Beware of these scams (2024)

The schemes come in various forms. Here are some that have victimized some of your friends, family and neighbors. (In alphabetical order)


How it works: An individual claiming to be a representative from Vivint Security Company (or any) goes door to door taking an alarm security survey. The person asks specific information about the homeowner’s house alarms, such as whether they were hard-wired or linked to a cellphone. The person says this is being done on behalf of the Vero Beach Police Department (or any agency) and that the homeowner may be eligible for an upgrade to their alarm system, which would be paid for by the city.

How to combat:Always ask for identification. A city solicitation permit is required and must be displayed. If anyone solicits a service door to door without a proper city permit, contact your closest law enforcement agency immediately. Law enforcement agencies do not send civilians to perform surveys, and any claim that a city will pay for an alarm upgrade is false.


How it works:You get a call from someone saying they are a Microsoft employee and your laptop computer has a virus infecting it. The person convinces you to allow him to install an anti-virus program that would fix the problem. You agree to pay a small fee and provide them with your debit card number. The person walks you through steps to download a program which allows remote access to your computer. The cost for the so-called fix is $25. The next day your bankstatement shows a charge originating in China of more than $500.

How to combat:Do not provide personal or financial information to the caller, nor agree to make any payments under the caller’s direction.


How it works:Someone agrees to mail you a check for an item you have for sale on Craigslist, but then notifies you they accidentally wrote the check for more than they owed. They’ll ask you to cash the check at your bank but send back the difference via Western Union. The bad check will take a few days to bounce, but the money is gone.

How to combat:The website advises its users not to conduct transactions through money wiring services and to deal with people in person when possible.


How it works:You get an email claiming to be from the nonprofit CDC Foundation “appealing for more funds and other material support” in the fight against the Ebola virus. The phony email is titled “Ebola Epidemic,” and is purportedly signed by Charles Stokes, the executive director of the CDC Foundation.

How to combat:Deal directly with people. Be aware of the organization and where it is based. The email gives the correct address for the organization’s headquarters, which, like the Centers for Disease Control, is in Atlanta. But it says to respond by email or phone and gives a Washington, D.C., phone number.


How it works:A computer virus is sent through a fake email flight confirmation. The email comes attached with a document labeled “ticket” and when users click the document, it installs a virus on your computer.

How to combat:Verify all flight reservations through the airline company online, and avoid the email if you haven’t booked a flight.


How it works:Customers and non-customers for the power company have reported receiving bogus FPL bills in their email. The email demands payment as well as personal information. However, FPL officials said they never send emails threatening to close your account.

How to combat:The utility warns anyone who receives an FPL bill that demands personal info to ignore it. Also, delete any email asking for account numbers or passwords.


How it works:Scam artists steal blank gift cards from a store display and return later to put the same card back on the shelf. When a customer places money on the card, the scam artist is monitoring online for the card’s transactionand will steal the money.

How to combat:Shoppers can avoid losing their money by inspecting the card to see if the security scratch-off strip covering the online access number is intact. They alsocan ask a store clerk to verify whether the card has been altered. Also, never pickonea card from the top of the pile and make sure the numbers on the card are hidden from view by the packaging.


How it works: Scam artists randomly call senior citizens, asking for “Grandma” or “Grandpa” and present a desperate situation they are in. The scenarios usually involve the grandchild being in jail and requiring money for bail.

How to combat:Law enforcement officials advise that when this scenario arises, ask the caller more questions to verify whether it really is a relative. You alsoshould contact other relatives to verify the family member’s whereabouts.


How it works: People receive a phonecallfrom a local number with a 772 area code. A recording makesit sound like an inmate iscalling from a correctional facility and asksthe person on the line to input their credit card information.

How to combat: Don'tfall for it. Don'tr give outcredit card information over the phone.


How it works:You want to buy something over the Internet, and the seller asks you to send the money with Green Dot cards, wire transfers or any other instant payment methods.

How to combat:If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Once you’ve transferred your money, you’ll never get it back, and there’s no way to determine the identity of the so-called seller. Avoid “instant payment;”it’s likely a scam.


How it works:These are generally targeted at people nearing retirement who are interested in safeguarding cash for their retirement. Ponzi schemes promise high financial returns or dividends not possible through regular investments. Pyramid schemes encourage participants to recruit additional investors through the payment of commissions.

How to combat: Ask an unbiased third party to review any financial proposals and check out the company and its agent online.


How it works:A person, usually male, pretends to be an agent of the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigations. The phony agent will claim that the person called has been audited and owes back taxes. The impersonator will attempt to solicit information about how the resident filed their taxes, and will try to convince them to make an immediate online payment to satisfy the tax debt.

How to combat: Do not provide personal or financial information to the caller, nor agree to make any payments under the caller’s direction. An IRS agent would never contact a citizen by phone to notify of an audit or attempt to get them to make a payment for back taxes. Call and report the incident to TIGTA at 1-800-366-4484. Also contact the Federal Trade Commission and use their “FTC Complaint Assistant” at Add “IRS Telephone Scam” to the comments of your complaint.


How it works:A caller threatens people with jail time while offering a fraudulent payment plan to stay out. A similar scam has callers claiming residents have outstanding warrantsor civil court penalties owed. The caller is claiming there is an open civil case in their county and that they need to set up a payment plan to take care of it.

How to combat:That’s not how clerk’s offices do business. Citizens who owe court fines or fees will get notices by mail, not by phone. Some clerk’s offices offer email reminders to individuals who have signed up for payment plans. Don’t provide personal or financial information to callers and report the incidents to 911. Anyone who is unsure if they owe money for a court case can contact their clerk’s office.


How it works:It’s a check scam used to steal money from your checking account. An email arrives from someone offering a job to be a personal assistant. After agreeing, the victim is sent a check and is instructed to deposit the check and get a money gram in another amount and send the money gram to a person in West Africa. The initial check received is fraudulent. Another version involves applying for a job on Craigslist. After speaking with someone, the person is “hired” and told she needs to deposit some checks for the business. The above scenario plays out, using a bank account instead of a money gram.

How to combat:If it looks too good to be true, then it probably is. A legitimate business would never ask you to deposit money into your personal account. Notify your local law enforcement agency immediately.


How it works:A person calls claiming to be “an officer of the court” and after getting some personal information, says you have arrest warrants for missing jury duty and that you can satisfy the warrants by paying a fine. You are sent to a store to buy rechargeable money cards, then give the caller the PIN number from each card. Next, you are told to mail the cards and purchase receipts to someone.

How to combat:Know that law enforcement agencies do not make phone calls about arrest warrants. Never give personal information over the phone. Notify police.


How it works:You receive a phone call demanding money in exchange for the return of a kidnapped family member. The call is from a blocked or private number and involves a man who demands money, and a girl screaming for help.

How to combat:Do not provide any information to such a caller. Instead, notify police of the call.


How it works:Residents will get a call from someone claiming to be a law enforcement official who has a warrant for the person. They will want payment over the phone to forego an arrest. Sometimes, it’s an unpaid traffic ticket they said needs to be paid. Some Treasure Coast residents said the callers have told them they’re wanted for tax fraud.

How to combat:Law enforcement agencies do not make phone calls for either serving warrants or seeking payment for traffic violations.


How it works:The scam artist will inform a person they have won a lottery, often from another country, that can be claimed if a fee is paid.

How to combat:The Federal Trade Commission receives thousands of complaints annually about this type of fraud. Legitimate companies do not require payment or the purchase of a product to get the prize.


How it works:New Medicare cards are in the mail. At least, that’s what a scam artist will tell recipients of the federal program. They’ll also say they need your bank information or your Medicare number to make sure your account is set up for direct deposit.

How to combat:Never give your Medicare information out over the phone to anyone other than a physician or an approved Medicare provider.


How it works: The caller claims to be a “detective” and advises the victim failed to honor a subpoena to appear in court and must now pay $5,000 for not showing up. The caller says an arrest warrant has been issued and they need to pay up or turn themselves in. If a victim asks what court matter is pending they should have known about, the scammers claim the case involved a child so no additional information could be provided. During the call, the scammer transfers the victim to a “sergeant” to get payment instructions.

How to combat: Court officials would never contact anyone by phone in an effort to collect money or pay fines or fees. Anyone who receives a suspicious call asking for money or a money transfer or threating a fine or possible arrest should hang up and alert local law enforcement. To report fraud or file a complaint to the Attorney General, visitMyFloridaLegal.comor call 1(866) 9NO-SCAM.


How it works:The caller claims to be an officer from another state calling about federal tax debts. Instead of asking for cash to be placed on a money card (stores are stocking them less), the caller wants his targets to put the money on an iTunes gift card and to call back with the card number.

How to combat:Regardless of the agency, no officer or deputy will call someone on the phone and demand money for a debt. Law enforcement officials discourage people from following the directions of a caller asking you to send them money through Western Union or via any type of money card.


How it works:You turn on your computer and a pop-up ad appears from the U.S. Department of Justice, warning the machine had been locked because of illegal activity, such as child p*rnography. The ad also includes a photo of the computer owner. The only way to unlock the computer is to put several hundred dollars on a Green Dot MoneyPak card and enter the code from the card into the blank field on the screen.

How to combat:Never respond to such ads, which are generated from a virus. Keep your anti-virus software up to date. If you do come across a virus that locks your computer, a professional computer repair company can remove it.


How they work:Third-party companies are offering “change of address” services to people who are moving. Signing up with them, however, results in an ongoing monthly charge of $17 to $24. You might also receive an unsolicited email about a shipment arriving at your local Federal Express asking you to click a link to print a shipping label for you to take to the store. The link, though, activates a virus that will search your computer for financial information.

How to combat:Deal directly with the U.S. Postal Service when setting up a change of address. It will only cost you $1.


How it works:You’ll receive an email that you’ve won a contest and the company needs to verify your personal information. Links in the email can put a virus on your computer to hunt for sensitive information.

How to combat:Don’t click on any of the links or attachments and delete the email. If you did click on a link, run an anti-virus scan. You can also spot a fake email by hovering your cursor over any links in the email to see if the URL leads to the business’ website.


How it works:The caller identifies himself as an “advertiser to assist in buying or selling your property at no commission.” The caller tells the property owner that they would advertise their property at an inflated sales price and all the owner needed to do was to give the company their credit card information or write them a check.

How to combat:Never give personal information to a stranger. Immediately report it to law enforcement. Get as much information about the caller as you can so it can be investigated.


How it works:Some Treasure Coast residents received mail from a company offering homeowners who had recently refinanced their homes a copy of their deed and property profiles for $83.

How to combat:Know your public records laws. Deeds are kept by your local Clerk of the Courts office and are available for free from any clerk’s office website or $1 if you need a physical copy.


How it works:You receivean e-mail that claims to be from yourlocal Department of Motor Vehicles stating that youhave a red light camera traffic violation, and youhave 72 hours to pay the citation.

How to combat: Local tax collectors said ifreceive this e-mail,delete it immediately and do not click on any of the links.


How it works:Information about homeownership is readily available through the property appraiser’s website and other public documents. Reverse mortgage scams steal equity from the property of unsuspecting seniors.

How to combat:Never sign documents related to a mortgage on a home without consulting a third party, and do not sign documents you don’t fully understand.


How it works: It's a type of "confidence" scam, where the perpetratordeceives a victim into believing they have a trust relationship.It happens online.The scammertargetsdating apps andsocial media sites. It may take a while, but the scammer eventuallywill try to getmoney from you. Thegoal is to be able to continually ask for money. They willstay in touch andkeep romancing, findingnew excuses why they need money.

What you can do: Report it to the app or social media company. Companies are taking an active approach to warning users about scams and taking steps to stop scams. Also, alert the FBI office in your area; they can recall wire transfers of money within 72 hours. Don't be afraid to report the scamto your local Sheriff's Office; they can help.


How it works:You receive an email or letter from a company in search of people who will test out customer service at a money wiring business. The scam artist sends you a check for a couple of thousand dollars to be used in the wiring exercise. You’ll be instructed to keep a few hundred dollars as your payment and wire the rest. However, it’s a bad check that could ruin your finances.

How to combat:Legitimate secret shopper programs exist, but they won’t involve a high-dollar amount.


How it works:Criminals are using stolen identities to purchase items and ship them to an address. A person will knock on the door of the home and tell the homeowner he or she mistakenly shipped a package to the address. The person says he or she knows this because they have been tracking the package, which is to be delivered that afternoon, and asks the homeowner to call the person when it arrives. They’ll sometimes give a couple of phone numbers.

How to combat:Do not call the person. Instead, report it to police, and give police the package, if possible.


How it works:Reports have been made about automated teller machines that have holes drilled below the card reader. The holes would allow someone to install a device in the machine and get information on ATM cards used there.

How to combat:Officials advised ATM users to check the machines they use for tampering. If they find any, call 911.


How it works:Be it Facebook or dating websites, scammers are creating fake profiles and gradually developing online relationships with people. Eventually, they will ask someone for money for an emergency.

How to combat:Verify the person really is who they say they are before you give them any money.


How it works:Direct deposit is available for Social Security clients. But thieves have been obtaining personal information of Social Security beneficiaries and using it to attempt to open a “My Social Security” online account on the agency’s website. If successful, they use that account to redirect the deposit money to an account they control.

How to combat:If you receive a letter from the Social Security Administration that you have opened an online account and you did not, contact them immediately. You also can prevent the intrusion by setting up a “My Social Security” online account in your name before a scammer does.


How it works:Youreceivea text message or respondto a posting offering money to wrap yourr car in anadvertisem*nt or display stickers for a known brand such as Pepsi or Red Bull or Fiji water.Once the person signs up, the "company"will send a payment check to youfor more money than they agreed to pay and will instruct to use the extra money to pay for the car wrapping— todeposit the check and wire the extramoney to a company that manufactures the car-wrapping. The bank will wire the money and accept the check. But weeks later, the check will bounce. The money wired is goneand the money kept as compensation disappears. You areon the hook for paying the bank back for the fake check.

How to combat:Don't respond to an unsolicited request.Don't respond to anything that gets texted to you blindly. We all get those messages that we won a sweepstakes, or there was a problem with our UPSdelivery when we don't even have a delivery coming. And it has a link on the text and you just avoid all of them. The scams are difficult to investigate when reported,and rarely lead to an arrest.


How it works: SunPass customers get anemail asking them for past-due tolls. The noticeis being sent from and tells people that if they don't pay, they'll get a summons for a court appearance within 30 days. The email includesa link to an invoice, and the sender is identified as “Sun Pass Collections Inc,” or “Sun Pass Collections Inc Linebargar Goggen Blaiir, LLP.”

How to combat: Florida's Turnpike Enterprises, the business unit of the Florida Department of Transportation,does not send toll invoices through email. Official toll invoices only are sent through U.S. mail. You can file a complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet Crime Complaint Center


How it works:Large sums of cash and great prizes are being offered by scam artists who say they’re representing a sweepstakes program, such as Publishers Clearinghouse. They’ll tell you they’re in need of a processing or transfer fee of a few hundred dollars to be able to deliver the prize you “won.” Some scam artists are perusing obituary listings to contact families and tell them the loved one they recently lost had been a winner.

How to combat:No purchase is ever necessary to win a legitimate sweepstakes program.


How it works: You getan email suggesting youowe money on an outstanding ticket. Itincludes a link and demands payment with a threat of late fees. The email showsthe state's "Safer Florida" logo. It may claim to be from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

How to combat:Don;t pay. Know how certain businesses and government entities operate regarding duepayments. The Highway Safety department said traffic citations are never emailed to motorists and people are never asked in an email to pay. You should look at the citation number of any notice received. The citation number should always be seven digits. If youreceivea notice regarding a suspicious citation, contact yourlocal clerk of court or call Highway Safety.


How it works:In Indian River County, scammers posedas Maj. Eric Flowers, the public information officer for the Sheriff's Office,and saidthere is a warrant out for the person's arrest for missing jury duty. Thescammers request moneyto pay for the warrant over the phone.

How to combat:Know that law enforcement agencies do not make phone calls about arrest warrants. Never give personal information over the phone. Notify police.


How it works:This has been happening in Port St. Lucie but can happen anywhere. People who are not city employees have been contacting residents and asking to be let into their homes to perform water quality testing from plumbing fixtures. The individuals are telling residents they are visiting the residence on behalf of the city. They want to get into your home.

How to combat:Any city’semployees who perform these tests wear city-issued uniforms, carry city-issued photo ID cards,and drive vehiclesthat areclearly marked as belonging to the city. If you or someone you know is contacted by anyone claiming to be acting on Port St. Lucie Utility Systems Department’s behalf, contact the department by calling its 24-hour service line at 772-873-6400. (Or whatever city you are in, call its city department)

Beware of these scams (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.