Adsorption kinetics of low-density lipoproteins with Langmuir monolayer. - PDF Download Free (2024)

J Biol Phys (2016) 42:539–550 DOI 10.1007/s10867-016-9422-7 O R I G I N A L PA P E R

Adsorption kinetics of low-density lipoproteins with Langmuir monolayer Ziad Khattari 1

Received: 16 March 2016 / Accepted: 6 June 2016 / Published online: 19 July 2016 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016

Abstract The present work utilizes the Langmuir monolayer technique to detect the adsorption kinetics of native low-density lipoproteins and their oxidized form with the lipid monolayer. We found that low-density lipoproteins and oxidized low-density lipoproteins are able to penetrate the LM up to pressure π = 9.9 and 11.6 mN/m. Also, the adsorption constants of both particles were found to depend strongly on the monolayer initial pressure. It is found that less compressed lipid monolayers could accommodate more native low-density lipoproteins than the oxidized ones due their higher binding affinity toward monolayers. The probable α-helical regions along the apoproteinB-100 secondary structure and average hydrophobicity could explain partially their adsorption kinetics into lipid monolayers. This simplified ‘in vitro’ study of low-density lipoprotein– monolayer interaction may serve as a step further to understand the mechanism and bioactivity of the atherosclerotic process. Also, it may shed light on the oxidized low-density lipoprotein’s role in plaque formation in the innermost arterial wall in blood vessels. Keywords Langmuir monolayer . Atherosclerosis . LDL oxidation . Adsorption kinetics

1 Introduction Atherosclerosis is a complex chronically developing human disease initiated by and progressing as a result of excessive accumulation of lipids (e.g., mostly cholesterol in human blood) in the smooth arterial wall [1–3]. Cardiovascular disease is first distinguishable by a fatty streak, which is lipid-rich macrophages and T lymphocytes trapped by the artery wall (i.e., intima) [4]. As oxidization continues, fatty steaks decompose to polyunsaturated

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* Ziad Khattari [emailprotected]


Department of Physics, Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan


Z. Khattari

fatty acids (PUFA) [5]. Finally, PUFA decomposes further into aldehydes and other water-soluble compounds. These highly potent substances react with the protein moiety of the native low-density lipoprotein (nLDL), which ultimately results in nonrecognized LDL-particles by their own receptor [6]. Then, this oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) generates in the blood vessel wall an inflammatory accumulation which, in turn, results in the recruitment of circulating monocytes. The latter process is not well recognized by the LDL receptor pathway, leading to unregulated cholesterol accumulation and to the development of macrophage foam cells, the hallmark of the artery lesion, and finally to the progression of arteriosclerosis [5, 6]. These characteristic alterations in size, chemical composition, and structure are assuming important clinical significance [6]. Among several lipoproteins, LDL has been identified as one of the cholesterol-rich lipoproteins that transport it to the inner artery wall membrane [3–6]. LDL (515 kDa) are spherical particles composed of a hydrophobic core (mostly triglycerides and cholesteryl esters) surrounded by an amphipathic monolayer of phospholipid and cholesterol in which a single protein molecule, apolipoprotein B-100 (ApoB-100), is located. ApoB100 is a hydrophobic protein of 4563 residues [7]. The diameter of the LDL particle is in the range of 17-60 nm [8]. In its native state, it is believed that ApoB-100 forms a ring around the hydrophobic core of the LDL particle with a known secondary structure [8]. The data deduced from several studies indicate that the amino acid sequence of ApoB100 is composed of an alternating five domains of amphipathic α-helical and β-sheet structure (NH2-βα1- β1- α2-β2- α3-COOH). A first suggestion is due to Gotto, Levy, and Fredrickson [9] who estimated using CD spectra of isolated LDL to have 15-25% β-sheet structure, while infrared spectroscopy determined the content of β-sheet structure as much as 30-40% and 25% α-helix [7]. The latter methods also suggested that the β-sheets of ApoB-100 is oriented parallel to the LDL particle phospholipid monolayer. Relevant to these results, other reports have postulated that the amphipathic α-strands contribute to the high affinity of ApoB-100 for the LDL lipid interface [10]. On the other hand, another CD study by Coronado-Gray and Antwerpen using CD spectra showed that 25% α-helix spans the secondary structure of ApoB-100 [4]. Oxidation of LDL solutions is able to generate large sequential structural and physico-chemical alteration of nLDL, which may progressively undergo selfreorganization and modification of ApoB-100 proteins [11]. These specific studies were concerned with evolution of the secondary structure of ApoB-100 and the decomposition of the LDL particles upon oxidation [12]. Their results have been classified according to different stages of LDL oxidation: lag, propagation, and decomposition phase. Of interest is the latter phase, where all the LDL particles have oxidized and no additional structural, physical, or chemical changes can occur [8]. Detection of ApoB100 conformation changes during oxidation has long been a subject of extensive investigations (reviewed in [8]). The early structural modifications of ApoB-100 have been studied by Krisko et al. [13]. They showed, using the ATR-FTIR method, that LDL particles experience dramatic change when entering into the decomposition phase (usually after 120 min). In this final stage of oxidation, it has been reported that both αand β- structures are modified with an increase in β as well as unordered structures percentage of ApoB-100. Similar findings have been previously observed upon extensive oxidation of LDL particles [14]. These authors have calculated the secondary structure percentage of human LDL using infrared spectrum as 17% α-helix and about

Adsorption kinetics of low-density lipoproteins with Langmuir monolayer


54% β-structures. Other oxidation-structural change studies on LDL particles show almost the same ratios [15, 16]. As a biological membrane model system, the Langmuir monolayer (LM) has been routinely used by many researchers to investigate the interactions between various lipids and interfacial active molecules. LM has been long thought to function as a simple biosensor for adsorption and detecting of biological active macromolecules (e.g., DNA, LDL, etc.) [17]. The characteristic adsorption properties of lipid–protein interaction at the air–water interface are generally inferred from pressure–time (π-t) kinetic curves. These curves may be important in understanding these types of interactions at the molecular level [18]. For example, adsorption/desorption rate constants of the active molecules with the monolayer at the air–water interface are determined primarily by a single exponential least square fitting of the adsorption kinetics curves. It is also known that the trend and shape of the π-t curves depend on many experimental variations including initial lipid molecule packing, temperature, pH, and compression rate. Analyzing π-t curves led simply to some essential physical properties of the protein-monolayer system. These physical constants can be extracted from the behavior of the π-t exponential-growing curve. The effects of hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and electrostatic interactions are factors that determine the phospholipid monolayer structure and properties at the air–water interface. Moreover, the different phases which many phospholipid molecules exhibit in this pseudophysiological environment can be used as a model for “in vivo” experiments [18]. The relevance between the LM and cell membrane emerges from the interfacial pressure withstood by the monolayer at 30 mN/m. This pressure is assumed to be the physiological pressure sustained by the cell membrane [17, 18]. Owing to the interfacial pressure differences occurring between these experiments performed on monolayers and that being sustained by the cell membrane, these simplified membrane-mimicking studies still contain in their nature the essence of ‘in vivo’ process appearing at the molecular level in the arterial wall [19]. To understand how the LDL particles behave toward the cell membrane, we used the phospholipid monolayer as a biological model to study in vitro the adsorption/interaction kinetics of nLDL and oxLDL with the phospholipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3phosphocholine (DMPC) monolayer at the air–water interface. Measuring the LDL adsorption capability as a function of lipid packing density, we show that the two LDL isomers are able to penetrate into lipid films at interfacial pressures equal to or lower than a certain maximal spreading pressure of the monolayer film. Such models may mimic the phospholipid interface exposed to lipoproteins in the blood vessel. This membrane-like environment enables the investigation and adsorption kinetics of LDL in the air–buffer interface and in the DMPC/ aqueous solution. The DMPC monolayer/LDL complex on a buffered subphase (see Materials and methods) are studied by means of LM technique at these physiological-related conditions. Thus, the information gathered from these initial and biologically relevant investigations can be projected to in vivo situations [20]. The results obtained from this simple model can reveal the role of LDL in pre-clinical observations on risk factors for atherosclerosis.

2 Materials and methods 2.1 Materials Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), DMPC, and copper (II) chloride hydrate were purchased from Sigma Chemical (purity > 99%). Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), disodium


Z. Khattari

ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA), phenylmethysulphonyl fluoride (PMSF), and Tris-buffered saline (TBS) (0.14 M NaCl and 5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4) were also purchased from Sigma Chemical. All the chemicals were of analytical research grade and used without further purification.

2.2 Lipid solution and monolayer preparation Lipid was dissolved in chloroform and an appropriate amount of solution (10 μl) was spread with a Hamilton syringe onto aqueous subphase. Monolayers at the air–water interface were left at least 40 min to allow solvent evaporation and to reach interfacial equilibrium before compression was applied to the DMPC monolayer. This was observed for an adequate time to achieve constant surface tension and removal of chloroform. Initial interfacial pressure of the monolayer (πlipid) was then measured.

2.3 Lipoprotein solution preparation After adjusting the LDL concentration to 1.5 mg/ml (expressed as total LDL concentration), lipoprotein preparations were dialyzed against 100 volumes using phosphatebuffered saline (PBS) in the absence of any antioxidants. The composition of PBS was 10 mM sodium phosphate, containing 150 mM sodium chloride, pH = 7.4. The dialyzed LDL was stored in the dark at 4 °C and used within 1 week after preparation for peroxidation experiments.

2.4 In vitro LDL oxidation Aliquots of LDL were subject to one of the following conditions, either (a) autoxidation: 0.2 or 0.8 mg/ml of LDL in TBS (1 or 5 ml final volume), placed in loosely capped glass tubes, were exposed to air, in the dark, at 37 °C for a time period of more than 96 h to achieve full oxidation [11], or (b) copper-induced oxidation: 0.2 or 0.8 mg/ml LDL protein in 10 mM TBP (pH = 7.4), was added to solutions of 1-5 μM CuSO4, and the samples were treated as in (a) for a time period of more than 24 h to achieve full oxidation, as reported previously in [11, 20]. In each condition, oxidation was ceased by adding 0.01% EDTA, 0.25 μM BHT, and 0.2 μM PMSF to the samples, and placing the tubes in the dark, at 4 °C. For subsequent experiments, the buffers used were supplemented with the above antioxidants and proteolytic inhibitors. The evaluation of the oxidative process leading to oxLDL formation was essentially the same during autoxidation or copper-induced oxidation. In fact, for the same incubation time, the number of oxLDL particles recognized by autoxidation was lower than upon copper-induced oxidation. Also, the observed similarity in the changes in oxLDL morphology and biochemistry by these two procedures led us to carry out most of the experiments with copper-oxidized LDL, in which the rapidity and intensity of the modifications were highest [11]. Aliquots from these experiments were examined using the Langmuir trough and Wilhelmy balance techniques to determine the adsorption rate at which the LDL or oxLDL penetrate the DMPC monolayer at the air–buffer interface.

Adsorption kinetics of low-density lipoproteins with Langmuir monolayer


2.5 Langmuir trough and Wilhelmy balance A Nima Langmuir–Blodgett trough (Model 312D, England) was used to measure the adsorption kinetic of the native- and ox-LDL at the air–water interface. A Teflon trough with a working area of 30 × 10 cm2 was placed on a vibration isolation table and sealed in an environmental chamber. The interfacial pressure (π) as a function of time (t) was measured utilizing the well-known method of the Wilhelmy balance. The setup consists of a computer-interfaced film balance yielding digital data of the surface pressure at 0.1% precision. All experiments were carried out on a buffer solution subphase of 150 mM NaCl, 0.25 μM BHT, and 0.2 μM PMSF and 0.01% EDTA (pH 7.4). Water was purified with a Millipore desktop system. The subphase temperature was kept at T = 37 °C (±0.2 °C) by a circulating water using Lauda circulation bath (Model RK20). Reproducibility of the results were checked by repeating each curve at least twice.

2.6 Monolayer penetration Either native LDL or oxLDL solutions were slowly infused into the subphase by direct injection at different places underneath the DMPC monolayer at the air–water interface. This injection was done gently in order to not disturb the monolayer interfacial pressure. Prior to each injection, an equivalent volume of the subphase was slowly withdrawn separately. The samples were equilibrated to constant interfacial pressure prior to making a final measurement of the interfacial pressure (πlipid-LDL). Then, detecting the changes in the interfacial pressure vs. adsorption time was done immediately after the injection of the protein under constant area conditions of the LM. This method allows direct detecting of monolayer compression isotherms during the adsorption process at the air–buffer interface as well as a good temporal resolution (

Adsorption kinetics of low-density lipoproteins with Langmuir monolayer. - PDF Download Free (2024)
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