ready for service, $1000. J. Tinter. Cumming 770-887-0316 770-451-0530
Regd. blk. Angus one yr. old, bull & several heifers, large type, exc. quality & gentle. John Massengale Fayetteville 770-719-7623
Regd. high qlty. black Angus bulls, from 8 mos. to 18 mos. of age. Larry Bramblett Jefferson 706-367-5651
Regd. milking Shorthorn heifer & bull calves, grain-fed, gentle, easy calving, good mothers, will del. P. Lyman Watkinsville 706769-5909
Regd. polled Charolais bull, M457923, 29 mos. old, GTD breeder, very gentle, regd. polled Charolais cow, 30 mos. bred w/2nd calf. John Mitchell Cartersville 770-3823153
Regd. polled Hereford bull , 16 mos., 800 lbs., will deliver, gentle, dark red, long & growthy, $600. Bill Lavender Watkinsville 706-769-7848
Regd. polled blk. Limousin bull, birth date 4130197. Lar!Y Walker Milan 912-385-6291
Regd. polled fullblood Limousin heifer, 10 mos. old, exc. bloodlines, $700. R. F. Gladney Fairburn 770-969-3091
Regd. red Angus bulls, one 3 1/2 yrs., one 2 1/2 yrs., good bulls, exc. cond., $850 ea. Wyndol Montgomery Pine Mountain 706883-8030
Santa Gertrudis bulls, 21 mos., one horned, $800; one polled, $900. Sonny Hawkins Chickamauga 706-539-2988
Senepol bulls & females, fullblooded, percentage, top bloodlines, call aft. 6 pm., Grand 11p11 Ranch. R. L. Peacock, Sr. Broxton 912-359-3712 .Shorthorn &. Angus young polled bulls, purebred, Al, good growth rate. George Escoe Commerce 706-789-3323
Sim mental bulls, Highwayman-Dynasty lines, polled, call days. Al Stone Danielsville 706-795-3214
Tow polled Hereford bulls, 11 mos., purebred, much white, other commercial, Ryder line, $500, delivery extra. Peter Martin Statesboro 912-368-3226
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Mitchell at 404-651-9083.
Swine moving from farm to farm must have a negative brucellosis and pseudorabies test within the past 30 days before they are moved whenever there is a change of ownership. Exceptions are swine from a validated brucellosis-free and qualified pseudorabies-free herd. Buyers are urged to request proof of a negative brucellosis and pseudorabies test l!rior to l!Urchase.
9 pigs, born 10/21/99, $30/up; 1 boar, 1 sow, 700 lbs. each, $200 each. Larry Dove Danielsville 706-795-2595
BBQ hogs $75, butcher hogs $125, sausage hogs, boars, and pigs also avail. Ste~hen Daniel Dallas 770-445-6270
BBQ hogs, butcher hogs & roaster pigs for sale. George Allen Covington 770-786-6377
BBQ pigs for sale, 60-120 lbs., $65 each. Ed Von Kutzleben Bishol! 706-769-7626
Bred PIC sows to start farrowing, Jan. 2000, $200 each. Ronnie Lawson Tifton 912382-8149
Duree, Poland China cross pigs for sale, $35, call after. 5 p.m. John Davis Milner 770358-2750
Pigs for sale, 6-10 wks., 33 head Landrace, Yorkshire, Duree cross. Robert Young Blue Ridge 706-632-5913
Pigs for sale, crossbred $40/up. Jamie Deno Monroe 770-207-4739 770-758-8408
Pigs, all ages and sizes. James Jordan Rome 706-295-5637
Goats And Sheep
-If you have questions regarding adsTll-tlilS category, call Sonya Mitchell at 404-6519083.
'99 1/2 blood Boer goats, 3 billies, $35 ea. A. Sim~son Dacula 770-231-2258
1 Boer buck, fullblood, 18 mos. $500, IBGA. T. Bell Madison 706-342-4966
1 fullblood Boer buck, 1-28'97, ABGA regd. correct color & gentle. H. Waters Jesup 912427-7546
Market Bulletin is printed on recycled paper.

Iv. msg. Clay Walden Mitchell 706-598-9838

Pygmy billies for sale, else some nannies.

2 regd. billies, 2 young fullblood, two 3/4 Don Smith Covington 770-786-6184

billies, nanny w/kids, reducing herd, starting at $75. Jeff Wells Sylvania 912-863-4941 912863-4210
20 common goats, all billies, 8-12 mos. $800 for all. Raymond Young Sumner 912-7766414
3 1/2 mo. Wether & 3/8 Boer butt-head nanny, both $60; sev. nannies bred with 3/4 Boer. Audrey delaCruz Hinesville 912-3692062
3 French Alpine does bred to regd. Nubian $200 ea. J. Wilson Senoia 770-599-6221
3 yr. Nubian billy, proven, dehomed, ame, $75, yearly doe bred, $100. Arthur Faulk Fors}'!h 912-994-4817
3/4 Toggenburg cross billy goat, born 4/99, all Toggenburg markings, very tame, dehorned, wormed, healthy.$65. I. Harmon Thomaston 706-646-2328
3/4 Toggenburg, 1/4 Alpine billy, born 1/16/99, billy goat, dehorned, wormed, $55/obo. C. Nadeau Griffin 770-229-8566
4 young bucks, common brush goats $40 ea. or $140 for all. Virginia Joiner Sparta 706-4449171

Pygmy goats, 3 grown billies, $50 ea. C. Knight Dawsonville 706-265-3919
Pygmy goats, nannies $40, billies $20. Deborah Lee McCaysville 706-492-4265
Pygmy goats, small, billies $35, does $75. W. Jindra Fayetteville 770-487-1115
Regd. 8 mo. fullblood Boer Buck $185, South African buck $350, red buck $350, percentage mature does $75-$150. Richard Smith Calhoun 706-295-4914
Regd. Nubian bucks & wethers, 3 young Alpine does, 3 regd. Alpine does. J. Whitlock 527 John C. Hunter Rd. Sharpsburg 30277 770-599-6811
Saanen, ADGA Saanen buck, also, purebred Sannen bucks., free to good. home. Jer!}'. Moore Conyers 770-388-5600
Suffolk breeding ewes, 1 - 3 yrs. old; 1 - 2 yrs. old; 1 - 8 months old,; sell all/individuals. John Williams Elberton 706-283-3387
Tiny 17-in. tall snow white doe, bred, dehorned, loves people & horses, $125. W. Brown Commerce 706~335-5015 -
Equine For Sale

5 billy goats, 2 purebred Nubians, 2 common

nannies. Terry V'food 7233

Commerce 706-335-

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Mitchell at 404-651-9083.

7/8 Boer buck, gentle, will lead, 6 months,

$175. Charles A. Quinn _Ringgold 709-9374438
ABGA fullblood Boer, males, 2.5 yrs. old, proven stud, $600; 19 young 1/2 Boer billies, $50 ea. or $800/all. J. Graham Lyons 912565-7500
ADGA Nubian buck, 1 1/2 yrs., PB Nubian buck kids, 3-7 mos., dehorned, exc. bloodlines, very gentle. B. J. Holland Cobbtown 912-6842718

All equine advertised in the Market Bulletin must have had a negative Coggins test within past 12 months. Negative reports are valid for 12 months from the sample date. A copy of this test report must accompany the ad each time it is
submitted or the notice will be returned to the advertiser. For this reason, generalized ads (i.e., many horses, varieties to choose from, others, etc.) cannot be accepted.

ADGA Nubian bucks, $100-175, good Buyers are urged to request verification of

bloodlines, bottle raised, spots, 7-22 months. L. a negative Coggins test before purchasing

Rees Good Ho~ 770-267-8279

any equine. Any falsification of Coggins

ADGA Purebred Nubian buck, $200, born 9- tests can result in fines and/or suspension

98. Fidel Soriano Keysville 706-437-9507 of advertising privileges in the Market


Bulletin. This regulation also applies to

ADGA regd. Nubian bucks & doe, dob 10-15, equine advertised in the "At Stud" and bottle raised, dehorned, bucks descented, doe "Boarding" categories of the quarterly $150, bucks $125. Rene Hagerson Plains equine editions.


'80 APHA buckskin mare/broodmare, '98

African Pygmy billies, 4 mos., very tame, wormed, all cols. $30. Mike Walker Fayetteville 770-719-8408

filly on premises, 14.2 hds., trails, loads, clips, very willing, $1800. Brenda Hill Rockmart 770-684-8944

African Pygmy billy, 10 mos., blk./white, '82 AQHA dk-brwn. mare, calm, good for

handle daily, $75. Lynn Mulkey Jasper 770735-7420
African Pygmy billy, 7 mos., dk. grey w/wh. ears, extremely friendly, walks on leash $50. R. Wells Gainesville 770-534-1388

children, jumps 2' 1/2", good in trail, good bloodline/Producer Bonanza breed., $2800. Isabelle Tessier Fayetteville 770-716-9068
'83 AQHA sorrel mare, $1350; 7 yr. OH bay geld., $1150, both load, clip, bathe, gentle,

African Pygmy goat billy (castrated) NPGA Regd., blk., dob 9/29/99, $75. R. Harris Powder S!!rings 770-794-6668
. African Pygmy goats, NPGA regd. for sale, 2 bucks, M&M & Dan Valley bloodlines, exc. breeding. bucks. R. Luddecke Helen 706-8782464
African Pygmy goats, all cols. & ages, billies & nannies, mature & kids $35/up. E Tolar Homer 706-677-3845

childsafe. Johnny Wood Nicholson 706757-2282
'84 TB mare, black, 16 hds., gentle, rides, broodmare, has Paint babies, $1200 or trade for OH mare. M. Dobbs Cornelia 706-7781828
'85 AQHA cutting/penning geld., 15hds., palomino, easy to handle .$5000/obo. J. Liberty Newnan 770-251-4296
'85 AQHA geld., 1D barrels & HSR events,

African Pygmy goats, billies & nannies, full grown, young ones $50/up. S. Christiansen Lawrenceville 770-963-8470
Alpine & Saanen, 1 born '98, all others born '99, healthy & beau., reducing herd. Bob Johnson Lithonia 770-388-9347
Barbados sheep, young rams & ewes, breeding ewes, call aft. 6 pm. Richard Grebel Albany 912-436-0736

serious inquiries only. Yvonne Turan Danielsville 706-795-0805
'85 AQHA palomino geld., drop dead gorgeous, confident & energetic trail horse for intermediate rider, $3000. Lisa Freeman Tyrone 770-969-3147
'86 geld. QH, 15.2 Dun, son of San Peppy & Mr. Sugar; 12-yr. geld. 15.2 OH palomino. C. Hancock Sandersville 912-553-1337
'88 AQHA mare, barrels, 5 events, trail,

Boers 1 full South African, 1 1/2 South African, one % Nzuri & Bubezi bloodlines. Steve Couch Watkinsville 706-769-5257

quick turns, Jet Threat, Leo/Azure Te, proven broodmare $3500. R. Mason Blairsville 706745-5054

Bred fullblood beer nanny, some w/kids, bred '88 Cutter Bill mare, bred, $2750; '98 Paint

percentage, one 8 mos., fullblood SA billy. B. R. filly. Charles E. Cates, Sr. Dahlonega 706-

Waller Wrightsville 912-864-3612


Common goats, billies & nannies for sale. '88 Hackney pony, exp. in driving & under

Tom Smith Conyers 770-483-4937

saddle, exc. disposition. Vicky McAllister

Does-Spanish, 1/2 Boe~ fullblood, bred & Gainesville 678-947-3608

open, $85-$400; BBQ bucks, fat & breeder '88 SSHBEA geld., 15.1 hds., black/white,

bucks, also, many goat related items. Aubrey gorgeous, trail/show exp., gret ground

Ledger Bartow912-364-7573

manners, intermediate rider, $2700 neg.

Full blood beer bucks and does starting at Becky Elrod Byron 912-956-2180

$350, all adult and very healthy. Steve L Cromer Thomaston 706-647-6227
Fullblood Boer buck, IVGA regd., born 2199, correct col., good qlty. $350. J. R. Watson Tifton 912-382-2994

'89 regd. Arabian bay mare, Egyptian bloodlines, gentle, bought for beg. $1150. D. Key Stockbridge 770-483-0652
'89 saddlebred broodmare, easy keeper, very gentle, & her '96 gelding, grt. trail horses,

Fullblood Boer, born 6/11/97, sire MC122, $2000. C. Holston Douglasville 770-949-

dam KCK39, name Howbg J02, ready for 3366

breeding $500. Henry Maddox Blakely 912- '90 AQHA stud, light Palomino, Hollywood


Gold & Three Bars lines, gentle breeder, SUS,

Goats free-small Pygmy goats, 1 male, 2 $2500, neg. Rindall Dunston Americus 912-

females. Kinny Keenebrew Marietta 770-971- 924-5279


'92 AQHA geld., '93 Paint mare, '90

Good breeding buck, Nubian, nannies & Palomino geld., '96 _Paint geld., Shetland

babies, Nubian & Alpine mix., 12 goats $650. pony, gentle, dely. avail. Tom Sewell Ellijay

Howard Mab!}'. Acworth 770-974-2445

706-635-4515 706-635-2973

Good stock goats, 1/2 to 3/4 Boer goats, sell '92 tri-color geld., 14.2 hds., shown & trail,

1 or the herd, call aft. 5 pm. Leo Lightsey loads/clips/bathes; '90 AQHA bay mare, ltchie

JeSUI! 912-427-6399

Dancer/Barred bloodline. L. Daniels

Hampshire spring lambs for sale. Jason Statesboro 912-587-5482

Shaffer Newborn 706-468-9468

'93 APHAAppendix regd. mare, beau. great

Herd reduction sale, '96, '97, '98, '99 temperment, does anything, sire Nikky Skippa

nannies, % Boer. J. Hurt Cordele 912-273- Spot $2000. K. Baker Commerce 706-335-

4312 912-273-7832


Egg Commission, 16 Forest Parkway, Forest Park; Ga. 30297. The following recipe is featured in that holiday season brochure.


Makes 48 cookies.

1 cup butter 1/2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon black walnut flavoring 2 tablespoons sour cream 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup maraschino cherries, chopped 1 cup black walnuts, chopped 1/2 cup white chocolate morsels

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Beat butter and shortening at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy; gradually add sugars, beating well. Add eggs, black walnut flavoring, and sour cream, beating well. Set aside. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cream of tartar; add to butter mixture, mixing well. Stir in cherries, black walnuts; and white chocolate morsels. Bake for 1O minutes or until lightly brown. Cool slightly on cookie sheet; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Nutritional analysis (per serving): Calories 134, Protein 2 g, Carbohydrates 14 g,_ Fat 8 g (3 g saturated), Cholesterol 20 mg, Sodium 129 mg, Calcium 16 mg

Unless otherwise indicated, all recipes have been tested for accuracy in the Department of Agriculture test kitchen by home economist Kindra Watters. If you would like to share your favorite recipes with our readers, send to: Georgia Cooking, Market Bulletin, 19 MLK Jr. Drive, Atlanta 30334-4250. If you have questions or problems regarding recipes featured in this column, call 1-800282-5852 (statewide). Please do not call the individual who submitted the recipe.

'94 APHA BIS broodmare by Sock Broker, '98 APHA gorgeoui;; gray overo geld., show

2X world champ., in foal to APHA champ. qlty., wonderfuldisp., $2000 OBO. P. Bryant

producer. D. Moore Cartersville 770-382- Milner 770-358-2243


'98 AQHA bay geld., by Sweet Talkin chiJ>,

'94 AQHAAppendix mare, brown w/star, 15 IF, great 2-yr.-old western pleasure prospect,

hds., easy keeper, gentle, $1200, or trade for $3500. Fred Mansour LaGrange 706-883-

beginner rider. D. Wilson Fitzgerald 912- 7123


'98 AQHA palomino stallion $1800, '98

'95 AQHA IF dun geld., awesome mover, APHA sorrel overo stallion $1800, both easy

halter, pleasure, dressage, youth safe $5000. to handle. S. Buffington Aragon 706-232-

Michelle St. Clair Locust Grove 770-228- 1497


'98 AQHA stud out of Doc Bar & Hiddas

'95 AQHA mare, Beauty's Red Little Pep breeding, very gentle, $1500; call

Boy/Commander King/Old Man/Mccue aft.6pm. Ronnie Ellis Barnesville 770-358-

Foundation bloodlines, $2500/obo. Donna 3364

Demers Sylvania _912-857-4898 888-249- '98 Saddlebred filly, not regd., should


mature 16+hds., sorrel w/snip, 2 socks, nice

'96 APHA dun/tobiano geld., $2500; '99 trail or hunter $1400/nego. Avery Csitar

APHA chestnut tobiano filly, $1800. Shelly Newnan 770-253-2487

Dale Centerville 912-953-8243

'98 red dun stallion, Mr. Gunsmoke/Poco

'96 APHA sorrel geld., 16 hds., quiet, bred, cutting, reining, roping prosp:, must see

$7000; AQHA sorrel mare, 12-yr., gentle, to appreciate $5000. K.. Harvey Carrollton

$2000; AQHA gelds, $2500/$5000. A. Elrod 770-836-1844

Suwanee 678-947-9045

'99 APHA bay tobiano filly, halter broke, dbl.

'96 AQHA mare, 14.2hds., dbl. bred Doc bred Doc Bo Acres, homoxygous sire, $1500.

O'Lena, rides gentle, team penning prosp. J. Wilkes Athens 770-725-5550

$2200. James E. Jordan Dalton 706-695- '99 APHA buckskin Tobiano filly, an eye-


catcher, gentle, imprinted, Stormin Dorman

'96 Appendix liver chestnut geld., 15+hds., bloodlines, show qlty. D. McMillian Gillsville

no vices, gentle disp., nice mover, event 770-536-6652

prosp., $2500. Brittany Bolton 770-474-3197


'99 APHA regd. solid bay geld., very gentle, good disp., calm, broke halter/longe, good

'96 SSHBEA/NSSHA blk./white stallion, Domino/Go Bay bloodlines, very gentle, haller

pros. for show, mature to 16hds, $1900. Daniel Matics Fayetteville 770-716-1505

broke, hold for Christmas, $1200. K. Greenwell Newnan 770-251-0120 770-2534175
'96 sorrel flaxen filly, English, Western, 14.1hds., bomb proof, side passes, jumps, flat. kneed, sweet $4000. Lynn Hodges Cave S!!ring 706-777-0920
'97 AMHA regd. 32" blue roan stud, Bond

'99 AQHA IF, bay filly by Larks First Buck, $2500; '96 AQHA IF sorrel filly by Flashy Zipper, $4000. Shelley Snider Mitchell 706465-2630
'99 AQHA colt, bred to perform, beau. head, neck w/big hip $1500. V. Wilson Covington 770-656-9287 770-787-4213

bloodlines, swt. & smart, will hold until '99 AQHA palomino filly, nice mover w/great

Christmas $675. Kim Grimes Buford 770- head & neck $1800. D. Sosebee Conyers



'97 AQHA IF geld., Two Eyed Jack, Peco bloodlines, Imprinted unlimited pot., exc. con!. Tracy Leonard Conyers 770-761-0279 770941-0195
'97 AQHA geld., started well under saddle, gentle, exc. disp., barrel/cow horse/pleasure prosp., $2500. W. Greene Douglasville 770942-6006

'99 Hanoverian colt, by West Coast, uphill, athletic, lrg. floating gaits, mature at 16.2-17 hds., $7500. Sharon Enderlein Brooks 770461-1699
'99 buckskin filly, beau. Doc Bar lines, '$2500; '99 Palomino colt, Two-Eyed Jack & 3 Bars, $1500. Holly Hester Albany 912-4364174

'97 AQHA golden buckskin colt, grn. brk., 10 yr. barrel horses, AQHA palomino geld., $4,100; '98 bay colt $3,500; will make superb 2-D times $5000, roan mare, needs restarted

cutters, both Doc Bar bred. D. More Fairburn $3000. Misty Dinsmore Ball Ground 770-



'97 ApHC bay mare w/blaze & socks, 14.3, 10-yr. buckskin OH geld., 15 hds., g_entle,

exc. cont., loves people, going well us, $2500. trails, neckrains, clips, loads, good home only,

Toni Rush Zebulon 770-358-2019

$1600. Joe Pierce Gray 912-986-4113

'97 Arabian geld., 14.3 hds., dark grey, 12 yr. AQHA blk. geld., successfully shown

Bask grandson, started under saddle, in western pleasure, horsemanship, English

western, endurance, hunter, $1500. Jeff pleasure, equitation & trail, suitable for novice

Bowman Brooks 770-716-0975

rider, $10,000. Brenda Slappey Leesburg

'97, '98 ApHC sorrel & roan geld., both 912-759-9933

spotless, 1 started work, 1 ready for work 12 yr. sorrel OH mare, great beginner's

$2000-$2500. Rebecca Scott Sharpsburg horse, very sweet, gentle, trained western

770-251-9927 770-251-9881

pleasure. Sam Moore Newnan 770-304-8118

Page 6


Wednesday December 8, 1999

12-yr. QH mare, sorrel, flaxen mane & tail, 9-yr. 16 hd. Appaploosa geld. bay roan, Child-safe geld., 9 yrs., Paint pony, pulls

very gentle, anyone can ride, grt. on trails. English or western, intermediate rider, loves cart, jumps, trails, always in ribbons, clips,

Hannah Burks Douglasville 770-942-7560 people. Janice Chatham Cumming 770-889- loads, bathes $2000 firm. Steve Johnson

12-yr. geld., calf, head & heel-ready to go, 5513

Canton 770-720-7959

$6500; 14-yr. AQHA geld., exc. trail, English, 9-yr. golden palomino, exc. trail horse, very Chnt. IAHA geld., 14.3+ hds., halter/pert.

$4250. S. Griffin Jasper 706-692-7657

gentle, loads, 15.3 hds, geld., western, prospect; Muscat, Marsianin, Tornado,

13 yr. Paint mare, 14.3hds., anyone can ride muscled, exp. rider, $1500. Julie Eden Serafix pedigree w/tr,ot, $2500, sweepstakes

$1500/obo. H. Stanfield Americus 912-924- Appling 706-541-0708

eligible. Donna M. Monticello 706-318-2645

0386 912-924-5386

9-yr. gray AQHA geld. trail horse, rides very Geld., 15.2hds., 17 yrs., sound, sorrel,

14.2hd. bay QH geld., 30 days prof. trng., good, exp. rider, strong heart, $1400, can gentle temper, loads, bathes, catches easily,

great jumper, currently going novice CT del., call aft. 8 pm. Dale Harris Cornelia 706- trail _rides $1200. Holly Whitehead Colbert

$6500. K. McWilliams Cordele 912-273-2619 778-8492


15 hds., 12 yr. red roan paint geld., very AMHA yrlg. colt, bay; gentle, loving, perfect Gentle Paso Fino mare, good disp., smooth

stocky, very gentle, $1400. S Davis Suwanee for child, will hold for Christmas. Carol Lowery gait, Bolero dau._ Bobby Mclendon Blakely


Eastman 912-374-3111



15 yr. 14 hd. mare, easy keeper, $975. J. AMHR chestnut mare, 34", 5 yrs., $500, Hallinger/Appaloosa 6 yr. mare, Palomino

Escher Villa Rica 770-459-8631

call aft. 5 pm. L. Dover Union Point 706-486- w/blanket, gentle, saddles & drivers, $1650.

15-yr. Belgian buggy/surrey geld., traffic 4755

Joe Jordan Douglasville 770-942-4872 770-

safe, exc. for women to hitch & drive, grt. APHA4-yr. bay overo mare, 15.1 hds., bred 942-4294

manners, $1,000. Debbie Meads Sparta 706- for 3-2000 foal to blk. hw. tobiano, rides quiet, Half-Arabian mare, big, black, beaut., show


$2750. S. Lewis Perry 912-987-7774

horse supreme, western, hunter, jumps,

16 yr. QH geld., 15hds., header, trail ridden, APHA blk. geld., 3-yr. old, barrels, team sidesaddle, must see, sacrifice, $6000. L. clips, loads, bathes $2500. Jerry Lott Monroe penning prosp., 14.2 hds., Santana's warrior, Towle Fayetteville 770-716-9114


Tardy Too bloodlines, smart, fast learner, Halflinger geld., 9 yrs., drives sgl., dbl.,

18 mo. regd. buckskin geld., Quarter $2,000. D. Oldham Elberton 706-283-7646 rides, strong, reliable, easy to handle, must Mustang cross, exc. prosp., asking $900. APHA breeding stock sorrel mare, 7 yrs., see. M. Rush Bremen 770-537-3560

Stuart S. Brooks Dacula 770-822-3367 770- 14.2 hds., grt. trail horse, sound/sane, ridden High octane trained '92 sorrel geld., stout,


by 12-yr. old, $2500. P. Paris Canton 770, personable, guar. sound, neg. coggins,

198G regd. TB mare, 15.2 hds., dk. day, 475-1987

Springlake Farm, $1400. eves. N. Taylor

healthy & sound, exp. rider or broodmare, APHA broodmare, Zip to Impress & Social Circle 770-464-2098

$800. W. McGuffee Villa Rica 770-459-2852 Handy's Poor Boy bloodlines, bred to tobiano Jack burros, 3 yrs., 2 avail., call aft. 5 pm.

1988 IBHA/AQHA Grulla mare barrel horse, stallion $2000. Lea Neal Dublin 912-275- J. Hancock Gray 912-986-5699

awesome on trails too; 1989 white very flashy 9726

Leoparc;l Appaloosa mare, 15 yrs.,

QH, ropes/reins. Carll Wheat Dougalsville APHA geld., broke, flashy & APHA filly, 14.3hds., great trail horse, no vices, sound,


good breeding, halter broke, both gentle & good con!. $1100. Roland Jones

1996 dapple gray AQHA geld., 15 hds., well mannered. M. Clark Macon 912-785- Douglasville 770-489-5588

stout, good bloodline, riding good on trails, 1124

Mansize (15.3 hds.), 1998 bay geld.,

$2500. Richard Stephens Rochelle 912-365- APHA pony mare, 13.2 hds., 15-yrs., lower started u/s, 90 days prof. trng., correct


level jumping/dressage, owned by pony movement for competitive/endurance prosp.,

1998 grey Arabian colt, Russian/Crabbe!, clubber, intermediate riqer, $2500. D. $5000. Cindy Gall Newnan 770-304-5585

very pretty, endurance prosp., should mature Bosworth Senoia 770-719-5430

Miniature AMHA 31" stallion, Paint colt,

to 14'3", $1250. N. Brink Newborn 706-342- APHA stud colts, blk./wh., bay/wh., yrlg. weanling filly, bred mare, qlty. breeders.


filly, all champion bloodlines, priced to sell. Wilton Marchman Hampton 770-946-4631

2 1/2 yr, triple regd. NSSH blk./wh. mare, James Monk Hampton 770-946-9327

Miniature AMHR regd. 4-mo. filly sorrel, will

Tenn. Whiskey Champ. bred, exc. con!. & APHA weanlings, b/s bay colt, blk. filly, mature approx. 32", $950 obo; call 6 pm - 10 disp., good home only, $2500. M. Zorens AQHA red roan colt mare $500/up. G. Cox pm. Steve Adams Tallapoosa 770-574-2839

Tyrone 770-969-2277

Rome 706-232-8882

Miniature AMHR sorrel mare, pasture bred

2 1996 TB gelds., 16 hds., $2500; 1 1998 AQHA '99 bay colt; dam-Sugar Bars, sire- to medicine hat farm eovero stallion, has baby

TB colt, 15.2 hds, by Bold Bidding, Stakes Colonel Sanddollar; pleasure bred, $1,500 every yr., $600. P. Proctor Martin 706-356-

Winner, $1500. Ron Hamby Valdosta 912-. obo. Alecia Nation Loganville 770-466-1449 5036


AQHA 3 yr. geld., 15.1 hds., great trail Miniature horse, 8-yrs., 26" tall, grt.

2 Racking horses, geld., child-safe, 1 blk., 1 horse, very willing, good bloodlines, nice for Christmas gift, will hold until Christmas w/sm.

wh., loads, clips, shoes $2500 ea./obo. Lynn beginners. J. Townsend Monroe 770-207- down payment. C. Green Tyrone 770-487-

Wheeler Acworth 770-974-3754


2858 404-755-4597

2 TWH blk. & wh. colts, red & wh. 3 yr. stud, AQHA 7 yr. blk. Jet Deck geld:, 8 yr. sorrel Miniature horses, AMHR 5 mo. old colt,

all 15 & 15.5hds., 1 yr. blk. & wh. filly. S. geld., 10 yr. very gentle pony geld. C. Wilson unregd.; 4 mo. old colt, Buckaroo bloodlines,

Brannon Buchanan 770-646-5373

Perry 912-987-2025

$1000 up, high q!ty., small. Sandra Langham

2 blk. mare mules, 5 & 6 yrs. old; work, ride, AQHA mare, '82 Doc Bar gr'dau., semi- Woodstock 770-442-1587

pack; $1850/pr. or will sell separate J. E. Cochran Blue Ridge 706-632-5625
2 regd. miniature jennets w{jennet babies $1750/pr., 3 1/2 yr. jennet $1250. C. Holmes

finalist NCHA fut., in foal to Jessie Rey Tari, sound $8500. D. More Fairburn 770-9690241
AQHA mare, bay, 8 yrs., $1850; AQHA

Miniature horses, all AMHA/AMHR regd. mare w/2-month-old filly, $2000; Appy mare,
$600; bay mare, $600. Donna Edge Dublin 912-272-5444

Fayetteville 770-461-6497

geld., 2.5 yi:s., Chestnut, $1850; AQHA, 2.5 Miniature horses--AMHA silver roan filly,

2 sorrel AQHA geld., 9 & 11 yrs., shown yrs. mare, $1850. J. Wheeler Fairburn 770- silver colt, very small. Larry Johnson Canton

locally, western, exc. manners, sacrifice, 969-2004


$1200 ea. Joey Vincent Kennesaw 678-354- AQHA mare, rides quiet, good conf., $1050; . Morgan geld., 14 yrs., flashy, proud, racks,

2666 770-637-7118

8 yr. TB geld. trail/pleasure, $1250; small welHrnd. & responsive, $1000. S. Reid

20 month old stud, $600, call before 9 pm. pony, kid safe, $650. R. Penland Canton Meansville 770-567-9480

John Takash Albany 912-436-6829


Outstanding older Appaloosa, taught 100's

3 yr. bay pony geld. $450, 6 yr. gray & wh.

mare mule $650, 12hds. S. C. Houston

Woodstock 770-516-2796

3 yr. regd. Arabian geldings, dapple gray

bay ready to start U/S, $800 ea.; 9 yr. mare

pony sorrel/flaxen leadline, $500. Lynn Baxley

Appling 706-541-2895

3-yr. QH geld., sorrel, 14.3 hds., green

broke, $800. C. Raymer Milner 770-228-0642

4 yr. OH mare, 15 hds., chestnut w/blaze &

rear stockings, very stocky, go anywhere trail

horse, $950. M. Hart Nicholson 706-757-


4 yr. golden palomino QH mare, 15hds.,

gentle, loads, bathes, needs intermediate rider

$2000, call before 9 pm. G. Timmons

Douglasville 770-949-7469

4-yr. old tri-colored paint geld., gentle for

anyone, beau. horse w/swt. disposition.

Winston Gosdia LaGrange 706-845-0107

5 yr. Dun geld., 14.2 hds., good gentle trail

horse, pretty, easy keeper, no bad habits,

$1375. Steve Davis Commerce 706-335-


5-yr. AQHA geld., 15.3 hd., grt. disposition &

mover. D. Martin Fayetteville 678-817-9632

5/99 AQHA sorrel filly, Skipity Skip, Sir

Raleigh bloodlines, mature at 16hds. $2000.

S. Bennett Aragon 770-684-6426

6 yr. Appaloosa geld., 14.1 hds., quiet,

gentle, nice mover, English or Western, loves

trails $2500/obo. Lewis Jones Cumming 770-


6 yr. QH sorrel geld., 15.2 hds., just right for

child's first horse, western/English, trail rides,

$1500. Mike Beard Newnan 770-254-8674

6 yr. TWH bay geld., 14-yr. grey pony, 1 yr.

brown pony. R. Porter Tifton 912-386-2113

6 yr. grey appendix geld., 16hds., very quiet,

box, shoe, clip, tie, bathe, prof. trnd. $4000. P.

Williams Perry 912-988-0757 912-218-5922

6-yr. old Palomino mare, gentle, likes

people, bred to b&w paint stud for early 2000

foal, $950. John Warren Taylorsville 770-

386-8177 770-684-6283


8 yr. breeding stock Paint, loads, clips,

bathes, good disposition, traffic safe, $1700.

Bruce McPherson Buford 770-271-8404

8-yr. old TB geld. bay, shown 3'6" - 3'9",

jumpers evented through novice level, $8500

obo. A. Mitchell Rome 706-291-8371

9-mo. QH colt, halter broke, leads grt., very

flashy, nice con!., will mature to 15+ hds.,

$900. Shelby Gay Milan 912-362-4497

AQHA sorrel broodmare, 3 stockings & blaze, must see. W. Audette Grovetown 706-556-3827
AQHA sorrel! geld., 16 hds., safe any age rider, $1850; reg. thoroughbred geld., hunter/dressage prosp., $2850. Tricia Waclena Canton 770-345-4137
AQHA stallion, 7 mos., Bonanza/Tardy Too bloodlines, halter & lead line, broke, lunges $2500. Lynn Scroggins Ball Ground 770893-2091
American saddlebred, 12 yrs., geld., red chestnut, 15.1 hds., Wing Commander gr'son, great pleasure horse $1500, 7 am-3 pm. Laura Reid Cumming 770-750-6510
ApHc '85 & '88 broodmares; '98 & '99 colts w/blankets/spots; mares are grt. riders & disp., current shots. Ken Howell Oxford 770784-6549
Appaloosa mare, can be regd., big, wh. blanket, bay, red roan, trnd. well, worked w/cows & barrels, trail riding $1600/obo. Hannah Bolstridge Abbeville 912-423-7175
Appaloosa, 14 yrs., 15.2hd. geld., blk. roan w/blanket, extra gentle, good trail horse, all shots current $1800. J.V. Maddox Flowery Branch 770-945-1359 770-932-6515
Barrel horse, 13 yr. QH, bay geld., runs 2-D time, no bad habits $3000. H. Burnette Douglasville 770-942-5361
Bay mare, 14.2hds., 10 yrs., youth rider only, exp. $1000/obo. Trudy Carter St. George 912-843-2482
Beau. sorrel w/blaze, QH geld.; 15.1 hds., well-trained, good trail horse, must sell, $1200 obo. Elaine Honea Carnesville 706-3847174
Belgian mare, blk. mane & tail, 13 yrs., Amish broke sgl. & dbl., will ride. Tommy Day Blackshear 912-449-4132
Big 16.2hd. TB geld., 9 yrs. old, show exp., perfect conformation, sadly must sell. Dena Singleton Sharpsburg 770-252-4861
Big red mule geld., 14-yr., 15 hds., 1100 lbs., rides, works, gentle, $1000 cash; aft. 4 pm wkdays, anytime wkends. W. Carroll Rome 706-235-9346
Blk. Arabian mare, greenbroke $2500. Dawn Reynolds McDonough 770-957-5660
Child safe--x-sm. leadline/longeline geld.; 12.2 hd. mare, rides/drives; lge. Quarter pony trail mare, $700-$1500. Laura Golden Ball Ground 770-735-2365
Child-safe b&w pony, one-of-a-kind, thinks he's a dog, 4-yrs., approved home only, $800.

children to ride, too many qualifications to mention, needs suitable home - retirement, lease. B.J. Fdifer Atlanta 770-509-1700 678352-0310
Palomino QH 6-yr. mare, 15.2 hds., in foal for 5/2000 to son of AM Gypsy Village, US Natl. top 10 halter, $3000. M. Coe Monticello 706-468-6673 706-468-9463
Paso Fino mare & 5 mo. weanling colt, great disp., gait & bloodlines. B. Holton Fayetteville 770-719-7602
Paso Fino mare, 7 yrs., 14.2 hds., impeccable grnd. manners, started under saddle, pert. prop., no vices, $2800. Marie Nguyen Comer 706-783-3490
Paso Fino, May 1994, mare, dapple grey, white mane & tail, Resorte/Marinero de Colombia bloodline, show ribbons, $3600, eves. R. Roknick Gillsville 770-536-6999
Percheron/QH geld., 3-yr., 15.3 hds., leads, loads, lunges, has been backed, grt. event prosp., $5500. L. Harris Fairburn 770-9644222
Percherons-- regd. blk. filly & yrlg. stud, very stylish & correct, cross breeding potential. C. Gardner Monroe 770-267-8040
Perfect Christmas pony, med. geld.; fancy bay mare, jr. or amateur hunter; 16.1 hd. geld. Olga Walker Rocky Face 706-673-2246
Pony mare, 13.3hds., 6 yrs., exc. mover, jumping 2', fantastic show pony prosp. $5000. Amanda Smart Roswell 770-641-0317
Pony mule, 12hds., gentle, intelligent, willing, 7 yrs., exc. child mount $800/obo. M. Lewis Franklin 770-854-5024
Pony, 1O hds., grey/white 11 yr. geld., very cute, friendly, 'lunges, trail rides, $1000. M. Freil Woodstock 770-667-9274
Pony, 10-yr. small regd. geld., gentle, beau. markings, no vices, rides, drives, child's mount, $800, can dely. Jill Bennett Sugar Hill 770-932-0406
Pony, 13.3hd. QH type 5 yr. geld., likes people, wants to be hfj, evel"l or trail horse, $1200. Beverly Wilson Fairburn 770-9640497
Pony, Paint geld., 11 yrs., 12.2hds., exc. con!. John Tucker Griffin 770-567-3957 770228-2793
Pony, Shetland geld., bay, 10 hds., 11-yrs., gentle, loads, $500. Kevin Smith Forsyth 912-994-0155
Pony, beaut., 9 yr. old POA regd., proven great companion for riding child w/exp., very versatile. M. Burnsed Forsyth 912-994-2720

Ads cannot be called in by phone.

Clair Coley Cumming 770-887-9598


Pony, black/white geld., 12.3 hds., great on trails, loves children, would make great Christmas pony, $1500. B. Whitener Dalton 706-277-2595
Pr. match mare mules, 7 & 8 yrs., 1400 lbs. ea., work in traffice & plows good; mare mule, 900 ibs. Elmer Partain Elberton 706-2834228
Precious pt. pony, blk./wh., 8 yrs., 12.3hds., great on trails, bomb proof, loves kids $1500. C. Aiken Dahlonega 706-867-1907
QH geld., sorrel, 15.2hds., very athletic, team penning deluxe, great trail horse, 16 yrs. $900/obo. B. Applewhite Tifton 912-3889597
QH mare, bay, 8 yrs., 14.3 hds., stocky, in foal, kid ridden, $1250. M. Cox Rome 706232-1563
QH, 15 hds., dead broke, grt. horse for beginner, child safe, $975. Rodney Wilbanks Commerce 706-757-2152
QHX, 6 yr. old Palomino geld., 15.2 hds., seasoned foxhunter/trail horse, goes English or western, $3500. Sandra Carnet Clermont 770-983-7 424
Qlty. weanling draft & saddle mules: 3-yr. grey, 4-yr. grey, 2 1-yr. red, 3 1-yr. black mules. Dean Ryan Concord 770-884-9980
Racking bay geld., 15hds., rides good $900, TWH mare, 15.1hds., bred for 2000 foal $1000. T.L. Gunter Vienna 912-268-8043 912-268-2759
Regd. 1/2 Connemara, 1/2 Arabian geld. & mare, geld. 15hds., chestnut, mare 14.3hds., blk., ref. $7500 ea. Shari Burkett Ball Ground 770-479-7422
Regd. American walking pony spotted mare, gentle for anyone who can ride, 14.1 hds., calm, loving. Joan Brown Macon 912743-2321
Regd. Appaloosa mare, 15.1 hds., 9 yrs., wh. w/spot, shown English, jumps, trails, proven color producer, $2200. D. Bishop Gainesville 770-983-3099
Regd. Arabian geld., 14.3hds., 19 yrs., English/Western, great trail horse, fast,
intermediate rider $1500. c. Lunsford
Alpharetta 770-442-8969
Regd. Arabian geld., 8 yrs. old, calm on trails, will make good endurance horse, $1200. E. Teal Franklin 706-675-1283
Regd. Arabian geld., good disp., nice mover, beau. bay, 8 yrs. $1900/obo. Susan Huff Albany 912-446-2143
Regd. Arabian/Saddlebred geld., 15hds., 3 1/2 yrs., chestnut/flaxen mane & tail, calm on trails, endurance prosp. $950. D. McCluney Milledgeville 912-452-0335
Regd. Belgian 17.2hd. mare, 6 yrs. $3000; Hackney pony, 12.5hd. mare, 12 yrs, $1000; both ride/drive. Randy/Lisa Drummond White 770-386-5131
Regd. Hallinger geld., weanling. M. Smith Hawkinsville 912-783-2365
Regd. Paso Finos: 5 yr. mare, 2 yr. geld., 2 yr. filly, 2 yrlgs., all ground broke, well gaited. D. Rouse Rincon 912-826-5395
Regd. Pinto/OH, 4 yr. mare, sorrel/wh., sire Dekota. Billy Doby, kid-broke, good show prosp. $2200. Sarah Clinton Chickamauga 706-375-4346
Regd. blk./wh. TWH geld., 15.2hds. $2500, Quarter type geld. $1500. Steve Whidby Buford 770-652-3777
Regd. heading horse, grt. for beginners or exp. ropers Jimmy Fisher Crawfordville 770456-2010
Regd. spotted saddle mare, 8 yrs., 15 hds. sorrel: brown, white, black, gentle, $2000, call aft. 5 pm. Robert Holder Kennesaw 770-4246035
SSHBEA/NSSHBA regd. spotted saddle mare, b/w, 15.1 hds., smooth gait, 6-yrs exc. trail, no bad habits. Ann Evans Toccoa 706886-4131
Saddlebred mare, sorrel w/blaze, stockings, sweet, energetic, not for beg., good trail horse $1000. W. Keene Jefferson 706367-1476
Shetland pony, 5 yr. old spotted geld., gentle, rides & drives to cart. Charles Byrd Woodstock 770-926-3072
TB mare, dk. bay, 21 yrs., sound, exc. for beg., jumps, 3 day eventer $1200/obo. G. Brown Palmetto 770-463-2014
TB mare, very attractive, 16hds., children/adults jumper, under prof. trng., cross-country pro.sp., trail rides, $4800. Sharon Kelly Cairo 912-378-8182
TB show hunter, 13 yrs., beaut. bay, good mover, good jumper, shown GHJA by jr. ride, $8500, Ive. msg. Margaux Hilber Alpharetta 770-475-2379
TB/Trakehner-broodmare, in foal to Landavi, due 3/2000, will make exc. sport
horse, previous foal on s1te, $6500. s.
Webster Lawrenceville 770-466-9861
TWH 12-yr., bilk., 16 hd., loads, sound, grt. on trails, smooth gaits, intermediate rider,
needs loving home, $2500. w. Walters
Albany 912-879-4767
TWH 14 yr. geld., blk., 15.3hds., camping & trail exp., loads, clips, rides well $2500 firm. Grady Lovett Barnesville 770-358-7475
TWH 4 yr., 15hd. palomino geld., trail exp., good gaits, needs intermediate rider, loads/clips/bathes, catches easy, $4200. S. Lorentz Cumming 678-947-4348
TWH 7 yr. old, 16 hds., black "Ebony," gaited, racks, to a good home, please, $1700. L. Payne Blairsville 706-781-1782
TWH bay geld., 5 yrs., good on trails & field trials, no bad habits $1000, TWH sorrel mare, 6 yrs. $1500. W. C. Hall Woodstock 770928-3881

TWH black geld., 7 yrs. old, 15.1 hds., great mover, loads, clips, great ground manners, no vices, $2800. Louis Christina Sharpsburg 770-304-1523
TWH geld., 13 yrs., 15hds., child-safe/beg., gentle, smooth $1900; regd. 6-yr. TWH geld., gentle/smart, $2000. L. Jones Locust Grove 770-957-7525
TWH mare, Ebony Masterpiece top & bottom, 15.3 hds., rides beau., $2250. C. Nichols Gainesville 770-983-9833
TWH regd. bay gelding, 6 yrs. old, 15hds., great pleasure horse, $2500. Ernest Thompson Ced11rtown 770-748-6709
TWH, 18 yrs., sorrel w/white blaze, smooth ride, exc. for anyone, well-trained, $1800. Lee Rearden Gray 912-932-5137 912-986-2248
TWH, blk. geld., 14.3 hds., stocky, exceptional gaits, lope & canter, no vices, any rider, $2200, Gaited Farms. Tracey Jenkins Newnan 770-304-8468
TWH/RHBA regd. blk. stallion, 11 yrs., 14.5hds., clips, loads, bathes, trails, gentle, must see, tack incl. $1500. Kevin VanHouten Thomaston 706-646-2070 770-581-2530
TWH/SSH, two black/white weanling fillys, great bloodlines, good looks & moves. Robby Lanier Newborn 706-557-1631
TWHBEA geld., 7 yrs., 15.2hds., sorrel $2000, SSH geld., 4 yrs., 15.2hds., blk./wh. $3500, gentle. G. Roland Meansville 706648-2456
TWHBEA geld., blk., 8 yrs., show or trail, very gentle, good manners $2900. Ann Bailey Smyrna 770-436-1861
TWHs; 10-yr. chestnut geld., 7-yr. sorrel! geld., 6-yr. gray geld., 6-yr. strawberry roan geld. Shea Cross/Albert Queen Dallas 770505-0090
Tall aged medicine hat regd. paint broodmare, bred to Two Eyed Jack 16.2 stallion. Karen Abbott Adel 912-896-2593
Welsh geld., beau., gentle, healthy, 5 yrs., 13.2hds., golden palomino $1500, deposit will hold until Christmas. P. Russell Stone Mountain 770-465-6793
Welsh pony mare, chestnut, 12-yrs., current shots, easy keeper, good home only, clips, loads, bathes, $950. M. Leach Loganville 770-554-5424
Poultry/Fowl For Sale
Ifyou have any questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney at 404-651-9084.
Mallard ducks must: be at least three generations from the wild before they can be advertised in the Market Bulletin. Advertisers must include this information in notices submitted for publication.
'98 .hatch, _2_ lge. white geese~"Lyouog Game hens, $45. C.E. Sosebee Cumming 770-887-27 49
'99 GiGi pheasants, extra hens, '98 Nepal Kelig pheasants, American & Indian Fantail pigeons, asstd. show bantams. David Orgel Albany 912-435-3973
'99 Stags, Hatch and Hatched-crossed; a few hens, reas. priced. James Wood Hoschton 706-654-3498
'99 hatch RIR, Buff Orpington, Dominique, ready to lay, $4 each, call after 6 p.m. D. Hoard Thomaston 706-646-4504
'99 hatch, Ringneck pheasants for sale. David Broome Lavonia 706-356-8962
'99 hatch, Silkie bantam babies, mxd. colors; also, other caged birds. Tere Lopez Oxford 770-787-2955
100 Mallard ducks, 3rd generation from the wild. John Haymans Ailey 912-583-4116
15 white guineas, 15 blue coral guineas, 15 lavender guineas. Jack Clark Morgan 912849-3440
, 19 Muscovy ducks $8 each, $100/all; 14 breeder peafowl $60 ea., $750 if all taken, 10 grown geese $20 each. James/Cheryl Ware Fort Valley 912-825-1670
2 BB Red bantam ~roosters $5 ea; mixed pigeons $3 ea., white utility Kings $40/pr. David Patton Williamson 770-228-4415
2 pr. Araucanas, 12 pr. also, 1 extra beau. rooster $5, $25 for all. Jerry Bostwick Gray 912-986-5128
25 common pigeons $3 each, no Sunday sales. Clovis Jackson Moultrie 912-9415541
3 young game roosters, approx. 3 mo. old, $5 each or trade for 3 young hens. Ken Sealey Griffin 770-227-7818
4 Red Gold Pheasants males, '99 hatch, for sale or will trade for unrelated bloodlines, 3 Araucanas, 14 wks., $5 each. Barbara Zingleman Norcross 770-925-9139
4 mxd. Cochin Bantams $15, 3 females and 1 male, 6 mos. old. James King Newborn 770-787-367 4
5 white Call ducks $8 each, $30 for all five, 2 Shelducks, also male Mandarians. L. Godwin Hampton 770-946-4158
50 grown guineas $10 each, 30 laying hens $6/up, 3 pr. peacocks $150/pr., all kinds of show bantams $4 each/up. Doretha Rowden Bogart 770-725-7535
Baby chicks, Araucana, lgt. Brahma, fresh fertile eggs for incubation or consumption, various breeds, Barred Rock roosters. David White Lula 770-869-7467
Barred Cochin chicks, Cinnamon Queen layer chicks, various ages, trio Black Tail Japs, Trio White O.E., other birds, Dublin area. Eric Underwood Dexter 912-875-3699
Black Australian swans $450 each or $900/pr.; 3 kinds of peacocks, Muscovy ducks. A.M. Ferrell Smyrna 770-436-0282

Wednesday December 8, 1999


Page 7

Blue & blackshouldered pea fowl w/long tails, $25; cameo hens, $50, pr. Java Greens, $250. Robert McDade Milledgeville 912452-1608
Blue Scale quail $20/pr. plus shipping, no calls after 9 p.m. James Bingham Dalton 706-272-3739
Bronze turkeys for sale. Leon Cagle Jasper 770-735-2802
Buff Orpington, blk. O.E., Barred 0. E., 1 blk. w/white speckles Game hen, 2 guineas. Amanda Wadley Statham 770-775-2464
Buff Orpington/Rocks, hens 9 mos. old, laying good, $10; also, Orpington rooster $5. Mike Cox Leesburg 912-759-9242
Buff Orpingtons, Columbian Rocks, New Hampshires, Bantam Cochins, BB Reds, others. R. Strickland Gillsville 770-869-7575
Chickens, Royal Palm turkeys, guineas, many colors of Muscovy ducks, all priced according to age. Gary Brock Alpharetta 770-442-1785
Chukar quail for sale, full grown and ready to go. Cecil Tanner Waycross 912-283-1668
Cochin bantam hens and roosters $5 each. Robert Jackson Fort Valley 912-825-5866
Doves-rare colors: orange whiteback, orange pearl, tangerine whiteback & tangerine pearl from show stock, bands on legs, $24 ea. Ken Hatley Stockbridge 770389-5426
Egyptian Fayoumis pairs, New Hampshire rooster and pullets, Easter egg rooster. Scott Colomb Moreland 770-502-1633
Flock White Leghorn $35, flock RIR $35 trade, Trio Cornish bantam $25; '99 roosters, Araucana, Buff Orpington, Cornish, RIR, B/O. Richard Landa Bonaire.912-922-8677
Game bantam cross, 9 young hens & 1 rooster, $40 for all or $5 ea. T. W. Jimmerson Griffin 770-227-3971
Game chickens, Blues and Reds, $10 to $40, all Hatch, Beulah-Draketown area. Robby Hayes Temple 770-443-1570
Game chickens, Show Bantams, many breeds, very good stock, turkeys, pigeons, fryers, reas. prices. Rex Bailey Hoschton 770-867-1885
Game fowl, Grey, Hatch, Roundhead, stags, cocks. N. McCarty Royston 706-2459569
Game fowl, Hatch, Gray crosses, Kelso, Hatch x Roundhead, stags, pullets, some brood stock, too many, must sell. Mark Smith Marietta 770-428-4789
Game fowl, Hatch, Kelso, Claret, Butcher, Grey, stags, pullets, Roundhead pullets, pure and cross. George Nash, Jr. Uvalda 912594-6123
Game fowl, Kelso, Law Grey, Yellow Leg Hatch, Lacy Roundhead, Brown Red. Paul ,Bond Boyston 706c245-.7541
Game fowl, crosses, pure stags, pullets, Greys, Butchers, Warhorses, Hatch, $25/up. David Davis Rte. 1, Box 28 Barney 31625 912-775-3348
Game fowl, trio of Madigan Clarets, "Bill Roberts" Butchers, Madigan Greys, Red Fox Hatch, $30/up, everything pure, all proven stock. M. Jordan Hartwell 706-376-7382
Game fowl-Eslin Red Quill, cocks, stags, hens, call aft. 8 p.m. Curtis Warnock Vidalia 912-537-2061
Game fowl-Hatch, Roundhead, Gray crosses, '97 hatch, high stationed, proven stock, call for details. Harold Geter Warm Springs 706-655-3972
Game roosters for sale, $3 ea. Dorothy Heaton McDonough 770-898-0761
Gamefowl in Hatch, Mugs, and others, all cocks, 2 yrs. old. Jimmy Maddox 21 Bartley Rd. LaGrange 30240 706-884-2923
Golden Cochins & mxd., young hens & roosters, $4 and up. Sandy Bean Douglasville 770-949-0912
Jumbo Pharoah quail $1 ea. alive, $1.30 ea. dressed, call after 4:30 p.m. James Griffin Douglas 912-384-4081
Lge. roosters & ducks for sale. H.P. Conner Conyers 770-483-3415
Morgan, White Hackles, Brown Reds, Boston Roundheads, Mcleans Hatch & Butchers, Warhorses, Law Grays. W. L. Bromlow Tifton 912-386-1843
Muscovy ducks $5-$8. A.L. Samples 8267 Ephesus Church Rd. Winston 770-920-0976
Muscovy ducks $9 each, Mallard ducks, 3rd generation, $20/pr., White Pekin ducklings $3 each. Frank Tan Macon 912~ 474-9023
Muscovy ducks, beau., high qlty., pond required, caring, responsible owners only, not for slaughter, $10 each. Lynn Mashburn Cumming 770-887-9056
New hatch Muscovy ducks for sale, $5 each. N. Tennyson Thomaston 706-6464930
One pr. Pied peafowl, 3 yrs. old, $175. Gerald Hayes Flowery Branch 770-9673877
Peacocks, Black Shoulder, Whites. T. Hill Danielsville 706-795-5166
Pharoah quail, live or dressed, lge. hen laying brown eggs. Lois Harper Byron 912956-2432
Pheasants, Jumbo Ringneck hens only, May '99 hatch, $10 each, will ship. K. LeBarron Dewy Rose 706-213-6261
Pheasants-lmpeyans, Blue Ears; Siamese Firebacks, Horsfield's Kalig, Yellow Golden, Silvers, Grey peacocks, other. Ed Davis Midville 912'589-7876
Pigeons, White Show Kings, French Mondains & Show Homers, $5 and up. Robert Cash Eatonton 706-485-8854

Pure Gilmore Hatch, proven brood stock, stags, pullets, also others, call after 7 p.m. S.D. Whitaker Sandersville 912-552-5100
Pure Joe Redmon Grays; also, Knight Grays & Warhorses, proven stock. Larry Knight Mansfield 770-787-5528
Rouen ducks, from Stror)lbergs, 4 mos. old, on lake, fully feathered, $20 ea. Ed Rhodes Cartersville 770-386-9974
Show bantams, OEG Golden Sebrights, Brahmas, Silkies, Cornish, Mottled Cochin, Barred Cochin; BOE, WOE, MOE, Jap., duckwings, $3-$8 ea. Johnnie Brannon Reidsville 912-693-5625
Some big chickens and few bantams for sale. E.M. Legg Hiawassee 706-896-2846
Turkeys $25/pr. Janice Tench Cleveland 706-865-7583
Turkeys, Bronze, White, Gray, bantams, 12 pullets, 7 roosters, 5 Brown Leghorn hens, all laying. M. Cook Blairsville 706-745-8099
Turkeys, Red Bourbon, Bronze, other colors avail., extra lge. birds, prs. only, extra breeder males avail. Jerry M. Courson Martin 706:356-0214
Turkeys, pairs & toms, black & black & white. J. Tucker Adairsville 770-773-1635
White doves $10 each. E. Holland Gray 912-986-9924

Ifyou have questions regarding this category, call Brenda Donnell at 404-651-9082.
The Alternative Livestock category contains ads for ratites (ostriches, rheas, and emus) as well as other "nontraditional" livestock.
Beautiful pair of llamas, all ages & styles, unique Christmas gift. W. Coussens Perry 912-988-4999
Emu breeders, $50 pr., emus 2 yrs., $25 ea., rhea males, $25 ea., emu eggs, $2.00 ea. Jack Jenkins Harlem 706-556-3261
Llamas "must sell'', great selection, below market price to prequalified buyers, cash only, del. avail., Ive message. Patrice Cook Covington 770-787-6141
Llamas male weanlings, $400, show quality, regd. for show packing friendship or wool. Bob Johnson Tyrone 770-969-8939
Llamas, all ages & colors, regd., bred females, studs, youngsters through breeding age, guard Llamas, from $800. C. Johnstone LaGrange 706-672-4477

White doves for sale, reas. prices. Dick Bell Watkinsville 706-769-6958
White mute swans, $250 ea., Muscovy ducks $5 ea. Jean Torchia Dallas 770-505-2009
Young bantams, priced according to age, Golden & Silver Sebrights, WOE, Black Rosecomb, Black-Tail Buff Japanese, others, Alton Gilreath Gainesville 770-536-5168
Young laying hens $5 each, Ive. msg. Willie Keen Per!}'. 912-987-3687
Poultry/Fowl Requiring

Llamas, all regd., gentle, halter trained, del. avail, located 2 mi. off 1-20 in Villa Rica. Terry Cornett Villa Rica 770-459-4258
Llamas, male 7 mos., med. wool, bay, gentle friendly, terms & del. available. J. Jones Warm S(!rings 706-655-3953
Llamas, regd., all ages & colors, will hold deliver for unique & loving Christmas surprise. J. Hutsell Rising Fawn 706-462-2218
Ostrich chicks, 3-7 mos., $65-125 ea., breeder pair, $1500, rheas breeders, $95. Cory Whitman Dallas 770-505-0416



If you have questions regarding this category, call Mia Haney at 404-651-9084.
Advertisements for wood ducks must be accompanied by a USDA permit. Permits are available from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Attn: Permit Section, P.O. Box 49208, Atlanta, GA 30359, 404-6797070. Advertisers must submit a copy of current permit with their first ad. Permit copies will be returned upon request. Advertisements for bobwhite quail must be accompanied by a copy of the advertiser's commercial quail breeders license. Since this is a state protected bird, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources requires anyone selling bobwhite quail to have this license. For license information, write: -ONR; Game and Fish Division, 2189 Northlake Parkway, Suite 108, Tucker, GA 30084.
Bobwhite quail $2.75, Ringneck Pheasants $8.50, flight conditioned, vaccinated, 912237-3474 farm. Larry Womack Swainsboro 912-494-0888 912-763-2947
Bobwhite quail & Ringneck Pheasant, now ready, will del., flight conditioned. B. Thursby Donalsonville 912-524-2072

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Mitchell at 404-651-9083.
Items listed in the Livestock Wanted category must be for specific livestock; for instance, "want 3 or 4-yr. old quarter horse gelding, approx. 16 hds., suitable for moderately experience rider?' Generalized ads, such as "want horses, any amount,'' are not acceptable for publication; neither are ads for free or unwanted livestock.
Fallow deer wanted, lie. or not, will rescue unlicensed deer w/extreme confidence paying you capture/loading fee at your farm. R. Castleberry Stockbridge 770-507-9700 770610-9109
Want 16hds. geld., child safe, -rideable, in exchange for Walking horse geld., blk., 15hds., 11 yrs., to good home. Ronald Myers Covington 770-787-4191
Want goats, common or other types, must be reas. Perry Hallmark Williamson 770228-9309
Want mature, gentle, beg. horse, must be $900 or less, no red horses. B. Kirkland Decatur 404-557-1468

Bobwhite quail, flight, weather condition, Want miniature horse mare for small child,

$2.95 each. M.E. Livingston Stockbridge $400 price range. William Coleman Route 2,


Box 515b Eastman 31023 912-374-7750

Bobwhite quail, healthy, weather/flight conditioned, clean flight cage, good tails. R. Lee Eatonton 706-484-0206 888-392-4832
Jumbo Wisconsin Bobwhite quail, $2.75 each, flight conditioned; Chukars, flight conditioned, $4 each. Clinton Davis Griffin 770-228-2537

Want safe pony,(for lease), capable of doing "fun shows" & between 42-50", in exchange for free board at pvt. barn. L. Durgin Dallas 770-445-.8495
Want to adopt ponies and horses that need a good home, w/horse loving adults. Reaetta Wade Decatur 404-288-4598

Northern Bobwhite quail, flight cond., taking Want to buy fallow deer & buffalo, will pay

orders for hunting season. Wayne Waddell top price. Ray Cross Sylvester 912-775-

Milledgeville 912-453-7552

2221 912-775-2893

Northern Bobwhite quail, flight, weather

condition; also, Chukars $4.50 each. Bernard Todd Kite 912-469-3579


Quail hatching eggs yr. round, Bobwhite or Coturnix, $35/100, $90/500, $160/1000 ppd. Jean Strickland P.O. Box 9 Pooler 31322 912-748-5769
Taking orders for '99 season: Jumbo Bobwhite quail & Northern Bobwhite, eggs & baby chicks year round. L. E. Crawford JeSU(! 912-588-0800

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Mitchell at 404-6519083.
'84 16' 2 horse Gooseneck trailer, lge. dressing room, camper new tires, brks., fully enclosed, $3250/obo. J.C. Kittle Bowdon 770-258-9215

Poultry/Fowl Wanted

'85 Neckover 35' steel encl., 5 horse slant load, tack room, feed room, rubber mats,

Want 3 or 4 female mallard ducks. W. windows. Tracy Jones Lawrenceville 770-

Rawlings Sr. 924 W. Church St. Sandersville 237-5856


'88 Circle M Supreme 2 horse bumper pull

Want female Black Australian swan of w/dressing room, extra tall, good cond., good breeder age. C. Ecres Winder 770-307-5942 floor $2900. B. Brown Fayettevme 770-461-

Want female turkey, reas. priced; also, want 1350

to buy fertile bantam eggs for hatching, close '89 Four Star Gooseneck 4-hofse slant load

to Thomson area. Buddy Patterson. trlr., drop-down windows, insulated, living

Thomson 706-595-0175

quarters, AC, exc. cond., $12,500. T. Acker

Want to trade India Blue cocks for lesser Rome 706-295-5391

number Black Shoulders cocks, have 4 males '90 Hale 2 horse bumper pull, new tires,

for trade. H.J. Crider 303 Pilgrim Mill Rd. lights, wiring, interior paint 2 yrs., good floor,

Cumming 30040

$1500. E. Aaron Comer 706-206-9445

Nature's Ornaments

'90 two horse trailer, bumper pull, tack comp., good cond. $1800, nego., 16" Western

Pine cones, sweet gum balls, saddle $250. Casey Barronton Newnan 770-

and seed pods of many plants, such

251-5339 '94 WW deluxe 2 horse trailer, like new,

as redbud and milkweed, add a elec. brakes on 4 wheels. Earl Stokes Griffin

beautiful touch to holiday 770-227-7502





'94 three horse gooseneck Sundowner Sunlite, awning, esc. door, drop down

University of Georgia Extension windows, dressage room $13,250. J.

Service. If you take a walk along a Sudderth Buford 770-945-8893 770-831-

hedge row or through a park or a weedy field, check for ornament

'95 Bonanza 4-horse slant trailer, insulated living qtrs., tack room, esc. door, all steel


$7500. P. Dickerson Ellabell 912"653-5581

'95 two horse slant, gooseneck, lge. dressing room, insulated, exc. cond. Terry

Edenfield So(!erton 912-529-6586

'96 Featherlite 3-horse slant, rear tack,

D.R., A.C., 110 v outlets, fuly enclosed,

w/removable plexiglass, $10,500. Wendy Greene Douglasville 770-942-7140 770-


'97 Aluminum two horse slant load trailer,

dressing room, tack Joom, drop down

windows, bumper pull, exc. cond, asking $7500. G. Hilton Whitesburg 770-214-0537

'97 Exiss SXZT Max, G/N, 4 H slant, dressage room, rear or mid-tack, exc. cond.,

used very little, $13,500. E. Shumans

Brunswick 912-264-9009

'97 Featherlite STL 6.8x 20 gooseneck

$7000. Vicki Cowan Fayetteville 770-4613932

'97 Ponderosa stock trlr., hvy. mats, good

floor, elect. brakes, escape door, bumper pull,

exc. cond., $2500 neg. Sandie Westray

Pendergrass 706-693-2741

'97 Southern 4 horse alum. trailer, slant load, insulated tack room, drop down

windows, exc. cond. $10,000. G. Meares Newnan 770-ti02-9722

'98 Featherlite 3-horse slant black alumn.,

dressing/tack room, saddle packs, drop-down

windows, bumper pull, exc. cond., $11,000

Cynthia Peters Newborn 706-468-1965

'98 Sundowner, 3 horse slant alum.,

gooseneck, Pueblo 2-person weekender

living qtrs., like new $28,000. Karen Mclain Alto 706-778-2125

'99 4-horse slant load alumn. Sooner H&A

awning, pulled 6 times, $20,900. Tony Loner Brooks 770-294-8362 770-461-4172

'99 Bee 2-horse bumper-pull, bought new

Oct. '99, used twice, 7' tall, tack room w/racks & hooks, mats, sacrifice $3995. Eric

Wright Athens 706-546-1295

'99 Sundowner, 3 horse slant GN, weekend package, shower, air, etc., rear tack, used 3

times, $19,900 obo. Cheri Purson Snellville


1 horse wagon for miniature horse, just like old wagon $650; hvy. duty gate, $60. Ed Hitt Grovetown 706-863-1620
2-horse covered wagon, rubber tires, hydraulic brakes, $1295. J. B. Arnett Tifton 912-382-6517.
15 1/2" Ralph Harris Western show saddle, exc. cond. $2500. L. Fosgate Lithonia 770760-0566
15" barren saddle, 1-yr. old, Circle Y, NBHA, like new, $500. M. Burnette Douglasville

770-577-7936 16 1/2' cattle trailer, 2 axles, divider door,
bumper pull. John Stickle_r Griffin 770-227-

1254 16 1/2" Close Contact huntseat saddle, exc.
cond. $300/obo. Brandy Shuler Snellville 770-985-0235
16 1/2" Close Contact saddle, made in England, avail. w/fittings, exc. cond., $400, great Christmas gift. Joanna Stovall Snellville 770-979-0782
16' gooseneck trlr. w/dressing room, enclosed, new tires & floor, exc. cond., $2300. J. Morrison Loganville 770-466-0669
16-ft. Stoll horse/stock trlr., tack compart., feed manager, new tires, X/C, $3000. Debbie Reese Lincolnton 706-359-4501 706-3594484
17" Miller Collegiate all-purpose saddle, e)!:c. cond., $450; also, misc. tack & equine supplies, great for Christmas. Rebecca Casto Flowe!}'. Branch 770-503-7910
17.5" Passier Necole Grand Gilbert dressage saddle, medium tree, very good cond., billets recently replaced, $1650. Diane Herrera Duluth 770-623-8914
1998 Circle W 3 horse. slant (steel) with living quarters, fully equipped $13,000, like new condition. Jimmy Cornett Marietta 770509-5730
2 horse Kingston bumper pull trailer, 7' ramp, front esc. door, mats, good cond. $2500. Sally Sargent Powder Springs 770943-7243
2 horse bumper pull Totner trailer, 7' tall, good floor; brakes, esc. door, new tires, good cond. $1900. L. Antopolsky Augusta 706863-4578
2 horse bumper pull trailer $1000. C. Gibson Brunswick 912-267-1184
2 horse bumper pull trailer, tack comp., new floor, new paint $1009-. firm. Ronnie Albritton Mauk 912-862-5996
2 horse bumper pull, exc. wood floor, nice starter trailer in fair cond. $850/obo. A. Morris Augusta 706-868-9673
2 horse bumper pull, lights, brakes, tires, all good cond., solid, safe, older mdl. $1100. Eddie Keller 1674 Major Abercrombie Circle Murrayville 30564 706-867-8253
2 horse bumper-pull. trailer, 6'.6"H, tack compartment, new oak floor, solid, not fancy $1800 obo. Erika Zellweger Peachtree City 770-631-9669
2 horse trlr., bumper pull. Raymond Martin Forsyth 912-994-4566
2 ropiRg saddles, both 15 1/2'', 1 Tex Tan w/shell or wave pattern, other tooled w/flower pattern, exc." cond. D. Strickland Trion 706734-2948
2-horse wagon seat, $150, call 7-9 pm. Raymond Hoke Lockaby Rydal 770-3839167
2000 Colt 3H. GN, $4495 or 213 H BP, $3475, w/dressing rooms, elect. brakes, racks, hooks, unused Sheri Hudson Suwanee 770-889-4521 770-244-6244

Only one ad may be placed per family unit.

28'x6' stall cattle trailer, exc. cond., good canvas top, new brakes. Gene _Callaway, Jr. Rayle 706-274-3392

3 horse gooseneck, 6' dressing room, used very little $3500 firm. Jerry Crunkleton Carnesville 706-384-2062

3 horse/stock gooseneck trailer, 7' tall, tack area, spare tire, good cond. $2000/obo. P. Payne Winder 770-227-4850 404-892-7011

30' Featherlite 4 horse slant load, full.self contained living qtrs., used 6 times, like new. Wayne Luckey Blythe 706-592-4687

30'x6' 3-stall cattle trlr., serviceable good tires, $1700. Ellis. Whittington Omega 912528-4511 912-38806142

4-horse/stock gooseneck trlr., canter gate, sound steel construction, needs paint, $1500
firm. B. Overstreet Cordele 912-273-8319

Alum. 2 horse trailer, 2 door walk thru w/loading ramps $3800, Western saddle, 16" $278, both exc. cond. Diane Cook Cumming 770-889-4265

Arabian saddle bridle, breastplate, red w/royal blue & gold accent, tassled reins & breast. Nancy Rector Macon 912-994-4248

Big Horn Western saddle, brown buck, stitched tooled, 16" seat, $275. 0. Hoffman Locust Grove 770-957-5423
Big Valley 2 .horse bumper pull, extra tall/wide, tack rarely used, '96 mdl. $3200. G. Kiepper Social Circle 770-787-7038

Blk. courbette dressage saddle, 18" seat, wide tree, barely used, fittings incl. $900. Jackie Willis Conyers 770-918-9216

Circle Y Silver Show halter, exc. cond.,

$150. Sherry Smith

Covington 770-786-7715

Crates Lynn McKenzie 14 1/2 in. barrel saddle, $600; Circle Y western pleasure show saddle, $850, others. Melanie Tinch Calhoun 706-629-7625
Crates Western saddle, 15", exc. c_ond., $300 H.F. Sharp Covington 770-786-8749

Gooseneck 20' x 6', 2-horse trailer, w/sleeping quarters, w/air, rear tack, hot water, overhead tank & awning. Mattie Curry Dublin 912-272-5677

Gooseneck horse trailer hitch, $250. J. Johnson Lawrenceville 770-925-9090

Horse blanket, size 76, thermal quilted, exc. cond., horse blanket, size 74, show.saddle pad $50 ea., cash, firm. D. Patrick Covington 770-788-0834

Horse treadmill, 9' long, variable drive,
$2000, call Judy. Ken Scheidt Alpharetta 770-475-0668

$900, show harnesses, $850/$500, show saddles, 4" cut back, $500/$850, like new. J. B. Gage Zebulon 770-567-3565

Livestock trailer, Doughtry, 7000 lb. GVW, 16' long w/top, tandem axle, new tires & paint $2000. Claude Graham Dublin 912-272-
0876 912-272-7591

Roping saddle, 16" seat, QH bars, chestnut brown basket weave embossed, good cond. $300. D. Bond Blue Ridge 706-632-5229

Saddles; 2 Western, 1 youth, 1 pony & 3 roping, blankets, pads, other tack. R. Smith Ham(!ton 770-227-0504
Sundowner Siesta, '97 four horse w/living quarters, 26' box, studwall, hay rack, more $35,500, call aft. 6 pm. Tommy Nash Monroe 770-267-0875

Superior show cart, exc. cond., $600. F. Henson Dearing 706-597-1404
Want brand name saddle, 15-15 1/2" western, good useable cond./must, qlty. & comfort, age unimportant (maintained). Lonnie Ward U(!atoi 706-561-6546
Want corral for small child to ride pony, pony saddle & tack, wagon or cart for small pony. Sandy Wettstein Bonaire 912-9222888
Want used round pen in or around Atlanta or North Ga. region. Diane Fritz Jasper 706253-5666


If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Mitchell at 404-6519083.
Adorable bunnies, a buck & doe, the mother also, all the same price, $20. K. Busman Al(!haretta 770-420-0179
Baby Lops, Mini Rex, Dutch, Harlequins & mix. $4-$6 ea., Dwarf babies $10 ea., variety of breeders $10-$25. M?ry Cooley Athens 706-543-3182
Baby bunnies, ready for Christmas, sev.. breeds & cols. $10/up, cage & bunny $40. C. Devitt Ringgold 706-965-7408
Breeders for Easter breeding, bunnies, NZW, Dwarf, Dutch, lops, San Juan, fryers. S. Guiney Covington 770-786-6227
Breeders, Jersey Woolies, English Lops, French Lops, babies, Dwarfs, Dutch, Mini Rex, Mini Lops, lie. breeder. Donna Bowlden Butler 912-847-2994
Bunnies, breeders, wholesale, retail $3/up, qlty. breeding stock, state lie., call before 9 pm. D. Morgan Monroe 770-207-0010
California, Rex, Jersey Woolies, most are young adults, all healthy $10 ea., will trade. J. Holmes Ringgold 706-965c4495
Mini-Rex adults & babies, also dwarfs of all ages, $5. & $10. B. Snipes Cairo 912-3775816
Mini-Rex, adults & babies, also Dwarfs of all ages, $5-$10. R. Snipes Cairo 912-377-5846
NZW breeder. & junior bucks, exc. commercial & show bloodlines. J. Porter Winder 770-307-5894



Wednesday December 8, 1999

Purebred Satins, 16 weeks old, copper, blk., Chinchilla. Paul Nix Ball Ground 770893-4221
Rabbits & cages for sale, diff. prices, call for appt. Melissa Tallant Cumming 770-2051876
Regd. California Smut-nose, breeders, bucks & does. Charles Jones Pinehurst 912-645-3403
San Juan & mixed, $5 ea. R. Grantham Jasper 706-692-3449
San Juan, 9 does, 2 bucks $10 ea. G. Jackson Conl(ers 770-483-3533
San Juans, exc. runners & breeders $5 ea., sev. other breeds avail. Richard Johnson Monroe 770-267-5066
San Juans, exc. runners, six weeks old, $8$10. W. Harris Atlanta 404-344-4338

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney at 404-651-9084.

All hay ads must contain the variety of

hay offered for sale; i.e., Coastal bermuda

hal(, Alicia hal(, etc.

'98 & '99 exc. horse qlty. hay, Alfalfa $6.50,

fescue $3, all sq. bales, will deliver. Jill Sutherland Jefferson 706-367-8821

'98 Alicia hay, round rolls. Barbara Bearden

Morven 912-775-2405

'98 bermuda-fescue, lge. rnd. bales, $12

each. D. Christopher Mansfield "770-469-

1414 770-385-0714

'98 horse qlty. bermuda hay, lge. sq. bales

$2.50 each. Bobby G. Dempsey Covington


'99 1st & 2nd cutting fescue bermuda

grass, well fert., 4x5 1/2 ft. rolls, 600 rolls.

Charlie Leachman Commerce 706-3354260 706-335-2845

'99 4'x5' fescue/mix hay, rain free in barn or

field, $15-$20, dely..avail. Sid Arnold Athens


'99 Alfalfa hay, foliage analysis, horse qlty.,

well fert., sq. bales, pick-up or delivery.

Helmut Caw1hon Rome 706-291-0671 706-


'99 A.lfalfa hay, horse qlty., 55 lbs. bales, 1st

& 2nd cutting, $5.75 to $6.75 per bale, call

after 6 p.m. Mike Weaver McCaysville 706-


'99 Alfalfa, lge., exc. qlty., forage analysis,

sq. bales/$6; also bermuda bales $3.50. Nan

Kittrell Madison 706-342-4535

'99 Alfalfa, top qlty., sq. bales/$6 in barn; '99

Coastal bermuda, 4x5 rnd. bales/$30; '98

fescue, rnd. bales/$15. Mike Williams Social

Circle 770-464-9181

'99 Alicia bermuda hay, horse qlty., 4x4 JD

bales, $30; orchard grass hay for cows $20.

Charles Finch Thomson 706-541-1212

'99 Alicia bermuda hay, rnd. rolls, sheltered

$30, unsheltered $25; also, sq. bale mulch

hay $2. J. Stalvey Dupont 912-487-2507

'99 Alicia bermuda, sq. bales/$4, exc. qlty.,

rain free, rnd. bales, fescue mix $25, limited

number of Alicia bermuda $30/rnd: Hal Barry

Moreland 770-253-6332

'99 Alicia bermuda, top qlty. gourmet horse

hay, well irrigated, rain free, $2.75 per bale.

Jack Kinchen 586 Mathis Rd. Cairo 912-377-


'99 Alicia hay square bales, round rolls, '98

round rolls, horse and cow, fertilized, weed

free. Carol Sapp

Barney 912-775-2038

'99 Bahia, lge. rnd. bales, $16.50 per bale.

M. Webb Talbotton 706-269-2656

'99 Bahia/Coastal bermuda, horse qlty.,

lime/fer!., UGA specs., rain free, in barn sq.

bales/$3. Mike Knight Thomaston 706-647-


'99 Coastal $25, bermudalfescue mxd. $20

on the farm, dely. avail. 0. Knight Rutledge


'99 Coastal & Coastal mixed fescue, sq. &

rnd. bales, dely. avail., fer!., limed, weed-free.

Jim Wylie Calhoun 706-629-3499 706-259-


'99 Coastal and mxd. hay, baled wNerme'er

baler, $23-$28. Coy Baker Loganville 770-


'99 Coastal bermuda $25/roll, sq./$2.50; Tift

9 Bahia rolls/$20, dely. available. c.w.

Wilkinson Dixie 912-498-7237

'99 Coastal bermuda and Tift 85 hay, sq.

bales, exc. qlty., reas. priced, dely. available.

Steve Allen Cataula 706-327-1881

'99 Coastal bermuda hay, 4x5 round bales,

highly fert., priced right. Sam Carpenter

Tifton 912-386-8365 912-388-2929

'99 Coastal bermuda hay, lge. rnd. bales.

Keith Willis SJ(lvester 912-776-2485

'99 Coastal bermuda hay, rnd. bales, well

fert., rain free, $25, dely. available. Ron

Swanson Stillmore 912-562-3786

'99 Coastal bermuda hay, rnd. bales/$25;

corn $3/bsh. Chad Riggs Waynesboro 706-


'99 Coastal bermuda hay, sq. bales, exc.

qlty., reasonably priced. Eddy Allen Byron 912-956-5983

'99 Coastal bermuda hay, sq. bales, exc.

qlty., reas. priced. Edwin Allen Butler 912-


'99 Coastal bermuda hay, well fert., 4x5

rolled in field $20, in barn $30. Terry Hunt

Geneva 706-269-2748

'99 Coastal bermuda, (Tift 44), horse qlty.,

well fer!., weed & rain free, lge. sq. bales,

$3.75/bale in barn. D. Willers Gainesville


'99 Coastal bermuda, 4x5 rolls, limed and '99 horse qlty. sq. bales, bermuda $3, Tift 44 bermuda, sq. bales, fall cutting, $3

fert., rain free, in barn, $24/roll. J. Zellner clover/rye $2.50, bermuda/orchard grass per bale, over 100 bales $2.75. George

Culloden 912-994-4545

$2.50, johnson grass $1.75. Jim Robinson Chandler Ila 706-338-4321

'99 Coastal hay, sq. bales, $3.25, 4'x5' rolls, Good Hope 770-207-4700

Top qlty. '99 sq. Tift 44 horse hay, rain and

$30.00. Terry Walker Bonaire 912-929-4360 '99 millet and wild grass, fert. to soil test, weed free, highly fer!., call after 7 p.m. Butch

'99 Coastal, 175 rolls, 1200 lbs., highlyfert., 4x5 rolls, $25, Haddock. C.W. Vinson Dover Monroe 770-867-2420

$30 each, tarp covered, pick up Smithville, Milledgeville 912-932-5044

White corn in the field, 150 bsh., $2 per

discount to buy all. James Sizemore Jr. '99 perennial peanut hay for sale, $4.50 per bushel. E. Hamrick Canton 770-479-3473

Albanl( 912-846-4363

sq. bale, horse qlty.,

'99 Coastal, Tift 44 and Alicia hay, 100 rnd. Marcus Sapp Barney 912-775-2014 roll in barn, $35 each. Ben McGreggor '99 premium Tift 44, Coastal bermuda, Tift-


Macon 912-935-2400 .

leaf 3, 5x6 rolls, $18/up, sq. bales/$3, highly

'99 Coastal/Bahia 4x5 rnd. bales $25. fert., weed free, dely. avail. Nathaniel Jones

If you have questions regarding this

Daniel Roush Warrenton 706-465-2545

Smithonia 706-788-3756

category, call Ora Gare/ at 404-651-9081.

'99 Tift 44 & Coastal bermuda, fescue, rye '99 prime Coastal bermuda, fer!. UGA soil

grass, 4x5, 5x5 hay rolls, some barn kept, spec., round bales in barn $35, in field $25 Advertisers of agricultural seed must

horse qlty., $25-$45, dely. available. S. Wilkes and $20, dely. available. Olin Trammell submit a current germination report (not

Watkinsville 706-769-8311

Forsyth 912-994-6463

more than 9 months old) for each type

'99 Tift 44 bermuda hay, weed free, lge. sq. bales in barn, priced according to amount needed. Ruth Bleckley McDonough 770954-9134
'99 Tift 44 bermuda, well fert., approx. 60+ 4x5 rolls, $35/roll negative, Ive. msg. Steve Taunton Hahira 912-794-1066
'99 Tift 44 hay, 4x5 rnd. bales, horse qlty., well fert. in barn. Paul Teems Canton 770479-5919
'99 Tift 44 hay, horse qlty., well fert., in barn, sq. bales $3.SO/bale. Dan Tant Barnesville 770-358'3024
'99 Tift 44 hay, sq. bales, horse qlty., well fert., rain free, in barn. Brian Bailey McDonough 770-914-1374 770-957-4713
'99 Tift 44 hay, well-fer!. & limed, 4x5 rnd. bales in barn, $30/roll, will load, dely. avail. Randy Rawlins Monroe 770-267-3227
'99 Tift 44, rnd. and sq. bales, highest qlty. in barn $35, $3.50, dely. avail. Danny Bruce Rutledge 706-557-7818
'99 Tift 44, sq. bales, horse qlty., $3/bale at barn, dely. avail. K. Wood Hoschton 770867-4332
'99 bermuda. hay, 4x5 rolls, limed & fertilized, under shed, $25/roll. T. Wilson Toomsboro 912-290-2889
'99 bermuda hay, Tift 44 & common, excellent horse qlty., $3.75 per bale. Billy Bullock Dallas 770-445-9392
'99 bermuda hay, Tift 44, horse qlty., $3.75 per bale. Paige Bullock Dallas 770-445-2107

'99 rolls of peanut hay, wrapped, exc. qlty. 1800 lb. average, also rolls of Coastal bermuda. Ray Abbott Albany 912-435-3775 912-347-3131
'99 sq. bales, Alicia bermuda, peanut, mulch hay, rnd. bales avail. in bermuda hay. Jason Barksdale Sylvester 912-776-6533 912-382-5870
'99 top qlty. Coastal bermuda, rnd. & square, rain & weed free, we load everyday, delivery available. Doug Singletary Hahira 912-794-2462
'99 yellow ear corn $7/100 lb., can grind, shelled corn $8/100 lb. Don Collins Blairsville 706-745-1244
4x5 rnd. bales bermuda grass hay, stored under shelter, call after 7 p.m. Anthony Goodman Tifton 912-382-7869
4x5 rnd. rolls, under shelter, horse qlty., rain free, well-fer!., Alicia Bermuda net wrap, 200 rolls avail. Walt Dockery Douglas 912-3842812
500 4'x5' rnd. bales Coastal, Bahia or mxd., $20 to $25, loaded your carrier, Framar Farm. Brent Turner Thomaston 706-646-4445
Alfalfa hay, exc. green, leafy horse hay, 24% arid 26% protein, relative food value 228. T.M. Clark Douglasville 770-489-1007
Annual ryegrass, cleaned & bagged, 95% germ., $16.00 per 50# bag. Allan Brittain 1103 Brookwood Ave. Jackson 30233 770-7757727
Bermuda hay $2.50 bales at barn, Walton

seed advertised. Reports will be returned upon request. Certain varieties of seed are protected from propagation unless they are grown as a class of certified seed. For example, wheat seed such as Florida 304, Coker 9134, Coker 9835 and soybean seed, such as Doles 6738, 6847 and Haskell may not be propagated for sale unless the seed has been grown as a class of certified seed. Propagation of such seed is a violation of the Plant Variety Protection Act and the Federal Seed Act. If you have questions regarding certified seed, call the Market Bulletin office or the Georgia Department of Agriculture Seed Division, (404) 656-3635.
'99 Abruzzi rye, cleaned & bagged, no weed seed, 93% germ., $8/bu., del. avail., very clean rye seed. F. Montgomery Junction City 706-269-3270
'99 Wren Abruzzi rye, no noxious weeds, 99.78% pure seed, 89% germ., cleaned, treated & bagged, $8.00 bu. C.H. Thompson Augusta 706-736-9958 706-722-5228
'99 Wrens Abruzzi rye, 96% germ., cleaned & bagged. Edrill Tyner Fort Valley 912-8252056
'99 old timey colored running butter beans, in family over 100 yrs., 1/2 cup $3 plus $1.75
per order for shipping, 81% germ. s.
Ledbetter Whitesburg 770-830-6950
Fescue seed, combine run, .50 per. pound, 92% germ. N. Bryans Newborn 706-3420282 706-342-4617

'99 bermuda mxd. and fescue mxd. hay, Co., call <'lfter 6 p.m. Wade Gown Monroe Kentucky 31 fescue seeds, 99 crop, 88%

well fert., 4x5 rnd. bales, $25 per bale. 770-207-6983

germ., cleaned & bagged, 50#, $25 a bag.

Frances Farrar Griffin 770-228-6348 770- Bermuda hay, 4x5 rnd. bales/$20, sq. Dock Vandiver Martin 706-384-4060


bales/$3, between Bostwick and High Shoals, Lupine-Tiftblue 71 seed avail., 89% +

'99 bermuda, horse qlty. sq. bales, fert. & also in Gratis. Paul Keilman Bishop 706-342- germ., gre<1t for land builder & deer food,

rain free, lge. bales, $3 each. Thomas 7369

$20,/50 lb. bag. Robert Ray Fort Valley 912-

Mccurley Colbert 706-788-2626

Coastal Alicia hay, round bales, exc. qlty., 825-7202

'99 bermuda, rain free, well fert., horse qlty., highly fert., rain free, some under shelter, $25 Old Timey Crowder peas, 15 seeds/$2

$3.50 at barn, fescue $3.25. Al Guillebeau _and up. Clyde Bruner Metter 912-685-6089 w/SASE. Frank Hiers Morven 912-249-

Monroe 770-267-8929



'99 crop Tift 44 Coastal bermuda, highest qlty. horse hay, irrigated, rain/weed free, $4/bale, 1000 lb. cow hay/$35, can deliver. Herb Bixler Perry 912-987-9858
'99 ear corn, white. Gene Moates Aragon 770-684-7759
'99 fescue hay, top qlty., sq. bales, have 400 at $3 each. Wesley Seabolt Blairsville 706745-3488
'99 fescue 4x5 rolls, good qlty. stored in barn. Todd Clark Gainesville 770-535-1687 770-983-9037
'99 fescue bermuda mxd. lge. sq. bales, fert., rain free, $2.75. A. Segraves 228 Boyd Rd. Rome 706-234-5975
'99 fescue hay in barn, 100 or more, 4x4 rolls, $15 per roll. Leon Berrong Hiawassee 706-896-3880
'99 fescue hay, rolls in barn, $16/roll, in field $13, sq. bales in barn $3. B. Woodall Alto 706-677-2452
'99 fescue hay, top qlty., sq. bales, $2 ea., rain free in barn. Joe Bradley Canon 706356-8295
'99 fescue mix, 4x5 rnd. bales in field. Brandon Ellis Dallas 770-445-3287
'99 fescue rnd. 4x5 bales, 15.00, bermuda in barn, 20.00. Bob Johnson Carrollton 770832-3117
'99 fescue round bales, 1000 lbs., $20. J. Grandy Williamson 770-567-8409
'99 fescue, fescue/orchard grass mix, well fert., no rain, qlty. hay, in barn, 5x4 rolls/$20, sq. bales/$2.50. Randy Jackson Calhoun 706-629-1569
'99 fescue, highly fert., rain free, in barn, 1300 lb. bales, $25/bale. Gene Ashby Hartwell 404-636-4740
'99 fescue/bermuda mix hay, 4x5 rolls, $30 loaded. B. Butler Social Circle 770-381-8178
'99 fescue/bermuda mix, exc. qlty., barn stored, rnd. bales/$25, sq. bales/$2 each. M. Ross Watkinsville 706-769-0403
'99 fescue/bermuda mixed sq. bales, limed & fert., $3.50 each. Fran Brogdon Buford 770-945-6433
'99 fescue/bermuda/orchardgrass rnd. 4x5 bales, dry in barn, $25. D. Jackson Roopville
77~:~!~~~~~orchard grass hay, in dry/rain

Coastal Bahia rnd. bales, '99 crop, rain free, Seed cane, red & white .50 cents a stalk. J.

$20. Lynn Ivey Macon 912-474-1717

Johnson Stockton 912-247-6258

Coastal bermuda hay for sale, 4x5 rnd. Wrens Abruzzi rye, 92% germ., $8.00/bag.,

bales, well fert., $28 per bale. L. Lord delivery available. Jimmy Moncrief Roberta

Sandersville 912-552-5226


Coastal bermuda hay, fert., no rain, $20 rnd. bales, 4x4, no limit. Walter Alexander LaGrange 706-845-9792
Corn $23 drum, wheat $24 drum, (55 gal.),

Wrens Abruzzi rye, 90% germ., Florida 501 oats, 92% germ., Kentu.cky fescue 94% germ., cleaned/bagged, good reas. priced. Gary Maxwell Bowman 706,245-5561

oats $21 drum. S. Thompson Augusta 706-

Ag Plants for Sale

Cull sweet potatoes, hogs, goats and deer love them, $10-$20/1000 lb. bin. S. Lutz Leesburg 912-759-6523
Fescue hay, '99 rnd. bales in barn. George Pace Hampton 770-946-4187
Good qlty. f(;lscue orchard clover hay, $20/roll, 1200 lbs., $2.50 sq. Larry Loughridge Chatsworth 706-695-4987
Horse qlty. fescue hay, 4x4 rolls, rain & weed free, sheltered, $25. W. H. Jones Hiram 770-943-6911

Beau. blueberry plants in 3 gal. $5.00, these plants gave hvy. crop this summer. John Howeth Raj( City 912-686-9048
Brown turkey, Celeste figs, $4.50- $10., self pollinating lssai Kiwi, $5., Dewberries, $1.50, also others. Carla Houghton Marietta 770428-2227
Cert. sweet Vidalia onion plants, 200/$12, 500/$15, 1000/$25, 2000/$46, UPS prepaid, shipping approx. Dec. 20th. John McDonald Vidalia 912-529-3383

Horse qlty., highly-fertilized Tift 44, rain/weed free, $4/bale, free dely. w/50 bale

Ag Seed/Plants Wanted

purchase. Mike Rodowitz Hartwell 706-3400464 .
Irrigated peanut hay, big rolls, stored inside, $25 per bale, F.O.B., Taylor Co. C. Byrd Rel(nolds 912-862-3162 912-862-3532
Lge. 4x6 Tift 44, bermuda grass, fescue, different qlty., inside & out. Ray Edge Braselton 706-654-2955
Lge. red bales Coastal, fescue, mix, in or

-Looking -lor-fig-planr.-rooting/cutfing,-Hke Beatrice Taylor of Cartersville. Delia Bux1on Auburn 770-963-8315
Would like to buy some white walnuts trees, also known as butter nuts, or the nuts. Richard Pickelsimer Suches 706-747-1075

out of barn, will deliver. L. Kessinger Greenville 706-637-8349
Lge. rnd. bales, Alicia hay $30, sq. bales $3.50, rain free. Garvin Usry Wrens 706-

If you have questions about this category, call Mia Haney at 404-651-9084.


Flower seed offered for sale has not been

On farm, lge. rnd. bales, '99 tested for germination since it often is

bermuda/fescue mixed $20; Coastal $25; collected in very limited quantities.

dell(. avail. D. Knight Rutledge 706-557-2803 $1/pkg. w/SASE: angel's trumpet seed,

Premium Tift 44 & Coastal bermuda, bush type, purple, white or yellow, dbl.

bermuda rolls $45, dry stored in barn. Tim w/instruction. Fran Chapman 129 Westfield

Hunter Conyers 770-483-8712 770-922- Rd. Leesburg 31763


6653 Rnd. bales Coastal bermuda, 4x4 1/2, wgt.
900 lbs. Lloyd McDonald Warthen 912-5523444

$1/pkg. w/SASE: ruffle poppy, plant now, hollyhock, Mexican sunflower, melampodium, cockscomb, bee balm, cleome. Virginia Maddox 2596 Woodridge Dr. Decatur

_S_q___b_a-le_s_F_e_s-cu_e_m-ix_e_d_,g-r-a-ss-ha-y-in_b_a_rn_, $1/pkt. w/SASE: impatiens, althaea,

fRreaeb,un$270o6r_o7l4l;6_291824$10 roll. O.S. Garland

$2.25/bale, mulch landscape hay, $1/bale. J.R. Blankenship Fal(etteville 770-461-9734

'99 hay, 1000 lb. rnd. rolls $2o-$3o, fescue Tift 44 & Alicia bermuda hay, rain free, exc. and Coastal and mxd., fert., limed, call after 7 qlty., sq. bales in barn, $3.50/bale. Hardy

p.m. Shirley Buckelew Hamilton 706_628_ Edwards, Jr. Athens 706-742-5717


Tift 44 Coastal bermuda, top qlty., rnd.

'99 highly fert., rain free horse hay, Coastal, bales, in barn. L. Crawshaw Social Circle

sq. bales/$3.50, 4x5 rnd. rolls in dry, $40/roll, ?70-464-2974

outside/$35. Ray Clark Dacula 770-963-3561 Tift 44 bermuda hay, barn stored, square


bales $3.50, rolls $30. Larry Eley 2331 Eley

cleome, money plant, rudbeckia, yellow marigold, tall red, hibiscus. Venita Thompson 201 Thompson Rd. Mal(sville 30558
$1/pkt. w/SASE: pink, red cypress vine, attracts hummingbirds, re-seeding red salvia, love-lies-bleeding, purple butterfly weed. B. Bryant 1143 Rosedal!l Rd., Atlanta 30306
$1/pkt. w/SASE: red dbl. poppy seed. L.P. Brigmomd 1030 N. Alabama Broxton 31519 912-359-2632

'99 horse qlty. fescue/bermuda mix, sq./$3, Rd.

White Plains

30678 '98 Confederate rose seed, $2/bolt, plant

rolls $30 in barn; Tift 44 sq./$4, $35/roll, dely. 706-467- $14 each w/SASE, shipped free. Mary Wood

avail. R.J. Campbell Rockmart 770-748- 2184

563 W.B. Braddock Rd. Uvalda 30473


Please observe our 20 word limit.

Submit ads by Wednesday noon.

'98 purple coneflower (echinacea) seed $1/Tbsp. LSASE; hardy perennial, goldfinches love them. Wynn Mott 3736 State Hwy. 60 Suches 30572
'99 giant mix color zinnia seeds $1/pk. w/SASE. Mamie Hayes 20 Millcreek Ln. Williamson 30292
'99 gourd seeds, six kinds, 100 seed mxd., althaea and touch-me-not $1/Tbsp./$1 w/$0.45 SASE. Mike Eason 535 Simon Camp Rd. Jesup 31545
'99 impatiens, tall, reseeding, mxd., cypress vine, red, pink, white, $1 each pk. w/SASE. Mozelle Green\158 George Cowart Rd. Chatsworth 30705
'99 marshmallow seed, ex1remely beau. flowers and plants, perennial, $2 w/SASE. Vaughn Allison 158 Royal Palm Dr. Marble Hill 30148
'99 seed: black-eyed Susan, purple coneflower, four o'clock, hummingbird angel's trumpet, morning glory, $1 SASE. G. Samford 1119 Banbury Cross Avondale Estates 30002
'99 seed: gomphrena-purple, pink, pink w/white, 1/4 cup, sunflower, rudbeckia $1/Tbsp. w/SASE; ginger, crinum, lilies. Paul Banister Roswell 770-587-2088
'99 seed: reseeding petunias mxd., 1000/$1 plus SASE. C. Arnold 644 Lynn Ave. Jefferson 30549
3 Hibiscus, perennial, very lge., red, white, pink, have names for 2 of them, you dig, furnish containers, $20, for all. Frances Forbes Stockbridge 770-389-1859
4' Leyland cypress $12 each, 5' Leyland cypress $15 each. Mark Batcheler Bostwick 706-342-0353
4" perennials, 350 var., $1.25; open by appt. only during winter, display garden. Selah Ahlstrom Jackson 770-775-4967
African milk tree, (succulent), and Queenof-the-Night plants, $4 small pots, free growing info. Linda Wilson Rockmart 770443-6798
Ageratum, marigold, tithonia, $1/cup w/SASE; hardy hibiscus, sweet William, poppy, coneflower, shasta daisies, others, $1/Tbsp. w/SASE. B. Cason P.O. Box 447 Hiram 30141
All kinds of perennials, trees, shrubs, ground covers. Verma Farlow East Point "'4"'""04"'"-"'"76""'7--7'-6""'5'""'6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
All seeds $1 w/SASE: dk. pink hollyhock 2 Tbsp., 30 dogwood, 25 magnolia. M. Hayes 709 S. Harney St. Camilla 31730
Aloes, all sizes, Bird of Paradise, other plants or seed shipped postpaid, price list for
SASE. Lee Abernathy 469 Hwy. 109 Meansville 30256 770-567-5332
Angel's trumpet, (datura arborea), beau. white blossoms open. nightly w/heavehly. scent, (seen in Southern Living), seed $1/tsp: w/SASE. G.T. Eskew P.O. Box 4595 Eatonton 31024-4595
Angel's trumpet, amaranth, ornamental pepper, morning glory, passion flower; foxglove, rudbeckia, zinnia $1/pk. w/SASE. Barbara Barrett 858 Hwy. 154 Sharpsburg 30277
Angel's trumpet, hyacinth vine, moon vine, cat's whiskers, money plant, annual hibiscus, touch-me-nots, four o'clock $1/pkg. SASE. P.J. Black Jonesboro 770-478-5557
Azaleas, 3 gal. size, variety, 3/$10, inventory reduction. Buford Ward 3360 Sharon Church Rd. Loganville 770-4667972
Bamboo, free, for plant stakes, trellis, edging, etc., 1" diameter, you cut and haul. Debbie Sinex Atlanta 404-371-1418
Beau. orange & yellow cosmos, butterflies, hummingbirds love them; shasta daisy, coneflower, zinnias, marigold, $1/pkg. J. Poss 3610 Watson Rd. Cumming 30040
Black Elephant ears, violet stem Elephant ears, Hawaiian Elephant ears, ginger lilies. Pam Jolley Decatur 770-593-1599
Bradford pear trees, 8' to 10', B&B, $35 each, others available. Frank McDaniel Jasper 706-692-6501
Bradford pears, Leyland cypress, hollies, flowering cherry, Rose of Sharon. Clifford New1on 1540 Renfroe Rd. Dalton 30721 706-259-8569
Bulbs: Lily-of-the-Valley, Fire-of-Eden, spider lilies, daffodils, paper whites, 6/$5, $2 post. Emily Waters 18 Seminole St. Savannah 31406
Cannas, dbl. cream white $15/6 bulbs, oldfashioned pink amaryllis, very lge. bulbs, $4 each, add $3 postage. M. Hemphill 306 Cedar Creek Rd. Winder 30680
Cannas, tropicana, outstanding variegated foliage, orange blooms, limited supply, $20/5 rhizomes. Rhonda Cook 4290 Leola Rd. Douglasville 770-942-0321
Cannas, yellow dwarf, tall orange, yellow, red, mxd., $9 per doz. postpaid, shipped immediately. L.D. Wynn 410 Lovette St. Sparks 31647 912-549-8857
Christmas fern, wild iris, sword fern, can mix, $2 each or 15 plants/$15. Mrs. David Stover 1176 Damascus Rd. Blue Ridge 30513
Cockscomb, periwinkle, or cleome seeds
$1/tsp.,. send SASE, '99 seeds. W. Hurston
4723 20th Ave. Columbus 31904
Columbine, moon plant, cosmos, cypress vine, red blazing star hibiscus, $0.50 ea. pkg. w/SASE. Nell Jones 3767 Plumcrest Rd., Sml(rna 30082 770-435-7589
Crape myrtles, 7 gal., 6'/$15; miscanthus, 3 gal., 3-4'/$5; daylilies, 1 gal., full, $1.50. Brantley Wise Commerce 770-993-2100

Wednesday December 8, 1999


Page 9

Crinum lily bulblets 10/$10, will make 3-5' tall Lge. Bradford pears and other trees at low Touch-me-nots, amaryllis, rudbeckia, '99 black walnut meats, very tasty $20/qt. Pecans, well filled & large, mostly

groups of lilies w/delicate white flowers, very 12rices. Alan Shultz Madison 706-557-8733 Mexican sunflowers, cleome, zinnias, David Stancil 9552 Voylestown Rd. Desirables, $1.25 # p.p. 20# & up. Norton

hardy. Anglia Webb-Crosby 7420 Webb Rd. Lilium formasumuin seeds $1 w/SASE. bachelor's button, all mix col., four o'clock, Morganton 30560 706-374-2980

Futch 5610 Forest Lake Dr. Tifton 31794

Hahira 31632

Debbie Payne 413 N. Central Ave., LSASE, multiple orders-multiple postage. '99 black walnuts meats, $20 plus shipping. 912-386-8802

Crocosmia "Lucifer" bulbs, bright orange-red, Blackshear 31516 912-449-6949

Gerri Ward Attapulgus 912-465-3641

JeanSmith Elberton 706-283-5104

Plain cornmeal $1.75/5 lb., $3/10 lbs., will

$3/doz. ppd., flowers in late July and August. S. Med. & lge. dahlia seeds, Blue Point zinnas, Variegated liriope $39/100, green $27/100, '99 black walnuts, big pieces $12.50/qt., $3 also grind your corn for 6 cents/lb. James

Strube P.O. Box 81306 Atlanta 30366

dwarf marigolds, mums, all $1 each w/LSASE. green ivy, variegated ivy, black cornfield post. ea. qt. R. Jones 3547 Dover Rd.. Henderson 7850 Blacks Mill Rd.

Dahlia seed, mxd., 125/$9.95 PP; ajuga Freida Chambers 5812 Atl. Hwy. Flowery beans 1/2 cup/$3, $1 postage. M. Woody Gainesville 30507 770-536-1712

Dawsonville 30534 770-887-5607

100/$15, $5.50 UPS, first yr. daylilies $25/100 Branch 30542

1895 Bond Bridge Rd., Royston 30662 706- '99 black walnuts, hulls removed, 4 bu. for Quince for jelly preserves & baking, free.

plants, $3.20 postage. Bob Reese 3908 N. Mexican tuberose bulbs, plant in April, will 245-0961

$20. Melissa Pressey Athens 706-549-2233 Thomas Potts Suwanee 770-476-2758

Forrest St. Valdosta 31605

bloom in August/September, $1 each, 200+ White ginger lilies $11/8 tubers, Japanese '99 black walnuts, lge. meat, _$12/qt., $5 Sweet potatoes for sale $5/5 gal. bucket,

Daylily, sedums, St. John's Wort, calicarpia, $0.50 each, call after..6 p.m. Steve Arbona iris, purple $11/doz., add $2 postage. J. shipping. Steve/Joan Sullivan 1620 Bramlett Roger Dasher Farms, Hwy. 144, 1 1/2 mi. E.

Leyland cypress, more, $2/up, send SASE for Moreland 770-304-1290

Hemphill 1050 River 'Point Suwanee 30024 Blvd. Lawrenceville 30045 678-377-2475 0 f Glennville. Roger Dasher Glennville 912-

list, aft. 6 p.m. Rebecca Cabe 3777 W. Ellis Rd. Mix col. bearded iris, doz. red spider lily 770-887-1885

'99 blk. walnuts just as they come off the 654-4931 .

Griffin 30223 770-229-1332

bulbs, 3/$5.50, $3.50 postage. P. Tilley 2854

Dbl. orange daylilies, very lge. yellow cannas HY'!Y. 382 West Ellijay 30540

Flowers Wanted

tree, call for info., no shipping. Essie Arnold Tree ripe Japanese persimmons, $1/lb.,

Sycamore 912-567-0874

average weight, 5 oz. J. R. Crapo Duluth

$6/doz., variegated vinca $7/doz., add $3.50 Mondo grass, variegated liriope, snowball, Want small needle palms (Rhapidophyllum '99 crop Stuart pecans $0.90 lb. Bob 770-476-3385

postage. Rosa Avery 207 Ball Ground Rd., Ball hydrangea, forsythia, nandina, sawtooth oak, Hystrix) & other SE Ga. palms. Sam Conger Elberton 706-283-3279

Water ground meal, flour, grits $3/5 lbs.,

Ground 30107

crape myrtle, iris, weigela, iris, beauty berry, Hedgepath 2215 Ingleside Ave. Macon '99 crop Stuart pecans, $1.40/lb., no $4/10 lbs. plus post, also grind your corn.

Dbl. zinnias, many colors, grow tall, $3/pt., gardenia, other. Billy Swann Stockbridge 31204-2031 912-743-0777

deliveries. F. D. Anthony Roswell 770-992- Mike Buckner Junction City 706-269-3630

$5/qt., postpaid, mailed immediately. Sue 770-474-2769

Want Leyland seedlings. Glenn Cook 1868

Would like to buy artichoke roots for

Williams 2801 Massee Rd. Adel 31620 912- Native magnolias: Sweet bay/$12, Leesburg 912-436-8558

'99 crop of Stuart pecans, $1/lb., 10-lb. pickling. Betty Grooms 5696 Stilson Leefield


Umbrella/$22, Pyramid/$16, Big leaf/$22, Want beauty-berry shrub, (Cailigarpa minimum. Jess Arnett Atlanta 770-455-4351 Rd. Brooklet 30415 912-823-9744

English ivy, pachysandra, wintercrepper, Little Gem/$29, Victoria/$29, Cucumber/$14, Americana), seen at Warm Springs- little '99 crop pecans, Desirables, Stuarts (trays of 12 doz.), var. pachysandra in gallons, Yellow cucumber/$17, shipping $6. Stacy White House. Dan Maddox Stone Mountain $1.55/lb., seedlings $1.30/lb., shipping incl.,


mondo, daylily, Lily-of-the'.Valley, liriope, others. Adams 1033 Jarrell Hogg Rd. West Point 770-493-4558

shelled peanuts $1.65/lb., incl. shipping. '99 elephant garlic cloves, composted soil

C.O. Henderson 171 Marietta St. Alpharetta 31833 706-882-0447

- Want continuous supply of var. liriope and Robert McGui!):'. Rochelle 912-365-2384

w/o herbicides or pesticides, 12 cloves $7. E.


Old timey daffodil or jonquil for sale, hosta. A. Mann Athens 706-543-6215

'99 crop tasty Elliott pecan.s, whole, $1/lb., poole Americus 912-924-7415

Fire King, (montbretia), bulbs 10/$1 or $6/doz., shipped free. John Wood 558 W.B. Want corn bead seed, used to make cracked, $1.20, shelled out, mostly halves, $8 '99 rooster spur seed, can sow in early

30/$2.50 plus $1.50 postage, larger orders Braddock Rd. Uvalda 30473

necklaces. James Dockery Baldwin 706- plus shipping, call bef. 9 pm. Martha March, 33 pods $1 w/SASE. B. Clark 6412

include extra for postage. Cece Carstens P.O. Old-fashioned poppy seeds, (papaver 776-8091

Ballenger Baxley 912-367-2895

Rock Springs Rd. Lithonia 30038 770-482-

Box 240 Morganton 30560

somniferum), $1/lsp. w/SASE. S. Hood 2915 Want cuttings of mistletoe cactus. '99 dried apples 3 qt. $13.50 ppd. Robert 9220

Flowering shrubs, bridal wreath spiraea, Cade Circle Elberton 30635

Rosemary Christopher P.O. Box 272 Norrell Gainesville 770-532-3945

Echinacea roots (fresh or dried) and seeds

winter honeysuckle, free, you dig, Ive. Orange angel's trumpet cuttings 25/$50 Winterville 30683 706-742-8815

'99 pecans $1.25. Calvin Rawls Jr. 3049 $25/lb., echinacea tincture $1 O/oz.;

message. Sue Harley Atlanta 404-377-2994 PP., achimenes-blue 12/$7, fuchsia 12/$7, Want flower seeds, plants or bulbs. Joann Claude Brewer Rd. Loganville 30052

Goldenseal root $50/lb. B. Slack Athens 706-

Forsythia, liriope, nandinas, .holly, hardy pink 12/$7. Betty Addis 123 Jane Lane Tompkins 211 Stone Mountain St. '99 pecans 65 cents/lb., you pick. Mary 549-2860

hibiscus, hyacinthus bean seed, pussy willow, Brunswick 31525 912-265-5245

Lawrenceville 30045

Darracott McDonough 770-957-4613

Herbs and plants, price list and use, send

Carolina jasmine, sweet shrub. Betty Stephens Monroe 770-267-5055

Pachysandra $1 O for 50 bare roots plants. Carol Olson Marietta 770-998-1076

Want red dahlias that bloom in fall of year; also, want old time big white

'99 shelled & unshelled pecans, we ship, 3lb. min. Emory Hopkins 577 North Railroad

SASE. E. Miranda P.O. Box 862 Loganville 3 0052

Free 3" ivy, you dig. Lyn Priegel Hickory Flat Peony poppies, moon seed, blue bachelor's chrysanthemums. Gertrude Kessler 300 Ave. Sycamore 31790 912-567-3282

Old timey garlic bulbs & elephant garlic


buttons, snapdragon, larkspurs, cosmos, fox Barney Rd. Rincon 31326

'99 shelled corn. Don Ross Eastman 912- bulbs $6/doz., shipped free. Allen Wood 563

Gardenias, lge. leafed plus fragrant, from 4'' glove black current. Linda Beemis Trenton

374-2613 912-374-2312

W.B. Braddock Rd. Uvalda 30473

to 2 1/2', $5/up, no shipping. Sue Roalman 706-657-4409

Athens 706-546-0114

Plants: foxglove,_ sweet William, rose


'99 shelled pecan halves, $5 per lb. bag Shallots, multiplying, evergreen, sets 1/2 plus shipping. T. Haney Fitzgerald 912-423- Ib./$12, 1 lb./$20. J. Thorne 216 Piedmont Rd.

Giant hibiscus, pink, dk. pink, white campion, hollyhock, shasta, stokesia,


The Rock 30285 706-646-3695

echinacea, $1 ea. pk. w/SASE, free flower coreopsis, $5/doz., $3 postage. Mrs. Glynn If you have questions regarding ads in this '99 shelled pecans, lge. halves or pieces Yellowroot, three 4 lb. lard box contents seeds w/order. R. Shuman 825 Shumantown James 197 Glynn James Rd. Lyons 30436 category, call Sonya Mitchell at 404-651-9083. $5.95/lb. post. paid. Walker Cook Box 883 only $20 ppd. Albert Cook 2356 Track Rock

Rd., Ellabell 31308

Pond plants, hardy water lilies, bog plants &

Griffin 30223 770-228-0001

Ch. Rd. Blairsville 30512

Ginger lilies, daylilies, Japanese & Siberian and more. Ellen Morley Fayetteville 770- The Miscellaneous category includes the '99 shelled pecans, mostly halves $5/lb.

iris $12/doz., crinum. lily $4-$14, $4 post. 969-7468

following subcategories: bees, honey and plus S&H, 3 lb. min., in shell $1/lb. B. Sweat

Fish & Supplies

others. H. Price 104 Wren Ct. Stockbridge Popcorn tree seeds, resembles dogwood supplies; things to eat; herbs; fish and

30281 770-474-2981

tree, turn fall colors, 15 seeds/$1 w/SASE, no supplies; fertilizers and mulches;

Graney greybeard seedlings $5 plus $3.20 checks, pods open white. Ida Pearl Tanner oddities; miscellaneous wanted; notices;

postage/handling. M. Brown 4074 E Rte. 1, Box 1975 Wrightsville 31096

garden space; noticeSi out-of-state

Broomtown Rd. Trion 30753 706-638-1935

Pretty little orange lilies, multiply thickly, wanted; firewood, timber; and Christmas

Grape hyacinth bulblets 100/$1 ; seeds: good for helping w/soil erosion, 200/$4, $3 trees. Only one ad per household is

camellia sasanqua-white, Love-lies-bleeding postage. I.. Wood 2610 Lakeview Dr. Rome permitted in the Miscellaneous category.

African iris, liatris, Mexican Firebush, yucca 30165 706-235-5013 $1/pk. w/LSASE, 44 cents postage. Linda Hazz Red & pink hibiscus, Mexican sunflower,

Bees, Honey & Supplies

106 MacKay Circle Brunswick 31525

cleome, four o'clock, Caveman gourd, $1 /pkg. BuckWheat honey 1 lb., 2 lb., 5 lb., 11.51b.,

Green liriope, all you can for $50. T. RusseII lge. -SASE. B. Savage 3017 Atkins Dr., 60 lb. containers $2/lb., will del., disc. lge.

Lawrenceville 770=682-867.0 - .


quantities. Alan -Boozer- Conyers 770-860-

Hen and chicks plants 8/$10 ppd., old- Red hummingbird vine, moon plant all 1480

fashioned old maid seed $1/Tbsp. w/SASE $1/pk.; cockscomb, variegated, mix colors, Cowen uncapper for sale. Cecil Brown Donald Allen 155 Huff Dr. Lawrenceville giant bloom zinnias, mxd. colors, touch-me- Homerville 912-487-2650


nots, red sunflower, LSASE. K. Glenn 223 Fresh honey, 1 lb. bottle, qts., gallons. B.J

Hibiscus seed $1/tsp. w/SASE; Siberian iris Greenwood Dr. Cedartown 30125

Batchelor 3722 Valley Hill Rd.- Kennesaw

Scotch-broom, boxwood, diff. sizes & prices. B Red leaf ~aster mole bean, 50 seeds/$2 . 30152 770-426-4913

Lunsford 3602 State Highway 60 Suches w/SASE. John Carroll 1.677 Buford Dam Rd., Honey--Sourwood $6/qt., Wildflower $5/qt

30572 706-747-2331

Buford 30518

Robert W. Hill 4580 Tench Rd. Suwanee

Hollyhock seed, mxd. cols., $1/2 Tbsp., send Red, pink hollyhocks, dbl. purple, yellow 30024 770-945-0018

SASE. Ann Fletcher 1737 Thirteen Forks Rd trumpet bush, red bachelor button seeds Local melon Wildflower honey $5/qt. L

Dewy Rose 30634

$1/pkg. SASE. Alice Neisler 4565 Eugenia Scoggins Ashburn 912-567-2526

Impatiens, periwinkle, Balsam, cleome Place Austell 30106

Local summer produced honey, 1 lb. jar

cockscomb, $1 per 200 seeds; money plants Sasanquas, camellias, Japanese maple, 5'- $2.50, 12 jars $24. Jim Thaxton

50/$1, all reseeding, SASE. H.. Brooks 5106 $10, mondo, aspidistra, aucuba, cape Watkinsville 706-769-1315

Lexington Ave. Stone Mountain 3008-? Iris, (bearded & Siberian), daylilies, cannas

jasmine, box-leaf euonymus. Atlanta 404-355-5249



Mountain Wildflower 5 gal./$65, 1 gal./$15 Sourwood, Clover, Wildflower, wholesale by

forsythia, yucca, althaea, abelia, verbena Seed: mullein pink, touch-me-not 1/2 the case. Bob Binnie Lakemont 706-782-

- hydrangea, oak trees, columbines, liriope, vinca tsp./$1, money plants, four o'clocks, angel's 6722

seeds, will ship. L. Mulkey Cumming 770-889 7079

trumpet $1/tsp., ea. w/SASE. G.F. Robertson 1955 Old Cornelia HgY'!Y. Gainesville 30507

Now taking orders for April honeybees, calI or write giving address to receive information

Iris, bearded, lavender, beau. blooms, flame Seeds $0.50 pkg. w/SASE: columbine, & prices. B. J. Weeks Ball Ground 770-735-

cannas, all $10/doz., add $3 postage. D larkspur, gaillardia, sweet William, mullein 3263

Hemphill P.O. Box 1233 Suwanee 30024 Iris, mxd. colors, $10/doz., $3 postage per

pinks, sweet rocket, purple coneflower. M. Lane 3914 Sue Lane Decatur 30035

Sourwood honey, extra light $30, Mountain Wildflower honey $26, fresh honey bee pollen

doz. R. Denig 7240 Colony Lane Douglasl(ille Seeds:


- hibiscus, $16/lb., del. to you. John Myers Macon 912

30135 770-942-0191

(datura/yellow/purple), vinca, nicotina, pansy, 745-4170

- Leyland cypress $3/up, maples, Bradfords
oaks, crape myrtle, hollies, liriope, ivy magnolias, river birch, more. Paul Kilpatrick

snapdragon, bachelor's button, $1/pkt. plus SASE. R. Bankston 409 Old Greenville Rd. Fayetteville 30215 770-461-3008

Wildflower honey $201gal., 60 lbs., $85 Sourwood $22/gal., will pick up unwanted bees or equip. Ernest Quinn Decatur 770

Buford 770-932-5031 404-280-8823

Seeds: snow-on-mountain, purple 491-8726


Leyland cypress 1 gal./$2.75, 7 gal./$25 cryptomeria 1 gal./$3.95,-3 gal./$9, Brunner holly 3 gal./$5, loropetalum 3 gal./$10. B

bachelor's button, brown-eyed Susan or Martin gourd luffa $1/pkg. w/LSASE ea. kind. Ma!:)( lindall 114 Hill Rd. Ashburn 31714

Will relocate or remove honey bees in Perry area, free quotes, reas. prices. D. Oliver Perry 912-987-7454

Walker Good Hope 706-342-9471
Leyland cypress 3 gal./$8, crape myrtle dogwood, red maple and other, 3 gal./$6 variety of shrubs. Larry Johnson Dahlonega 706-864-1308
lorLoepyeltaanludmc,yppruerspsle3w-4/'p$in1k0,bvloaorimegsa, te1d&303"/g$a5I.'

Siberian iris", variegated vinca, grn. variegated liriope, magic lily, daylilies, shrubbery, castor bean seed; boxwood; dried. money 12tant. E. Beach Duluth 770-476-1163
Spider lily 2 doz./$15, ajuga 2 doz./$7, crocosmia 2 doz./$6, Peruvian daffodils 3/$6, all postpaid. Dorothy Grant 3788 Spence Rd.

Will remove honeybees & other bees in Metro & long dist. beyond Metro Co. area Milton Scott Atlanta 404-344-0719
Will remove honeybees in Atlanta & surrounding area, Wildflower honey $20/gaI. W. Canady Douglasville 770-942-3887

$5-$8; dwarf variegated gardenias $5/gal. J.D Pelham 31779

Busby Meansville 770-567-8232

Spider lily bulbs, (red), $1 O/doz., $2.50

Things To Eat

Gordon 912-628-3973
'99 shelled pecans, mostly halves $6/lb., 3 lb. min., '99 black walnut meat $12/lb., plus. s/h, leave message. Tonya Rooks Stapleton 706-547-2006
1OOO's of sugar cane red, good zie for grinding, $0.30 each. LeBern Day 3611 Moody Rd. Kathleen 31047
Black walnut meats, $18/qt, postage paid. Rogers Odell Oakwood 770-534-4944
Black walnuts free, approx. 2000 from tree. Rodger un'ase~ Hiram 770-445-0382
Black walnuts in hull, $5 bu. Herman Biddy Ball Ground 770-735-3548
Black walnuts, in shell, cleaned of hull, will trade for pecans, 5 qt. for 4 qts., will pick up. E. Levan Tucker 770-934-3472
Black walnuts, lge., you pick up, furnish cont. $2/bu., call aft. 6 pm. Hersie Wilson Hiawassee 706-896-4505
Dried apples $5/lb., dried peaches $6/lb., order 2 lbs. or more. Olena Adams 255 Parks Dr. Ellijay 30540 706-273-3026
Fresh shelled Georgia pecans $4.50/lb., $1.50 lb. whole. Eve Marie Brandt 901 North Main Street Sylvester 31791 912-776-5106
Fresh shelled pecans for sale, $5 per lb. plus shipping. L.&B. Gill 1410 Tifton Hwy. Ocilla 31774 912-468-7273
Grain fed beef, top qlty., drug free, cut & freezer wrapped $1.50 hanging wt. plus processing, taking orders. H. Berryman Talla~oosa 770-574-8738
Heading collards for sale at my home. Randall Morris Cumming 770-887-2496
Jerusalem artichokes, organic 6 lbs. $30 post. paid. J_ohn O'Quinn, Sr. Lithonia 770981-7065
New crop Stuart pecans, $1.25/lb. Levi Worley Winder 770-867-4886
Old time black walnuts as they come from the trees $5/bu., we bag them for you. Eloise Brock Al~haretta 770-475-6892
Old time black walnuts in the hull, you pick up $6/bu. Jean Garcia Stone Mountain 770469-3016
Old time black walnuts w/hulls $7/bu., bagged, call a day ahead. Caroline Stallings Winder 770-867-9678
Old timey walnuts for sale. L. Wakefield 9790 Buice Rd. Decatur 30032 706-2652312
Pecans cracked, shelled, & separated, .30

12-14" sterile grass carp, 3-5", 5-6", 6-8", 811" channel catfish, qty. disc., free statewide defy. avail. Mike Buford Cordele 912-2734150
2000 super wiggle worms, plastic tray & feed $68 plus freight. Kim Holyoak Alapaha 912-532-4223
A-1 qlty. channel fingerlings, graded, .priced by size, accurate weights & counts, guaranteed live, healthy, immediate dely. J. F. Gilbert Thomaston 706-648-3409 706-6482062
Albino catfish, all fish hatched & locally grown, disease free, all sizes avail. Jason Holyoak P.O. Box 449 Alapaha 31622 912532-4221
All sizes channel catfish, bluegill, shellcracker, redbreast, hybrid bream, dely. avail. Clint Shiver Newton 912-734-5144
All sizes of improved channel catfish avail., Iocally hatched & grown, disease free, 2-4", 46", 6-8" & eating size. J. Holyoak Alapaha 912-532-5395
Bass channel catfish fingerlings, bluegill, bream, shellcracker, hybrid bream, sterile grass carp, dely. avail. Tony Chew Manchester 706-846-3657
Bass, bluegill, channel catfish, redbreast, shellcracker, sterile grass carp, dely. avail., pick-up appt. only. Danny Austin Roberta 912-836-4938
Bream, Ga. Giants, copperhead, bluegill, shellcracker, improved channel catfish, Fla. bass, sunbass, rainbow trout. Ken Holyoak Alapaha 912-532-6135
Golden, Brook, Brown & Rainbow trout for sale, pick up or dely., Dyers Trout Farm. Willis Dyer Hiawassee 706-896-3915
Rainbow trout, lge. sizes & fingerlings, farm pick up or dely. Ted Logan Ellijay 706-6~52848
Red worms $7/lb. plus shipping, less on farm. D. Waldron Screven 912-579-2681
Red worms, 10 lbs. or more, $8, less than 1O lbs. $10 plus postage. John McElroy P.O. Box 250 Plains 31780 912-824-7531 912824-7734
Red worms, bedruns $9/lb. plus shipping & handling, Lake Blackshear Bait Farm. Chuck Brown 1060 Drayton Loop Vienna 31092 912-268-7471
Redworms, extra lge. hand counted bait size $1411000, bedrun $11/lb. plus post. Betty

- Leyland cypress, 1 gal. potted, 6-12' balled
and burlap. W. Harrell Watkinsville 706-769

postage; snake plants $3.50 each, $2 postage. David Scarborough Rte. 3, Box 3640

'99 Steart pecans in shells $1.50/lb., no shipping. Tommy Hicks Conyers 770-483

lb., also bought & sold. Stockbridge 770-506-2727

Russell Eaton

Shelton 232 Oak Mt. Rd. Waverly hall 31831 706-582-2468


Hawkinsville 31036


Pecans for sale, '99 crop, mostly halves, Regd. producers of sterile grass carp,

Leyland cypress, 1 gal./$2, 3 gal./$6. T Nichols Clayton 706-782-2898
Leyland cypress, 10 gal., very pretty trees $35 'each, near Crabapple. Don Foster Woodstock 770-475-6650
Leyland cypress, 3 gal./$8, 7 gal/$20 Carolyn Grant Gainesville 770-536-4695
Leyland cypress, 4' tall, 3 gal. pots, beau ., healthy plants, $9 each. Chuck Foster Canton 770-720-1643
. Leyland cypress, Carolina sapphire Cryptomeria "Yoshino", assorted hollies,
azaleas, junipers. Bob Wetzel Dallas 770-443-
Leyland cypress, flowering cherry varieties, autumnalis cherry, blooming- now, rooted cuttings for winter shipping. Rich Gunn Alt0 706-776-5211

Stella de Oro daylilies blooming, ginger lilies, fragrant, blooms in Sept., butterfly bushes, -flag iris, more, will ship. Sheila Wilbur Lilburn 770-921-9246
Sweet pea, blackberry lily, Kiss-me-overthe Garden Gate, purple coneflower, Love-ina-Puff, arumitalicum, $1 w/SASE. M. Bowman 197 W.C. B!:l(ant Pkwy. Calhoun 30701
Tall yellow cannas $10 per doz. Marie Farmer 7163 Copps Ferry Rd. Douglasville 30135 770-949-5318
Tiger lily, touch-me-not, hibiscus: white, pink, blazing star, periwinkle $1/pkg. w/SASE. Lavida Childs 170 Mallory Dr. LaGrange 30241
When advertising protected plants in the Market Bulletin, please submit a copy of your permittosell protected pIants.

'99 Stuart pecans in shell $1 llb., no
- shipping. Alton Ray Washington 706-678
2801 '99 Stuart pecans in shell.,_ $1.25/lb .,
seedings, $1 /lb. in shell. W Lambert Bonaire 912-987-2900
'99 Stuart pecans in shell, $1 /lb., n0 shipping. C. Harper Elberton 706-283-1417
'99 Stuart pecans, hand cracked & cleaned mostly halves, $6/lb. Bernice Bunn Forsyth 912-994-5659
'99 bagged & shelled pecans, most!y halves, $6.50/lb. plus shipping, also whole pecans, $1.25/lb. plus shipping. S. Moore Ashburn 912-567-0597
'99 black walnut rneats $20/qt., $5 shipping
- & handling. Marie Gunnell Blairsville 706

chemical free, shelled $6/lb., S&H extra, 3 lb. min. order. S. Sharp Culloden 912-8852476
Pecans, '99. Desirables, shelled & baggec! $6.50/lb., will ship 5 lbs. or more ppd. Martha Ward Rt. 2, Box 50-B Metter 30439 912-6855844 912-685-2306
Pecans, Stuarts, irrigated, graded, excellent quality, no mailing, $1.75/lb., call evenings. Stancil Wise Marietta 770-971.4340
Pecans, many varieties, pick up on halves or 50 cents/lb. David Evans Jackson 770775-3343
Pecans, shelling 30 cents/lb., '99 Stuart, Witchita, Schley, mix. $1/lb., no shipping. Diane Glidewell Jackson 770-775-6592
Ads -cannot be called in by phone.

channel catfish, bluegill, shellcracker, red breast, hybrid bream, crappie, dely. avail. Paul Williams Hawkinsville 912-892-3144
Small head channel catfish fingerlings, treated & disease free, pick up or dely. avail. Freddy Tribble Tribble Hatchery Alamo 912568-1879
Sterile grass carp $6.50, quan. discounts, DNR regd./lic., statewide del. avail. or farm p.u. by appt., catfish fingerlings, bream. Randy Bennington Cumming 770-889-9341
Sterile grass carp, channel catfish fingerlings, bluegill, shellcracker, redbreast, hybrid bream, free dely. Ringo Merritt Waynesboro 706-554-0182
Sterile grass carp, channel catfish, all sizes, bluegill & redear bream & brass. Ed Henderson Dearing 706-595-7183

Page 10


Wednesday December 8, 1999


. BuIIefID CaIendar



Dec. 18 Goat Sale, 1st & 3rd Sat.. 1 pm, Tri

Dec. 10 Goat Sale, 6 pm, deliver goats by 5 pm, good, healthy goats only, no culls; cash, cashier's checks or pre-approved checks; Turner Co. Stockyards; Ashburn. Info: 800-344-9808.
Dec. 11 Horse Sale, tack, 7 pm, horses to follow, Pony Express, Covington. Info:

County Livestock Sales, Hwy. 206 & 268 Crossing, Ambrose. Info: 912-359-3803 or 800-835-2869. Dec. 22 Butcher Hog Sale, 7 pm, R&R Goat & Livstock Auction, Hwy. 56 N., Swainsboro. Info: 912-237-8825/4693533.



Dec. 15 Plains Beef Cattle Short Course, all cattlemen & county agents invited, SW Ga. Exp. Station. Info: Robert Stewart, 912-386-3407.

Dec. 11-12 A True Country Christmas, 9 am-5 pm, 8th annual Christmas home show, handmade crafts, decorations & gift

Dec. 17 Special Breeder Cattle Sale, 6 pm,

ideas, 415 Jack Page Lane, Canton.

selling prs., springers & bulls, Turner Co.

Info: SharonAnderson, 770-479-6342.


Stockyards, Ashburn. Info: 800-3449808. 17 Horse & Tack Sale, 3rd Fri. night, Ranger Horse Sale, 1296 Liberty Church

If you have any questions regarding the Bulletin Calendar, call Randy Cox at 404-656-3682.

Rd., Ranger. Info: 706-334-2352 or 423-


Bulletin Calendar Guidelines

To submit a notice for inclusion in the Market Bulletin's Calendar of Events,

Want 500-pound hog & sheep cage scales, ,. Honest measure of oak, $140 per ed.,

must be in good cond. David Maddox_ Warm Newton, Rockdale & Walton counties; log

Serings 706-655-3407

splitter, $695. C. G Stewart Oxford 770-786-

Want a black walnut cracker. H. E. Davis _8_46__ 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dearing 706-556-6124

Kindling wood, banana box full $2, call

Want above ground 300-500 gal. propane before coming, no Sunday sales. Paul King tank in good cond. in White, Habersham, Lithonia 770-482-6858

Stephens, Hall or Banks Cos. Robert Spear Mixed hardwood, free dely., $75 per 1/2 ed.,

Winder 706-754-3765

$135 per cord. Judy Sanders Sugar Hill

Want excalibur food dehydrators, 9 tray 770-781-4103 770-945-9998

mdl. in exc. cond. Thomas Dasher Dublin Oak, seasoned dry, 1/2 ed. $60. 8. Welch


Ranger 706-629-6332

Want.fresh sage. Edna Burnette 3616 W. Oak, split & delivered to Fayette & South

Lawrenceville St. Duluth 30096 770-476- Metro, 1/2 ed. $70, $130/cd. Ron Wingo


Fayetteville 770-969-1911

Want generator, 15 KW - 30 KW diesel. Red & white oak cut & split, defy, Cherokee

Dick Jones Chula 912-567-2302 404-406- area, Canton $135/cd. Frank Lundak White



Want head gate for cows, 3 sheets metal, Seasoned hardwood, 1/2 cord $60, defy.

4x8 for farm trailer. Larry Callaway Collins avail. w/30 mi. radius. Boone Brown Harlem



Want old farm house & log bldg. to move to Seasoned hardwood, mostly oak, split,

my farm in Banks Co., Commerce area. Cindy defy. avail. to Dekalb, Rockdale, Newton,

Bregenzer Norcross 770-393-0089

Walton, Jasper Co., min. 1/2 cord $75. Jack

Want old fishing lures, reels, poles, tackle Bowers Mansfield 404-290-0273

boxes & related items. Harry Matthews Seasoned oak & hickory $70 for 1/2 cord,

Hoschton 770-932-0033

$130/cord, def., custom orders avail., stacking

Virginia Pine, Leyland Cypress, Cedar, Fraser Fir, potted trees. Jim Lindquist Sen.oia 770-599-6490 .

Virginia Pine, Red Cedar, Leyland Cypress,

choose & cut & ball burlap, shake & bale no

extra charge. David Ridgeway Jackson 770-


Virginia Pine, Red Cedar, Leyland cypress

Christmas trees, choose & cut, all sizes. L.

Glass 126 Glass Rd. Winder30680 770'867-



White pjnes, hand sheared, wholesale only, you cut or gig, 200-300 available. Nathan D. McClure PO\Box 1068 Dahlonega 706-8645450
Wide variety of trees, Virginia pine, Cedar, Leyland Cypress, Carolina sapphire, good wholesale prices. Don Watson Macon 912741-8798


Horses hauled anywhere in Ga. or other states, reas. rates; also, have tractor for bushhogging in Dallas and surrounding areas. Lar!Y Boatright Dallas 770-445-8507

follow these guidelines: Please mail notices at .least three weeks prior to the date of event. Items will be
published two weeks prior to their occurence in the calendar. Equine events should be included in the quarterly horse edition and should not
be resubmitted for publication again in the calendar. If a change in the date, time, etc. is necessary, we will be happy to include the notices again as a correction.
-Calendar announcements should be as close to 20 words as possible and include the following information: date, time, name of event, location, and name and telephone number for further information.
When submitting multiple listings, please submit events taking place on different dates on separate sheets of paper. (All sheets may be mailed in the same envelope, however). When submitting a notice requesting handicraft exhibits, etc., please speeify when you would like the request to be published; otherwise, it will be included approximately one m_onth before the event takes place.

Want one 5-hp. air compressor w/hose & tank. Chris Jennings Newnan 770-251-0890 770-254-2830
Want to buy chicken house, will take down and move. Diana Caudell Homer 706-6772143
Want to buy proven repeating trap to catch Iive pigeons in number. J. Nalley Carrollton 770-832-1939.
Want to buy used potter's wheel. Mary Balkcom P.O. Box 822 Loganville 30052 770-725-8003
Want to pick up pecans in N. Ga., will pick on halves Melvin Lewis 1854 Ledford Rd. NE

extra. Scott McDaniel Barnesville 770-358_06_4_0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Seasoned oak ~ hickory firewood, def. & stacked, N. Fulton & Forsyth. Clint Harris Cumming 770-887-3129
Standing hdwd., you cut and haul, easy access, $10. Don Mims Cuinming 770-887_89..,.7-:-:1--::-----,----,---.....,..........,.-,....,..-
Well seasoned, covered oak & hickory firewood, I split it, you haul it for 1/2 cord $60. Clyde Wylie Gainesville 770-869-3562
Christmas Trees
$10 any size tree, choose and cut a fresh

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney at 404-651-9084.
All items advertised in the Handicraft category must be handmade by the advertiser; items purchased by the advertiser for resale may not be advertised. Advertisers must include a statement to this effect when submitting advertisements Handicraft ads are limited to 30 words and must be in compliance

Sterile grass carp, channel catfish, bluegill, shellcracker, hybrid bream, red breast, bass & crappie. John Mitchell Springfield 912-7543696
Will meet or beat any price on hybrid bream, coppernose bream, largemouth bass, 2 & 3", prompt statewide dely. avail. V. Buford Cordele 912-273-4157
Worms for sale, redworms $8.00 pd., over 10# is $ 5.00, European night crawlers $20/lb. Ron Stobries FitZgerald 912-423-6081
Fertilizers & Mulches

Premium grade mulch for sale, guaranteed best prices, local defy. avail. J. Garrison Gainesville 770-297-7886
Top soil, fill dirt, lge. dump truck, spreading avail., surrounding counties, Twiggs, Bleckley, Wilkinson. Ricky Lynn Jeffersonville 912945-3846
Topsoil, screened-deliver any qty. in Metro Atlanta, call for quote. John Toler Grayson 770-963-8227
Wheat straw for sale, sq. bales $2 each. Lamar Montgomery Reynolds 912-847-2669

Dalton 30721 Want used potter's wheel, any condition.
Kay O. Brown 1103 Summerbrook Dr. Atlanta 30350 770594-0793
Will Harold Geter, who has the Indian arrowheads, please call me back, copied wrong telephone number. Lela Huey 5223 Moon Rd. Columbus 31909 706-561-5545
Out-Of-State Wanted

tree on Riverview Tree Farm. N. Harris

Winder 770-867-0733

3-Sons Christmas Tree Farm, choose and cut Leyland cypress, cedars, pines, lots of $5

& $10 trees; pre-cut firs. Jeff Hill, Jr. 6904

Macon Rd. Columbus 31907

5-12' Leyland cypress, Virginia Pine, N.C. Fraser Fir, open everyday 10 a.m.-8 p.m., other. Kitty Ahrano McDonough 7'70-9541665

Cedar trees, 4 1/2' to 50', Hwy. 78 SW. N. Bentley Grayson 770-972-4719

Choose & cut Christmas Tree Farm;

with all other advertising guidelines (see eage 2).

"Cross in my Pocket" cpmes w/needlepoint

carrying case and poem about the cross, $2

ppd. Peggy Luttrell 6220 Cricket Lane

Columbus 31909


"Friendship in my Pocket" includes

friendshp heart w/needlepoint carrying case

and friendship poem to carry in your pocket or

purse, $2 ppd. Susan Scott P.O. Box 246

Fortson 31808

15 diff. kinds of whirligigs, original designs, hand painted, all wood, .e.g. man or woman

'99 Tift bermuda hay for mulch, sq. bales in barn, $2 per bale. Norman Kelley Brooks 770-719-8123
'99 rye straw, rain free, bright in col. $2/bale, lge. quantities avail. Ronnie Hadden Gibson 706-5982450
'99 wheat & rye straw, hvy. bales, barn stored $2.50/bale, dely. avail., lge. quantities avail. Jason Strickland Watkinsville 706769-5852
'99 wheat straw, good tight bales, lge. bales, will def., tractor trailer loads, also mulch hay. Jeff Potts Jefferson 706-367-5823
A+ horse manure w/shavings, weed free, lrge. pickup load, 3 mos.-1 yr. Garden Gold $49, dely, w/in 25 mi. Chip Salem Alpharetta 770-664-7924
Aged chicken litter compost avail. all yr. $2/bag, . $25/pickup truck, loading possible,
will trade for flowers/shrubs. c. Fahn
Adairsvill!l 706-602-2517
Aged horse compost w/shavings, dump truck load $90, free defy. w/in 10 miles, also others. Gordon Hamby Austell 770-9482977
Aged horse manure w/shavings, free if your load, $5 per pickup truck if I load. J. McVey

3 lb. lye laundry chips w/instr. $13 ppd.; 4 lge. bars thyme, potpourri scented lye soap, $10 ppd. C. Wilkerson Box 31 Naylor 31641 912-244-4409
Buckeyes $2/doz., incl. shipping. Ross Anderson 1641 Middleton Church 8d. Elberton 30635 706-283-8176
Gentle lye soap, plain, cinnamon oatmeal, lemon, bars $1.50/4 oz., blocks $4/lb., laundry powder $3/pint bag, $3 shipping. Linda Stewart Cumming 77o:aa7-6988
Ginkgo seeds w/fruit for fall planting, 6 seeds $3.00 postpaid. G. Hills 2521 Meadowlark Dr. East Point 30344 404-7614178
Gourds $1.75 ea., w/holes $2.25 ea., add $5/doz. for post. & handling for Ga. orders. T. Butler P.O. Box 163 Dexter 31019 912-8753353
Gourds for martin birds, etc. 50 cents to $2. Evan Crenshaw Cordele 912-273-4081 912273-1458
Gourds, $1-$5, martin, tobacco box, dipper, crockneck, apple, egg bu. basket, many sizes, 1000s to choose from~ J. E. Matthews Moultrie 912-985-7790

Want 20 wild crab apples, sprouts 2-3 ft: tall, will pay $50 & pick up in upper part of state. W. Collins Liberty SC 864-261-6157
Want David Bradley walk behind tractor attachments, owners manuals. Paul Burkle P.O. Box 1871 Waterloo IA 50704 319-2329859
Want Hercules engine 1-483, GO 130 through 226, will buy or trade for Allis mower & Super A transmission, final drives. Raymond Fillers Afton TN 423-639-4922
Want heirloom vegetable and flower seeds for use in history museum gardens. Rip Stalvey 4094 Second St. N.W. Lakeland FL 33810 863-859-3347
Wanf older MF baler for parts, number 12, 10 or 9, must have good needles. Fred Rhinehart 4065 Co. Rd. 12 Piedmont AL 256-447-8662
Want poultry house equipment: generator, nipple drinkers, blower heaters, slant wall fans, vent boxes, etc. Michael Brunson Opp AL 334-493-4925
Want sml. backhoe, good cond., for famland/road work. R. Cornelius 150 Red Leaf Lane Franklin NC 28734-7255 828524-6071

Leyland Cypress, Va. Pine, Cedar, White Pine, 5-12' tall $14/up, Jack's Creek Farm. H. Ruark Bostwick 706-342-1943 800-4866733
Choose &-cut Leyland cypress, up 17', few Virginia pines, open Nov. 24; 10 am until dark. Jane Doyle Carrollton 770-836-1300
Choose & cut Va. Pine, Leyland Cypress, Cedar, beau. shape, shake & bale free. Jim Butler 3850 Hwy. 81 W. Hampton 30228 770-707-0854
Choose & cut White Pine Christmas trees, 7-10 ft., Leyland Cypress 4-6 ft., open daily, 95:30, beg. 11/26/99. H. Woodard Clarkesville 706-754-1008
Choose & cut White Pines $3/ft., all sizes, north town off Boardtown Rd., follow signs. B. Babcock Ellijay 706-635-2380
Choose & cut, B&B at Mountain Valley Tree Farm, Norway, Colorado Blue, Balsam Fir, White Spruce, White Pine, pruned, exc. qlty. Tom Scissom Blairsville 706-745-4119
Choose & cut or you dig re_d cedar, 5000 all sizes, $15. T. C. Walraven Dallas. 770-4453949
Choose & cut, Cypress, Cedar, Virginia Pine, White Pine, over 1000 to choose from, Deepwood Tree Farm. Georgine Boss

gardener $27 ppd., send SASE for complete list. S. Satchel 2914 Old Thompson Mill Rd. Buford 30519 770-932-1932
Adirondack chairs, tables, love seat, child's chair, treated wood; SASE for information or call. G. Taylor 4038 Laurie Jo Dr. Marietta 30008 770-801-0499
Adjustable round copper bracelets $7 ppd. for one, $14 for 2, etc. Wanda Blanton 469 Elford Rd. Ellijay 30540
Adorable mop angel dolls, 12" long, your choice ribbon colors, can sit on shelf or available w/stand $12 ppd. or $13.50 w/stand. C. Boswell Jefferson 706-367-4267
Alf furniture on sale: Adirondack chairs, swings, Chippendale benches, etc. Bill Croswell Atlanta 404-252-8297
All types chair caning, rockers, lace, and press cane, call now to get them ready for company. Mary Conley 75 Pinehurst Dr. Stockbridge 30281 770-474-8687
Angels, talking sticks dream catchers, dolls, shopping bags, vacuum cleaner covers, bag holders, ladies, gentlemen, animals, teddy bears, other, list & prices send SASE. Joyce Bruce 385 Fowler Dr. Athens 30601 706543-3458
Animal portraits from your photos: pencil

Douglasville 770-949-9343

Gourds, Martin, bluebird, crooked handle,

Aged horse manure/shavings mix., free for will ship $1/up. Wallace Maxwell Royston


Loganville 770-466-1350

$25, pastel $45. Donna Thompson

Christmas trees, 1000 white pine, hand Thomson 706-595-6394

your garden, will load, Fox Ridge Farm. Paula 706-245-4218

sheared, 6-10 ft.; wholesale only, must sell. Appalachian style fretless banjos, hiking,

Harwell Aleharetta 770-475-4864

Gourds, Martin, cut, clean, ready to hang, All firewood advertised in the Market Davie Harper Ellijay 706-635-7875 706-276- walking and talking sticks; also, very special

Free horse man_ure/shavings, you load/haul $2.25 each plus $5.50/doz. for shipping & Bulletin must be cut from the advertiser's 3100

tops and handles made from walnlJ.t wood;

or free defy. within 15 mi., Ive. message. Tom hdlg. Glenn Toole 9815 Hwy. 231 Harrison personally owned property. In addition, by Colorado blue spruce, trees 6' to 20', retail beeswax finish, $30 PP. Jerry King

Bowyer Buford 770-945-0028

31035 912-552-6067

law, terms such as face cord, rack, pile, or wholesale, retail $3/ft. Norbert Guettler Blairsville 770:745-2836

Mulch hay for sale, clean & dry', exc. for seeding lawns $1.75/bale, lge. quantity discount. Eddie Schilling Newnan 770-2515563
Pine straw $2.25/bale at farm, call for price or 200 bales or more will del. James Dixon Baxley 912-367-9701
Pine straw del. & installed $4.50/ba:le, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Conyers, Fulton Cos. Elaine Williamson Stone Mountain 770-5933405 770-492-9200
Pine straw, $3/bale, free defy., w/in 50 mi. radius of Macon, 40 bale minimum. Mike Crawley Macon 912-742-1096
Pine straw, lge., bright, long needle, $2.90 at barn, defy. avail., semi loads; also, avail. installed $4.25/bale, volume disc. avail. K. Hester Aleharetta 770-664-1257
Pine straw, min. 75 bales, $3.50 a bale, def. & installed. J. W. Lewis Cumming 770-8869427
Pine straw, red, slash, fresh straw, defy. avail., small-lge. qty., we load. Juan Cortes Baxley 912-366-0093 888-904-0527
Pinestraw, $2.75/bale, def., lge. clean bales, installation avail., Atlanta-South. Joshua Bulloch Warm Springs 706-8465327

Gourds, all sizes & shapes, martins, truckload, etc., cannot be used to dippers & more, will ship. Anne McKinney advertise firewood. Advertisers must use

1184 Swint Rd. Griffin 30224 770-233-0983 the standard unit of measure, the cord,

Gourds, all sizes and shapes, $1 /up, no when specifying the amount of firewood shipping, call after 6 p.m. Jessica Martin 591 for sale.

Martin Dai!}'. Rd. Bowersville 706-376-7532 0.7 cord seasoned split oak $100,

Gourds: Martin, Bluebird, other, $1/up, no shipping. Hoyt Howard 4720 Watson Rd. Cumming 30040 770-887-2039
Handcrafted soap, soothing goat's milk soap, rose petal, lavender, herbal soaps, lots more! Kim Gay Meansville 30256 770-3580220

convenient pickup. S. Nelson Athens 706353~1771 Firewood, 1/2 ed. $65, 3/4 cd./$95, whole cd./$120, free defy. 25 miles. Michael Allman Carnesville 706-384-2893
Firewood, oak, split seasoned, covered $110 per cord, $60 half cord, you pick up. Eric Wickes Stockbridge 770-474-2503

Lucky buckeyes $3/doz., incl. shipping. J. Firewood, .seasoned hardwood delivered,

Simmons 2720 Skyland Dr. Atlanta 30319 stacked, 1/2 ed. $70 Edward Hertlen


Winston 770-942-0715

Pure white homemade lye soap, 10 lb. Firewood, split, hardwood $140/cord, 1/2

chunks for $20, or all cut in pieces $25. V.L. cord/$75, free defy. w/in Athens area. Mike

Ferrell Smyrna 770-432-6751

Rodowitz Athens 706-353-8169

Wool, corriedale, hand spinning/felting Free 4-5 cords, still standing, oak, other fleeces, batts, roving & yarn. G Maraman hardwoods, you cut, you haul, call Bob.

Monroe 770-267-7102

Harold Mann Winder 678-352-0192

Miscellaneous Wanted

Free oak firewood, you cut & haul, must prove insurance & sign liability waiver. V

Responsible UGA student looking for pasture board in Athens area, must be reasonable facilities/cost. Erika Zellweger Athens 706-546-9082

Presley Lithonia770981-2292

Free seasoned hardwood, some cut,


take Rica

all, call aft. 6 770-834-6171




must Nilla

Blairsville 706-745-1321

Aprons w/bib $10, $8 w/o bib. Ann Fletcher

Cooper Tree Farm, Leyland Cypress, fresh . 1737 Thirteen Forks Rd. Dewv Rose 30634

cut Fraser Fir, Hwy. 53 south of Gainesville. K. Baby quilts, all handmade, Holly Hobby,

Cooper Gainesville 770-967-6175

Dutch girl, little ducks, rabbits, fancy. Mrs.

Frosty Hollow, Virginia Pines, Leyland W.C. Fowler 4567 Big Creek Rd. Ellijay Cypress, opens Nov. 26, Mon.-Thurs., 1-6 30540 706-635-4567

pm, Sat. & Sun, 10 am-6pm. Michael Porter Barbie & Ken clothes,.8 sets/$18 postage

Fairburn 770-964-9359

paid. Diane Annabel 20 Bethlehem Church

Leyland Cypress 5'/up, L&G Tree Farm, 6 Rd. Warthen 31094 912-552-5929

miles east of Monroe to Jack's Creek Rd., 2 Barbie fashions, 9 outfits, $25/$27 ppd.

1/2 miles to farm. Larry Sheets ll/lonroe 770- Carol Heath 119 Brooks-Woolsey Rd.


Fayetteville 30215 770-461-4006

Leyland Cypress, Carolina Sapphire, NC Beau. dressed replica of original Cabbage

Fraser Fir, lighted lot until 8 pm. Ed Mellon Patch dolls, various sizes, $50 each, $5

Fairburn 770-969-2142

shipping. Sara Morvant 125 Cokesbury

Leyland Cypress, Norway, Colorado Blue Church Rd. Hartwell 30643 706-376-5156

Spruce, all sizes $25/up. Thomas Nix Beau. handmade quilts: antique cars,

Dahlonega 706-864-7312

umbrella girl, President quilt, Atlanta Braves,

Leyland Cypress, Virginia pine, Cedar, more; also, will do quilting. Rosie Bates wholesale prices, choose & cut. Roger Tallaeoosa 770-574-7484

Attaway Thomson 706-595-3390 706-595- Beautiful handmade quilts, full/queen size,


machine wash/dry, great Christmas gifts,

Leyland cypress, Va. pine, cedar, Carolina $100 each. J. Lacey Woodstock 770-926Sapphire, cryptomeria gaponica, 4-6', open 9665

daily 9, qlty. trees, farm prices. Tom Black walnut cracker, cracks other nuts too,

Aiken Barnesville 770-358-4184

$55 plus shipping; for arthritic people, button

Leyland cypress, Va. pine, cedar, new fields aid to help button shirts & blouses, $2 plus extra nice, wholesale & retail. George Beck shipping. Frank Szabo 1218 Mclane Morris

Pinestraw, clean red slas_h long needle, Union & Towns Oo. Humane Society needs Free wood, 10-12' red oak and hdwd., you Hartwell 706-376-5898

Hartwell 30643 706-376-2561

fresh lge. bales $2.75 ea., 600 bales/more bumper pull 2-horse trlr., Ive. msge. C. cut and haul, flat land, easy access. J.S. Lge. cedar, Leyland cypress, Virginia, white Bluebird houses $6 ea., rabbit box traps

$2.50/bale. Jerome Murphy Vidalia 912-537- Alexander Blairsville 706-745-0032

Batchelder Dahlonega 706-867-8174

pines, Purcell Tree Farm,. open Nov. 25. $7.50 ea,; wood duck ho1,1ses $15 ea., all

3012 877-202-7956

Want 1 copper evaporator for syrup Full cord split pine $75, def., full cord or Benjamin Purcell Clarkesville 706-754-4134 handmade. G.P. Anderson Tignall 706-285-

Pinestraw, long-needle, slash - Big Redr cooking. Joe Hurst Ochlocknee 912-683- other hardwood split $125, call before 9 pm. Salacoa Valley Christmas Tree. Farm, open 2435

clean bales, fresh raked, we def. and/or 3970

_D_o_n_K_u_c_h_en_m_e_i_st_e_r_L_u_la_7_06_-_6_7_7-_3_5_0_2 __1 for choose & cut sale trees, wholesale lots When advertising in the Market Bulletin,

install, reas. prices, $2.40/bale, semis avail. Want 55 or 90 gal. stainles.s steel barrels.

Market Bulletin is printed

now. 8. Williams Kennesaw 770-422-9318 the individual owner's name must be

sruce Swearingen Reynolds 912-847-3634 M. L. Goen Zebulon 770-567-3268

on recycled paper.


listed in the ad.

Wednesday December 8, 1999


Page 11

Bluebird houses, hangestop $8 ea., 50+$6 Crocheted bells, angels, and snowflake ea., bluebird houses, open bottom, $6 ea., ornaments, $1.50 each, lge. angels $3 each,


Equine Auction

50+$4, triangle top bluebird houses, open Ive. message. Sharon Reeves 67 Pine Ln.

bottom, $8 ea., 50+$6 ea., other, will ship, call Villa Rica 30180 770-456-0984 after 6 Jimmy Drew Sparta 706-444- Cross-stitch items: birth announcements &

(Continued from Page 12)

(Continued from Page 12)


pillows; also, patchwork totes, reas. prices.

Bonnets, old-fashioned, adult or child, send child's age, long bib aprons, either $6.75. Leona Smith 56 Thoroughbred Lane Cartersville 30120 770-382-5563
Braided ribbon barrettes, pony-tail holders or bookmarks, specify 2 colors for each, can be made in school/team colors or to match any outfit, $3.50 ea. ppd. Sheri Ivey 2748 Vultee Dr. Columbus 31909
Casserole carrier $12; book/bible covers $10; heirloom bonnets $10; plastic bag "bag" $7; child's apron w/crayons $8; jewelry bag $7; bedside caddy $10, add postage. Patricia Benson Suwanee 770-614-7728
Cedar bluebird houses w/screws $10, bat houses $12, wren houses $9, cedar wood duck houses $55, bird feeders $10, screech owl houses $32, more, UPS extra. Arthur Thompson 8818 Elon Trail Jonesboro 770473-1404
Chair & rocker caning of all kinds, also wicker and rattan repair. Duke Dufresne 231 Baker St. Statham 30666 770-725-2554
Chair caning & wicker restoration done, including laced and pressed cane, rush, split oak, binder cane, seagrass, shaker tape, rattan, all types of caning, qlty. work, Dotty McDaniel Cumming 770-887-8518
Chair caning & wood repair on rockers, ladder backs, stools, etc., refinish, paint or clean, jumbo rockers, child's rockers & stools for sale. William Boyd 3821 Rex Circle Rex 30273 770-474-7617
Chair caning of all types, refinishing & reEairs. James J. Lewis Perl)! 912-987-4243
Chair caning, cane, rush, French, do some

Beth Goggins Cobbtown 912-685-6996

Decorative painting on wood, metal, or

fabric, some calligraphy, oils & acrylic, reas.

prices. Ethel Pearce 3347 Sunset Ave.

Hapeville 30354 404-767-4444

Doll clothes: Cabbage Patch, American Girl,

Barbie, small, med., jge. baby doll, call to

place order. Kathryn Harvard Thomasville


Doll coats of fake fur for America girl dolls or

other, 18" dolls. Laverne Sellers 4739 New

Forest Hwy. Douglas 31533

Full size appliqued quilt tops, Dutch girl,

Dutch boy design $35 PP., crib size, some

animal designs, $15 PP. J.C. Parker 628

McEntyre LOOE Calhoun 30701

Great Christmas gift, Ferris wheel bird

feeder, made from PVC pipe and ice trays,

3'x3' that turns. Danny Bryan Monroe 770-


Handcrafted Appalachian dulcimers made

from native hardwoods, beau. instruments,

easy to play. Paul Parker 5194 Groove

Landing Acworth 30101 770-975-9374

Hand cro. white table cloth, 80'x80", $65, beautiful. Helen Dougherty 1250B Summer

Circle Conyers 30012 770-760-9144

Hand painted expressionist portraits from

your photo, oil or acrylic on canvas, specialize

in equine, animals, people, $20-$200. Airen

Chandler 1774 Wynfield Ln. Auburn 30011 770-338-8467

Hand painted magnolia leaves Christmas


snow scenes for painting on

Ieaves $3 each. LaRue Hand 607 Crawford Rd. Barnesville 30204 770-358-0581

Painting the Risk Management

Picture" by Dale Rackley, USDA

Risk Management Agency;

"Producers - Take Stock of Your

Options" by Jerry Newkirk,

National Farmers Organization.

The workshop is free and open

to the public. For more

information, contact RMA at (202)

720-6356, National Farmers Grain



1-800-247-2110, or visit the


websites: or

Quilting frames, handmade, adjustable up to king size, free standing, height adjustment, light wgts., SASE for free picture & description. Ben Yarbrough 330 Landers Dr., Mableton 30126 770-948-2376
Quilts, dbl. and queen, extra loft batting, quilted by hand in old-fashioned frame, $65$100. Pearlie McKinnon Douglas 912-3841557
Rabbit & squirrel boxes, (trap), made from cypress, will ship. Glenn Toole Harrison 912552-6067
Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls, 25'', handmade, beau. dressed, $25 ea., add $5 per order mailing. B. Hopkins 1191 Hwy. 319 North

being made subject to the terms of inspected at the Pony Express

this notice.

Auction Barn, Hwy. 11, Covington,

All sealed bids should be sent or Ga. from 12 noon-6 p.m. Friday,

delivered to:

December 17, 1999 and from 10

Melinda Woliver

a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, December

Equine Division, Room 113

18, 1999. For directions to location,

Georgia Department of call (404) 65'6-3713.


Sealed bids only will be received

Capitol Square

on the equine. Bids should be in

19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive individual sealed envelopes with

Atlanta, GA 30334-4201

the description of the animal

All bids must be received by 10 indicated on the outside of the

a.m., Monday, December 20, 1999. envelope. Bids must be in writing

Said equine are being sold as and should include the description

impounded animals previously of animal; cash bid offer; the

owned by Edda Cobb under the name, address and daytime

authority of Chapter 13 of Title 4 of telephone number of person

O.C.G.A. .(Humane Care for offering the bid; and a statement

Equines Act). No representation is that it is being made subject to the

made regarding any registration or terms of this notice.

possible registration of said equine All sealed bids should be sent or

nor of the physical condition of delivered to:

said equine. Any _documentation Melinda Woliver

in possession of the Department of Equine Division, Room 113

Agriculture regarding registration, Georgia Department of

physical condition or past Agriculture

veterinary treatment of said equine Capitol Square

repairs. Richard Strawn Dawsonville 706265-3344
Chair caning, wicker repair, reasonable prices, quality work, 25 yrs. experience, w/all types of caning, restoration, 2 locations: North Ga. in Lakemont area & Macon-once - a
month, s. Leggett
Lakemont 706-782-4340
Chairs caned, all types, pressed cane, laced and rush bottoms, furniture repaired

Hand tied brooms hearth brooms. P. Carroll Tifton 31794 912-382-2310

Jackson 770-775-4674

Red, white and green knitted Christmas

Handmade 1 horse buck-board, solid oak w/natural finish, hyd. brakes, nice, must see to appreciate. Phil Tuck Cedartown 770-748-

stockings w/name, birth year, Santa and decorated tree, $35 each plus cost of mailing. M.J. Powell Gainesville 770-534'5866


Regular size quilt tops, "Log Cabin",

Handmade Christmas cards, dried &" pressed, made of juniper, mistletoe, leaves & red berries, $5 each. Judy King 2971 Stone Mountain St. Lithonia 30058

Windmill", Trip-around-mountain", "Flying geese", $25 each, I pay postage and insurance. Julia Whittle 596 Whittle Rd. Dexter 31019 912-689-4361

is available upon request; however,

not withstanding the availability of

such documentation, or lack

thereof, or verbal information given

to the Department, said sale is for

the equine on an "as is" basis

without any


19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Atlanta, GA 30334-4201 All bids must be received by 10 a.m., Monday, December 20, 1999. Said equine are being sold as impounded animals previously owned by Betty Kingdon under the

and refinished, lamps repaired and rewired, reas. price, quality work. David Hay Carrollton 770-832-3281
Cloth baby books: personalized heirloom-

Handmade Dutch boy & Dutch girl baby quilts, 39"x52", blue, pink, yellow, mauve, and green, $70. Vivian Davis Dillard 706-7465792

Ribbon angels for tree tops, mantles or tables, $20; other decorations for Christmas. Leanne TemEle Suwanee 770-513-0522
Rocking horses, heirloom qlty., handmade

regarding registration, physical condition or acceptable use of the animal. The successful bidder will

authority of Chapter 13 of Title 4 of O.C.G.A. (Humane Care for Equines Act). No representation is

qlty., handmade, hand-painted, washable; matching quilts w/some; several titles; beau. gifts. Patti Gray Jonesboro 770-478-0175
Colonial spindle shelf sitters, hand painted

Handmade bluebird, bat, lady bugs, screeching owl, wood .duck houses, feeders, all made of solid cedar, will ship. Robert Boggs 1676 Frazier Rd. Decatur 30033 770-

small $40, medium $50, lge. $60, North Forsyth Co., cannot ship. Horace Oakley 5440 Cantrell Rd. Dawsonville 30534
Sewn wearables: ladies' vests, T's, boxers,

be notified by telephone on -made regarding any registration or Monday, December 20, 1999, and possible registration of said equine must be prepared to tender the nor of the physical condition of

the by decorative artist, Santa's 9"/$10, 7"/$7,
elves $5 plus $4 shipping,-R, Williams-P.O. Box 1527 Pine Mountain 31822
Concentration pearl entertains kids of all

939-3147 .
Handmade doll clothes to fit your 18" American Girl doll. Cathy Hurst 360 Fosters Mill Lane suwanee 30024 770-339-6050

etc., childrens' jumpers, T's, etc., Chr"istmas tree skirts, stockings, and childrens' cloth books. F. Manoloff Marietta 770-850-9509
Skywatchers, beautiful Hale-Bopp comet

price by cashiers check or money order and move animal from the impoundnient facility by 6 p.m. on

said equine; Any documentation in possession of the Department of Agriculture regarding registration,

ages for hours of fun, comes w/complete Handmade quilt tops: 8 Point Star, Hour

instructions, $2 ppd. Jamie Scott 6344 Birling Glass, Far West, $50 each. E.R. Howington

Dr. Columbus'"31909

P.O. Box 177 Demorest 706-778-8907

Cotton quilt scraps for sale, $0.25/lb., lge. & Handwoven rag rugs, 24"x36"/$15,

small pieces. Jeanette Cole 119 Old 24"x48"/$20, larger sizes avail.@ $2.50/sq. ft.;

Millertown Rd. Tem~le 30179 770-459-4970 place mats $4 ea., state col.(s), $2.50 post.

Cro. baby afghans $22 each, baby booties and hdlg. Connie Gibson 121 Greyfriar Lane

$3 pr., cro. trimmed terry baby bib or burp Leesburg 31763 912-883-7055

cloth $3 each. Peggy Fincher 3102 Hwy. 166 JD tractor plaque, handmade, approx. 6

Douglasville 30135 770-942-4284

1/2x9x3/4, will personalize name on it, $12;

Cro. baby afghans, crib, bassinet, cradle, JD adult T-shirts; lge. only, $12; JD stuffed

$10-$30; all colors, shell & mile a minute pillows 14"x14" $12, price includes shipping.

patterns, stuffed aimals $10-$15 ppd. Nancy Hanne/Charles Nall 215 Deer Ridge Ln. Gray

Roe 2812 Webb Bridge Rd. Alpharetta 31032 912-986-9324

photo, N. Ga. mtns., 8"x10" unmatted $17.50 ppd., dbl. matted $26 ppd. William Graff 3053

Tuesday, December 21, 1999.

Diana Dr. Blairsville 30512 706-745-8815

If a successful bidder fails to

Snowman & Santa Claus Christma~ tree tender the price as required, the

ornaments, hand painted, made from recycled light bulbs, 3/$10 postage paid; snowman

Georgia Department of Agriculture

Christmas ornaments from paint sticks 6/$1 O may refuse to accept any other bids

postage paid. Aljson Hill 234 Brooks Rd. Jackson 30233 770-775-6028

made by the successful bidder at this

Soft teddy bears, asstd. styles, $15 plus $3 auction or any future auction.

shipping; snowmen ornaments w/trim of This horse is subject to periodic

cinnamon sticks, flowers, $5 plus $2 shipping. Myrtle Beasley Rte. 3, Box 962 Sparta 31087





706-444-7 443

Department of Agriculture for a

physical condition or past veterinary treatment of said equine is available upon request; however, not withstanding the availability of such documentation, or lack thereof, or verbal information given to the Department, said sale is for the equine on an "as is" basis without any representation regarding registration, physical

30201 770-410-1480

Cro. baby sweater,_cap, booties $17; adult house shoes $5, pot holders, dbl. thickness, rose, butterfly, mushroom, sunflower, granny

square, lantern, apple, orange, $3.50 each. Gladys Fincher 5229 Hwy. 92 Douglas~ille 30135 770-942-7876

Cro. catnip spiders, delight cats, 2/$6.76 postpaid. J. Tebbel 2509 Wawona Dr. NE. Atlanta 30319

Cro. file! name doilies, praying hands doilies, cro. angel ornaments. Gaynell Hickerson 676 Bethel Rd. Conyers 30012 770-483-7289

Cro. flat angel 12/$1 O; hearts, butterflies,

snowflakes 6/$4, many more, doilies. Anna

Hok 107 Lake Shore Cir. NE. Milledgeville 31061

Cro. granny squares, dbl. potholder $5, grey sock monkey $14, pillow unfolds to 40"x70" quilt $20; red, white, felt decorative napkin holders $12/doz. PP. Jo Sanders 408

Highland Dr. Elberton 30635 706-283-6117

Cro. purse/cradle w/doll $7, .dish towels

w/cro. tops $2.50, Barbie clothes $5.50/up,




ppd., Judy Jordan 202

Geoffrey Lane SE Oxford 30054 770-787-

Ladies cro. house shoes $5 pr., add postage. Rena Allen 525 Dial Rd. Blue Ridge 30513 706-838-4766
Letter from Santa written especially for your child, for more information call. Tammy Umbower Jersey 770-207-6052
Lge. box of various scrap material for making quilts $30, no check. Bobbie Carr Newnan 770-251-2111
Oil portrait from photo, home, animal, person, 11"x14" $65, 16"x20" $85, 18"x24" $140. C. Huffman 243 Jack Maddox Bridge Rd. Jackson 30233 770-775-6768
Old timey handmade corn shuck dolls $12, price includes postage. Juanita McDaniel P.O. Box 987 Loganville 30052 770-466-9605
Pine cone picker-upper, 30" long, may also pick up cans, paper, twigs, any small object, weighs 8 ounces, $17 plus $3 shipping and handling. T.E. Crosby 4499 Lower Meigs Rd. Moultrie 31768 912-941-5342
Porch swings 4'/$30, 5'/$35, made out of 3/4" pine, treated lumber. Bil Speer Summerville 404-857-4189
Pressed pansies, ready for frames or crafts, 4/$1, various colors, SASE. Joy Morrow 7040 Blueberry Ridge Acworth 30102

Stained glass "Friendly Bugs" a wire, garden decorations butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, bumblebees $15, $3 shipping; stained glass/concrete stepping stones, floral designs or custom, $50, no shipping. P.J. Black Jonesboro 770-478-5557
Taking orders for fresh euaclyptus wreaths, 20" dia. Only, very full hand woven keepsakes, $40 PP. Tomy Mixon Thomaston 706-6474009.
Taking orders for cro. items: afghans, slippers, edgings, doilies, baby items, etc., 20+ yrs. experience, reas. prices. C. Minish. 7544 Holly SErings Rd. Maysville 30558
Tatted Chrismtas ornaments, $1217 different patterns, all white, ppd. Denise Turner 1374 Sandy Flat Rd. Bowdon 30108 770-258-9447
Tatted bookmarks $1 w/long SASE, various colors. B. Johnson Rte. 3, Box 2310 Quitman 31643 912-263-4217
Want gold or silver angel wings, medal angel wings, and patterns for angels & angel ornaments & pins. lim McRae 369 Raligh Rd. WoodbUI)! 30293 706-876-2877
Want pattern and direction for Cathedral guilt. Nora Wells Griffin 770-227-2933
Want someone to cross stitch for me, will pay reas. price for qlty. work. Agnes Hamilton

period of 24 months.
Notice of Auction of Equine Pursuant to Section 4-13-7 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (Humane Care for Equines Act), the Georgia Department of Agriculture will receive sealed bids on the following equine as a grade horse, to wit: 6 month old chestnut Saddlebred filly 6 month old chestnut Saddlebred stallion 13 year old chestnut Saddlebred mare 18 year old chestnut Saddlebred mare The said equine may be
Ads will be published only

condition or acceptable use of the animal. The successful bidder will be notified by telephone on Monday, December 20, 1999, and must be prepared to tender the price by cashiers check or money order and move the animal from the impoundment facility by 6 p.m. on Tuesday, December 21, 1999.
If a successful bidder fails to
tender the price as required, the Georgia Department of Agriculture may refuse to accept any other bids made by the successful bidder at this auction or any future auction.
This horse is subject to periodic inspection by the Georgia Department of Agriculture~ for a period of 24 months.

Cro. snowflake $0.75 each or $8/doz., cro. baby coverlet for car seat cradle or nursing

Purple Martin gourd pole w/winch, holds 36 gourds, $185. W.S. Caudell Jefferson 706543-6888

Flowe')! Branch 770-945-4375
Want to buy handmade quilts, dolls, grey sock monkey, christening gown. H. Brookshire

once each time submitted unless the advertiser specifies in writing

Fruit Fanatics Ripe fruit pictured in catalogs is

$15, cro. baby afghan $20. Sandra Quinton Quilt tops: Farmer boy, Dutch girl, Colonial 139 Pony Lake Lane Dahlonega 30533 770- on the notice that the ad is to be most attractive during this season.

333 Mason Rd. Crandall 30711 706-6951770
Cro. snowflakes 12/$1 O; clothespin angels w/colors 5/$10, 11" fashion doll angels, white

girl, fallen leave, strawberry, butterfly tulip $25, dolls dressed pretty $15, quilt top $6 plus postage. Mrs. Young P.O. Box 38 Waleska 30183

Will quilt your old or new tops on quilting machine quality work. E. Laster 127 Crabapple Lane Tyrone 770-487-4649

published more than one week. Ads may be published consecutively up to a maximum

Avoid the temptation to order one or more of everything, according to the. University of Georgia

metallic trim $6.50, 5" little girl angels w/colors $4.50 postpaid. Virdie Altman Rte. 1, Box 57 Hoboken 31542 912-458-2461

Craving Craisins?

Wind chimes, weather proof, 6 tubes, 15"- of four (4) weeks. A new notice Extension Service. Most yards

Be on the lookout for a new,

25" galv. metal, beau. toned, $_20 ppd., guard, bluebird nest $8.50 ppd. Homer Ricketts 4570






have room for


a few


Cro. starched snowflakes, 4 1/2" x 5 1/2" or American-grown, snack food and US. 221 N. Matthews 30818 706-547-3587 maximum 4-week period if the trees, so these must be selected

mini size, approx. 2'', all 6/$6.50 ppd., specify size. Diane Rosser 4627 Danna Dr. Austell

baking ingredient.

"Craisins" are

Wishing well $95 & up, outhouse $250, landscape baskets $35/up, Hillbilly chain saw



the with care. Before buying a tree,

30106 770-948-6470

sugared, dried cranberries. They $5, other items. Speedy Harkins 4502 Bowers advertisement to continue. Ads consider the ultimate size, the

Cro. table cloth, size 68"x88" white cotton, are already being sold to food Cir. Blairsville 706-781-1373

cannot be taken via telephone. susceptibility to disease and

"Country Manor" pattern, can be increased or decreased, $150. C. Wilson 358 Dalton St.





Your name in filet crochet, white or ecru, $20. Claudia Owens 104 W. 11th St.





additional insects,





#8 Ellijay 30540 706-636-2653

baked goods.

Donalsonville 31745 912:524-8414

advertising guidelines.



Page 12


Wednesday December 8, 1999

Career Fair Set at UGA

Ga. Centennial Farm Program Accepts Applications

The University of Georgia Block and Bridle will host a Career Fair Jan. 21, 2000 from 12 noon to 4:30 p.m. in Athens.
This fair is held annually to give employers and students an opportunity to meet on a one-to-one basis. Each year, over 100 students from the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences attend this event, which is designed to provide a setting for employers to meet students who could one day fill positions in their operations or work as student interns.
Participating in this Fair is free. For more information, write: Dr. Julia McCann, the University of Georgia, Animal Science Complex, Athens, Ga. 30602-2771 or call (706) 542-0976 oremail: or call Kristy Griffis, (706) 546-5724 or e-mail:

William C. Johnson shows that you don't have to live in Hawaii to grow a pineapple, as can be seen in his garden in Moultrie, Ga. Johnson said the pineapple was three years old when it bore fruit.

Notice of Auction of Equine

Pursuant to Section 4-13-7 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (Humane Care for Equines Act), the Georgia Department of Agriculture will receive sealed bids on the following equine as grade horses, to wit:
15 year old blue roan Appaloosa stallion 16 year old bay gelding The said equine may be inspected at the Pony Express Auction Barn, Hwy. 11, Covington, Ga. from 12 noon-6 p.m. Friday, December 17, 1999 and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, December 18, 1999. For directions to location, call (404) 656-3713. Sealed bids only will be received on the equine. Bids should . be in individual sealed envelopes with the description of the animal indicated on the outside of the envelope. Bids must be in writing and should include the description of animal; cash bid offer; the name, address and daytime telephone number of person offering the bid; and a statement that it is being made subject to the terms of this notice. All sealed bids should be sent or delivered to: Melinda Woliver Equine Division, Room 113 Georgia Department of Agriculture Capitol Square 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Atlanta, GA 30334-4201 All bids must be received by 10 a.m., Monday, December 20, 1999. Said equine are being sold as impounded animals under the authority of Chapter 13 of Title 4 of 0.C.G.A. (Humane Care for Equines Act). No representation is made regarding any registration or possible registration of said equine nor of the physical condition of said equine. Any documentation m possession of the Department of

Agriculture regarding registration, physical condition or past veterinary treatment of said equine is available upon request; however, not withstanding the availability of such documentation, or lack thereof, or verbal information given to the Department, s&id sale is for the equine on an "as is" basis without any representation regarding registration, physical condition or acceptable use of the animal. The successful bidder will be notified by telephone on Monday, December 20, 1999, and must be prepared to tender the price. by cashiers check and move the animal from the irnpoundment facility by 6 p.m. on Tuesday, December 21, 1999.
If a successful bidder fails to tender the price as required, the Georgia Department of Agriculture may refuse to accept any other bids made by the successful bidder at this auction or any future auction.
This horse is subject to periodic inspection by the Georgia Department of Agriculture for a period of 24 months.
Notice of Auction of Equine Pursuant to Section 4-13-7 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (Humane Care for Equines Act), the Georgia Department of Agriculture will receive sealed bids on the following equine as a grade horse, to wit: 2 year olq bay Arabian stallion The said equine may be inspected at the Pony Express Auction Barn, Hwy. 11, Covington, Ga., from 12 noon-6 p.m. Friday, December 17, 1999 and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, December 18, 1999. For directions to location, call (404) 656-3713. Sealed bids only will be received on the equine. Bids should be in individual sealed envelopes with the description of the animal indicated on the outside of the envelope. Bids must be in writing and should include the description of animal; cash bid offer; the name, address and daytime telephone number of person offering the bid; and a statement. that it is

Farms hold a central role in the

heritage of our state -having formed the

economic, cultural and family

foundation for generations of


Some particularly

significant farms have been

continuously operating for over 100

years and deserve recognition for their

historical importance.

Th~ Georgia Centennial Farm

Program was created to draw attention

to historic farms and to encourage their

preservation. Nominees must be

working farms for at least 100 years

with a minimum of 10 acres actively

involved in agricultural production or

generate at least $1 ,000 in annual

income. In addition, farms must be

owned by members of the same family

for at least 100 years or be listed in the

National Register of Historic Places.

Qualifying Centennial Farms are

honored each October at a special award

ceremony at the Georgia National Fair

Prices for November, 1999 at Georgia Auction Markets Georgia Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture
Cooperating Federal State Livestock Market
News and Grading Service For daily quotations, call



Breakers 75-80% Lean ..............33.20

Boners 80-85% Lean..................35.43

Lean 85-90% Lean ....................32.03


Yield Grade 1-2

1000-1500 lbs.............................40.89

1500-2100 lbs.............................42.02




200-300 lbs...................:...........110.45

300-400 lbs.................................99.80

400-500 lbs.................................88.93

500-600 lbs ................................79.57

600-700 lbs.................................73.00

700-800 lbs.................................67.93



200-300 lbs.................................95.17

300-400 lbs ................................88.19

400-500 lbs.................................78.58

500-600 lbs.................................70.59



200-300 lbs.................................89.35

300-400 lbs.................................85.05

400-500 lbs.................................77.73

500-600 lbs.................................72.38

600-700 lbs.................................67.57



220-260 lbs. 48-49.9% Lean ......31.08

220-260 lbs. 46-47.9% Lean ......26.68

GOATS Large Mature Billies....................77.00 Medium Mature Billies ................60.75 Small Mature Billies ................... .44.50 Large Mature Nannies ................50.50 Medium Mature Nannies ........... .40.75 Small Mature Billies ....................30.25 Yearlings Choice & Prime ..........28.50 Kids Choice and Prime ..............18.25

in Perry, Ga. To date, the program has recognized 190 farms around the state.
The Centennial Farm Program is administered by the Historic Preservation Division; Georgia Farm Bureau Federation; Georgia Department of Agriculture; Georgia Forestry Commission; Georgia Cooperative Extension Servke; and the Georgia National Fair and Agricenter.
Nominations are due on March 1, 2000. For an application and information, contact Gretchen Kinnard, Historic Preservation Division, 500 The Healey Building, 57 Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. 30303 or call (404) 6516782.
Horse Fair
(Continued From Page 1)
Icelandics, Walking Horses, and many more.
The horse fair also will provide ample opportunity for the. public and the seasoned equestrian to learn more about equine and their care. Educational seminars will be provided simultaneously in two separate venues. Topics to be discussed include proper nutrition, hoof care, equine liability, proper tacking, various health care issues, and many more.
For those attending the Fair seeking special products or service, there are expected to be some 80 to 100 vendors present to meet virtually any need.
"The GHC Horse Fair is becoming one of the premiere equestrian events in the southeast and is proud to once again host the state 4-H Quiz Bowl," said Dave Wittenberg, Georgia Horse Council president.
For additional information, contact the GHC at (770) 922-3350 or check out their web site 'at
Notice to Subscribers
As a ' means of simplifying and increasing the efficiency of purging its mailing list, the Bulletin office will be assigning expiration dates to all current subscribers. In the past, expiration dates applied only to out-of-state subscribers, who are required to pay for a subscription. In state subscribers will still receive the Bulletin at no charge.
The new procedure is scheduled to go into effect in January 2000. At that time subscribers are urged to begin checking their Bulletin mailing labels and to make note of the expiration date.
More information about this new procedure will be published in the Market Bulletin just prior to its implementation.

Landice McDaniel of Thomaston, Ga., is shown standing in front of her five-foot marigolds she grew in her yard.

(Continued on Page 11)
Visit Our Web Site
The Market Bulletin is available via the Internet through the Georgia Department of Agriculture Home Page at the following address: Once you reach the site, click on the option for Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin. Advertisements cannot be accepted via email.

Next Handicraft
Edition Set for Jan. 12
The next handicraft edition for the Market Bulletin i~ scheduled for Jan. 12. The deadline for notices is Dec. 29.
All items advertised in the Handicraft category must be handmade by the advertiser and not purchased for resale.
Handicraft ads are limited to 30 words and must be. in compliance with all other advertising guidelines (see page 2):

E. B. Wilder, 6 feet, three inches tall, of LaGrange, Ga., had to climb a ladder to pick ''rattlesnake" pole beans and butter beans he grew in his home garden. He also grows squash, peppers, tomatoes, and okra.

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 82 [i.e. 86], no. 49 (1999 December 8) (2025)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Views: 5741

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.